The Cultivators Response

At the top of a huge mountain that seemed to pierce through the clouds was a sect. It was called the Supreme Sword Sect. For four hundred years it had been one of the top powers in the Enlightened Realm and was a sect comprised solely of cultivators who cultivated solely In the Heavenly Law of the sword.

Over the years it had accumulated countless powerful sword techniques making it a heavenly land for sword cultivators. This Sect that was always busy and thriving today had been thrown into pandemonium. Why? Because of the appearance of a heavenly item.

On the highest peak of the Supreme Sword Sect was the True Sword Pavilion. In it resided one person and no others were allowed to even go near it except for emergencies. It was the residence of the Sect Master Li Fan. At the moment, the messenger gathered his courage and wiped the sweat from his brow. After composing himself as much as he could he kneeled outside of the entrance and struck the bell once.

Then he waited.

Three minutes later the entrance swung open seemingly with no person opening it and he entered the Pavilion looking around in awe. He walked along the defined path and was amazed at the quiet and tranquil atmosphere that permeated the True Sword Pavilion. While studying his surroundings he heard the sound of a shocking roar which reverberated through the air. He immediately tried to protect himself with his True Qi but it was pointless. As he offhandedly noted the blood pouring from his nose he felt a severe sense of vertigo and passed out.

The messenger woke up to find himself in the exact same location except he was completely recovered and he felt even better than he had in his entire life. Just as he was about to inspect his body with his divine sense he noticed a young man sitting cross legged on the ground next to him.

Who the hell Is this young man? What is he doing in the Sect Master's Pavilion? I should quickly request he— NO way! Is it the Sect Master sitting next to me?

Quickly Kowtowing he respectfully intoned "Greetings Sect Master." The young man opened his eyes and looked at the messenger, the corner of his mouth tilting upward in an amused smile. "And who might you be young one?" Li Fan asked.

The messenger's eyes lit up upon being asked a question by the Sect Master. He is definitely the Sect Master, I mean he possesses the Supreme Stream Sword and has a very youthful look. It is rumored that the Sect Master is nine hundred years old. I'm seeing it live but I still can't believe he looks so young.

Lifting his head, he respectfully replied "my name is Ji Guang and I am a messenger of the sect. I have come to deliver important news to you Sect Master." Seeing that the Sect Master was silent he took it as a sign to continue. "In the Kingdom of Chen, a heavenly treasure has descended. The elders have decided to send a group to retrieve it.

Although they may be too late they still want to try. However, they lack your approval. May they send the group Sect Master?" Ji Guang asked.

A few minutes passed and Li Fan had entered a state of deep contemplation. Ji Guang didn't dare to disturb him and so waited in silence. After half an hour, he opened his eyes and an intangible ripple seemed to spread out with him as an epicenter.

After a moment of staring into the far East he sighed. "Let them send only a single inner disciple as a member of the awakening ceremony. As for the heavenly item forget about it. It has nothing to do with the sword, so we don't need it." After hearing this Ji Guang felt incomparably shocked but also proud.

This is our Sect Master; Supreme Sword Li Fan, almost all the other sects will try to vie for the heavenly treasure but he doesn't care for it at all. Perhaps the only other people who would care nothing for this heavenly treasure are the powerful sects and cults in the Heavenly Land region.

"As you order Sect Master, I will refer your order to the elders at once. Thank You for granting me a swift audience." He said gratefully and walked towards the exit. Just as he neared the exit he heard a friendly voice "You can fly within my pavilion young one, don't worry about etiquette. Your insight into the sword is good enough to allow you to see my sword so If you have any questions regarding the sword come to me and I will give you some pointers."

When he heard these words a huge smiled stretched across Ji Guan's face. I can't believe how lucky I am, everyone knows the Sect Master takes no disciple but anyone he 'offers pointers' to basically becomes an unofficial disciple and is guaranteed to become immensely powerful. Being a messenger for thirty years was worth it.

After other powerful sects heard about the Supreme Sword Sect's plan they adjusted their plans accordingly. Although they hoped to gain the heavenly treasure for themselves they knew that it would be highly unlikely.

So, in addition to a group sent to retrieve the treasure a single representative was also sent to join in the awakening ceremony that was going to occur in the mortal continents. This awakening ceremony was going to be a special one. Due to the news sent from the Isles of Divination organization the awakening ceremony was changed.

The Isle of Divination was a mysterious organization that was known for its vast information network.

It was rumored that the Isles of Divinations members cultivated a technique of future sight that if perfected could give one a small chance of gaining insight into the Heavenly Law of Destiny.

The Heavenly Law of Destiny directly impacted Fate and was therefore one of the most obscure heavenly Laws. Therefore, almost all of the predictions they made while vague, were often very accurate.

This time the Isles of Divination had reported that this batch of mortals had exceedingly high potential and so the awakening ceremony this time was to be followed by a legendary Blood Trials which would ensure that the top sects would receive the cream of the crop of new cultivators.

At this very moment, the House of Survival began to prepare its facilities for those who would participate In the Blood Trails.


Meanwhile in the Ancient Forest Wei disregarded any and all of his misgivings about what could go wrong.

I may as well try to seize this fortune, it's not like I'm similar to other mortals, death is not the most frightening thing to me. I'm so, so scared of dying but what I'm more scared of is living a meaningless life and then dying.

If I die I'll no longer suffer and if I survive I'll be able to cultivate and become an immortal! I will no longer think about what could be. Right here, right now I will become a cultivator!

With a firm conviction Wei stretched out his hand and grabbed the silver coin. He only had a moment to realize that it had occurred way too smoothly before the coin flew out of his hand and zoomed right at him. With a single fast movement, the silver coin pierced right into the center of Wei's forehead and his mind went black.

Seemingly in the next instant he found himself in the middle of a vast field surrounded in all directions by thick mist. He slowly scanned the environment and saw that there was no one present except himself.

The only thing present was himself in a huge empty swath of sky and a thin mirage like mist that hung suspended in the air and slowly moved in a circular fashion.

It was at this precise moment that the mist cleared in front of Wei and he saw the silver coin floating in the sky above him causing the surrounding mist to turn silvery from its previously colorless state. With a start, he realized that it was the same heavenly treasure from before.

What's going on? Did it teleport me somewhere or is this an alternate plane? All types of wild conjectures came to him based on the small amount of knowledge he had on cultivators and heavenly treasures.

Wait a moment. This is incredible. A huge grin appeared on Wei's face as he slowly looked down. I knew it! How incredible. He was floating. I thought you had to be at a specific level of cultivation before you could fly or float as it were.

As Wei floated in the sky looking at the silver coin he wondered where he was. And how he was going to get out and go back to the Kingdom of Chen.