No Burrows Left (2)

30 minutes.

He had just 30 minutes to resolve the situation and make his escape before the side-effects of [Killer Instinct] kicked in and his body gave way, Shifu's mind raced as he shot back towards the house, he knew it was gonna be swarming with police but there was more cover towards that way.

Bam! Bam! Bang!

Pop! Pop!

Just as he was thinking about how to make his escape into the trees by his house, a barrage of bullets were fired into the front of the car, the front two tires burst and the car swang to its right.

Shifu fought for control as the car headed into a spin.


Realising the futility of it, Shifu let it spin to a stop.

He ignored his snivelling wife, and began to think as the cops raced down the road at them, all screaming.


"ATF! Freeze!"

"Dont fucking move!"

"Get out the car!"

"Put your hands up"

"Get out the car!"

Shouts and order came from all around!

They had blocked the way back to the house after he had driven out!

Shifu didn't move a muscle; then slowly he brought his hands up and put them on the steering wheel. There were at least eight muzzles pointed at Shifu's head now.

Volkman, Kane and Vecchiarelli all rushed in pointing their weapons at Shifu, as they edged closer to the man.

Volkman looked over the towering figure in the car and called "Kane, you got cuffs?!"

"Yeah" came a slightly sturted response.

"Cuff him, we'll cover!"

"Got it!"....

As Kane moved up to the car, leading with his weapon, he couldn't see the big man's eyes behind the dark glasses. Kane whipped the door open, and Shifu leaned forward. Kane jammed his gun into Shifu's ear and pinned the Angel of Death's head to his other shoulder.

Detective Kane grabbed Shifu by the shirt-front, keeping the gun in his ear, and started to pull him out of the car. Shifu said nothing and put up no resistance at all.

[AOD - Activated]

[AOD - Upgraded to Lv11]

Just as Kane was about to tip him over on his side and out the car.

Shifu grabbed a fistful of Kane's jacket and punched his arm up.


A shot rang out into the roof of the car as Shifu hauled him all the way into the car and stepped on the accelerator.

It all happened in a split second, as the car shot forward with Kane's body now yanked into the car covering the windshield.

Pap! Pap! Pap! Spray!

The car was instantly sprayed under a hail fire of bullets as the officers reacted, trying to shoot Shifu, but he ducked down and forced Victoria down as well, whilst holding up Kane's body.

The bullets drilled through the windshield and ripped through Kane's body turning him into a human sieve.

The red Oldsmobile Calais mounted the curb, pulling a sharp drift into the driveway of one of the houses along the road, the sliding car slammed into the two cars facing forward on the driveway sideways forming something like a [ shape.

Shifu forced Victoria out the car and crawled out through the passenger seat using the Oldsmobile as cover as he hid among the three cars, now he finally had cover.

He had four bullets left in his .45 but the gun he had snatched from Kane had a full clip so altogether he had 19 shots left, he had to make everyone count and take this bunch out before….


"Shut up!" Shifu barked, interrupting Victoria, who had ruined his train of thought.

Shifu angled himself to the edge of the car, ready to pop out. He took a deep breath then poked out….

With [Killer Instinct] and [AOD] activated, his vision was like tunnel vision as he zoned out everything and his brain raced to process the scene ahead of him. It was like he was on ten cups of coffee and cocaine at the same time.

One, two, three, seven, there were seven. Two behind the black van, assault rifle and a pistol.

Three on the left, pistol, shotgun and a semi-automatic

Two on the right, both pistols.

The groups on the left and right were slowly edging in on him.

The two to the right had to go first!

Easy pickings and that would freeze them up on their tracks!

Head and heart it was then!



Two shot's, two bodies! Five Left

He ducked back down and hunkered down just in time as a hail of bullets soared over his head.

Leaning down, he peered underneath the underside of the car and aimed at the ankle of the officers, as they began to spread out and surround him.

Pap! Pap! Pap! Pap!

4 shots!

4 down!

13 bullets left!

1 Officer left standing!

Shifu erupted up from cover, he leaped to the left and tried to rush the last officer but before he could take more than two steps.




Three shots had been fired!

Into Shifu!!!

Two bullets pierced into Shifu's right knee and the last one into his forehead.

It was a clean shot.

One even he couldn't defy.

Straight between the eyebrows.

Shifu's body collapsed forward, his momentum caring him forward, and in his last fleeting thoughts of consciousness. His mind couldn't help but scream, how!

How had he survived that, he had personally seen him get ripped through by multiple bullets.

That's why he had disregarded him and shifted his focus back to the other cops.

He hadn't noticed Kane crawl out the car, from the other side and retrieve his backup weapon from his ankle holster.

Kane watching Shifu fall, continued to train his gun on the figure.

Yes, he had been the one to fire those three shots off!

A burst of sirens sounded as the rest of the takedown team finally raced down and caught up to the scene.

Kane, hearing the sirens and the sound of backup, leant back onto the ground, his Ruger .45 slipping out his grasp.

On the other side of the car Deputy Chief Buccino, who had just come as close to pulling the trigger and shooting someone as he ever had in his entire career, stared wide eyed at the scene that had just played out before his eyes.

"Shifu! Shifu! Shifu!"

Victoria, disoriented and in shock, couldn't understand what was happening but seeing her husband go down, she launched towards the body, manic and screaming.

Seeing this scene, Deputy Chief Buccino finally snapped back to the present and rushed forward and grabbed her. He wrapped his arm across Victoria, pinning her against the floor to get her out of his line of fire in case he had to shoot.

"Shifu! Help him! Call an ambulance! Shifu!"


The scene was closed off, and was swarming with cops, CSI and SWAT.

Victoria, crying and still confused, had been handcuffed and handed over to a female officer, who took her away to another car.

In the trunk of the car they found the three egg sandwiches, each one wrapped in butcher's paper and placed in the white paper bag. In a plastic bucket filled with rolled coins and loose change, they found the brown paper bag containing the brown glass vial of quinine. The vial wasn't full.

Later that morning Shifu's house was searched, but the two-tone blue van he had told Dominick about was not found in either the driveway or the garage. Officers searched the areas around Shifu's home and the Vince Lombardi Service Area for days, looking for an abandoned blue van. They never found one….

And as all this happened an ethereal blue wisp, the shape of a lotus, invisible to all the gazes that surrounded Shifu's body had drifted up into the deep blue sky soaring from his heart into the heavens.