
She was turning to go when she saw two of the newer writers, Han Chae-ah and Song Ok-sook, approaching. They were deep in whispered conversation. As they came closer, Go Ara caught a reference to the Reaper. 

Oh, no. She didn't want to hear this. But before she could walk away, Song Ok-sook spotted her.

''Hey, Go Ara, you live on the westside, right?"

Glumly she nodded. "Half a mile from here."

"So are you scared out of your wits or what?"

"I ... I guess so."

"I'm so glad I live out on the east side right now. You know, I'll bet when they get this guy, he turns out to be one of those released mental patients."

Han Chae-ah frowned. "What makes you say that?"

"Because he's obviously crazy. I mean, totally insane."

Han Chae-ah was thoughtful. "I don't know. He's got to be at least somewhat rational to avoid getting caught."

"Rational? Him? No way. He's foaming at the mouth."