
In the parking garage, Kim Hyeok got a break. The attendant who manned the exit gate remembered one car in particular that had left within the appropriate time frame. It was a late-model blue Hyundai—he was pretty sure it was a coupe— and it had caught his attention because his girlfriend's mother drove one just like it. Yes, there had been a man at the wheel, but the attendant recalled nothing about his face. No, he hadn't been wearing a uniform; the attendant was certain he would have noticed that. And no, there had been no woman in the car—none who could be seen, anyway.

Kim Hyeok radioed Dispatch with orders to put every patrol car on the alert for a blue Aries coupe driven by a brown-haired man, possibly alone, possibly in the company of a blonde female.

He was interrogating the security guard who'd noticed Mapo's nameplate, hoping to coax an additional detail from the man's memory, when Kwon Jiyoung ran up to him, out of breath.

"News on the Hyundai."