WebNovelThe Rise21.05%

Occupy the Centre

Veronica smiled at Leon's remarks.

"Well, that's what worries me." said Taylor "Whilst it's true Sinclair has been doing extensive volunteer work as well as tutoring students, he seems to have the lowest amount of baseline supporters."

"Which means he doesn't care about the voters. He's focused on the candidates," said Leon.

"He doesn't plan to win by default does he?" said Justin.

"Whatever he's planning, I can't slip up; I can't break any rules or make any mistakes," said Leon.

Veronica got up from her seat in the corner and walked towards the three.

"He doesn't need to get rid of everyone and win by default, he only needs to get rid of those more popular than him. Which means you're probably the safest if he plans on getting any of the candidates disqualified or taint their name," she said.

"Regardless, tomorrow is when candidates usually send out e-mails for any events they plan doing. You can count on George to have the morning all for himself - last year he had a standup comedy event that was a huge hit," said Taylor.

"If you can make people happy, they're more likely to vote for you," said Leon.

"But the events can only last for so long, given that each candidate can't pass a certain budget that's handed out by the school. Meaning candidates usually do one big event" said Veronica.

Justin gets up from his bean bag.

"But we can't sit around and wait Leon, we have to hit first," said Justin.

"He already did Justin, his shock last-minute nomination has everyone talking," said Veronica.

"Sure, everyone's talking about Leon, it's all over social media, but the problem is what they're saying..." said Taylor.

Taylor shows Leon his laptop with social media messages from the kids at high school:

"Like father like son, don't trust Leon Lapuzi!"

"Does he really think he can beat George?"

"He didn't even show up when his name was being called - talk about arrogant!"

Leon took a deep breath and held it in then closed the laptop. He got up and turned away from the three with his hand on his chin clearly distressed.

"Leon, it's just the bandwagon. When something ambiguous like you running happens, people don't know what to think, so they look to everyone else and adopt the most extreme views. It's classic groupthink." said Veronica.

"I know. Rather, I knew. This is what my father meant by following up the shock of the nomination. I had to make sure favorable views of my nomination were in the airwaves. But I was naive, I can't win if I'm this naive." said Leon with his back still to them.

"We can still change popular opinion, the election has just begun," said Taylor.

Justin places his hand on Leon's shoulder.

Leon didn't need comforting. He knew he was in a bad situation, but the way he saw it, is that he's the only one everyone is talking about. Everyone's watching his next move, he's in the centre - and the other candidates would kill to be where he was right now. However, at the same time, this meant his next move may decide the entire election.

There was a knock a door all of a sudden. Justin opened the door and began speaking with a man in a white shirt and tie. The others couldn't hear the conversation. Justin closed the door then turned around.

"It's my dad, he's calling you downstairs."