WebNovelThe Rise15.79%

The Shadow Council

Whilst Leon and his grandmother were still conversing, George was at home meeting with his father, Prime Minister Theodore. They were in his office, they sat facing each other with a wooden ebony desk in between them. It had perfectly organized paperwork and a computer along with plenty of desk decorations.

George had a large forehead with strands of hair trying to cover it up. He had sharp cheekbones but wasn't thin and had faint eyebrows. His lips were barely visible and his eyes were blue. His father was a tall man with a commanding presence, every room that he entered, he was the most visible with his strong protruding chin that was perfectly defined across its edges. He had thick eyebrows and a large nose that seemed small in comparison with his head.

"Given what's happening with his father, he shouldn't be a problem for you" said Theodore sitting back on his chair with his head resting on his fist. He was referring to Leon Lapuzi.

George had a notepad and was taking short notes. Meetings with his father were like lessons in which his father would lecture him and guide him in almost every aspect of his life. Though they were extremely short, George made sure to note everything down. He wanted to learn as much as he could from his father.

"The one you should worry about is that emperor grandson" said Theodore

"Sinclair?" asked George

"Sinclair." Confirmed Theodore

"It's hard enough to deal with the current political climate with the Lapuzi's and Cottonwood's, but if the royals get their hands in the system – it'll be a whole different ball game."

"But I'm already in the shadow council" said George

The Shadow Council was the equivalent of a secret society in which the most influential individuals plan and discuss the affairs of the nation. It was created and is lead by Hilda Cottonwood but is segmented in such a way that almost no one knows how it works. One way to enter the shadow council is by being the president of Unitare High School or by being on the Student Council of the school. The president hands picks seven to twelve students to be on the student council. Often, if the president is clever, they pick children or relatives of influential and powerful families – this is why Unitare is such a powerful political tool. Of the last seven Prime Ministers, five were once student council presidents at Unitare.

"Perhaps, but your student council this year was lackluster. There were some good names, but none of them close enough to the top. This year, however, some very important kids came in and whoever has them on their student council may have the strongest council since Jessica." Said Theodore

Given the fact that there are only a limited number of families that control commerce, business, politics and media, the chances of being a president during a time were these people have their children in Unitare all at once is down to luck. However, decisions are rarely made by one individual in the family which is why close relatives who often end up being involved in the decision making are the next best thing. For example, Justin Tundra would be the most important person to have on your council as he is the direct inheritor of the Tundra fortune and company. Despite George inviting him to the student council – he refused as the Tundra's are historically loyal to the Lapuzi's.

George was still taking down notes of what his father was saying.

"Thus these are the two most important things you must consider. One, if you do not want to deal with the royals when you grow up, you must not let Sinclair win. Two, if you wish to become Prime Minister one day, winning this election will make that a much easier task." said Theodore

"Understood father." nodded George

To Theodore the best way to train George was to allow him to deal with his problems on his own. However, he must tackle them with a kind of wisdom and this was the purpose of these short meetings – to train George in way that gives him a guideline to follow but the rest is in his own hands.

"That is all. Best of luck son." Said Theodore dismissing George