WebNovelThe Rise27.63%

A Good Salesman is like a Good Politican

The two kept quiet as they heard the murmurs and laughs of Taylor and Justin become quieter as they walked down the corridor passing Veronica's room. She opens the door slowly and takes a peak, then grabs Leon and throws him out of the room and points at the toilet that was down the corridor.

"Go in. Flush. Go out." she said

Leon does as she says trying to not be seen as Taylor and Justin made their way downstairs.

The two hear the flush and the toilet door opening in a purposefully forceful way by Leon. They both look up and see Leon coming out of the toilet.

"You couldn't hold it till you got back home," said Justin sneering.

"Maybe that's why he was so eager to leave," said Taylor laughing.


As soon as Leon gets into his car he receives a call from his mother.

"Leon, where are you? I've been expecting you home right after you were done with your grandmother," she said.

Earlier Leon went home before going to Justin's house but his mother wasn't there. This must've been one of the days that she came home early.

"Sorry mother, I'm coming right over," he said.

The weekends were the only time he could spend time with his mother and he didn't want to take that away from her. Upon entering the house he sees the back of his mother in the living room with her hair tied back and glasses resting on the tip of her nose. She was meticulously scanning through several papers and files when she turned around as soon as she heard Leon come in. With her body half turned around and her left elbow resting on the back of the chair she signals Leon to come towards her with a nod of her head.

She stands up and grabs his back and the back of his head with her hands and pulls him towards her, hugging him. She rests her nose on the top of his head kissing and smelling his hair - she was still slightly taller than him.

"If I'm ever cold to you, it's out of love. That's how your grandmother raised me, she never wanted me to feel comfortable that I had a powerful family name so she hung me out to dry. It's what made me who I am today." she said speaking softly

She grabs his shoulders and gently brings him in front of her.

"Even though your father and I agreed to not help you, you're still my son. That's why I will answer any one question you have. And I don't want to hear generic questions Leon, don't disappoint me." she said

She sat back at her seat and Leon sat next to her at the living room desk.

"Take your time, whenever you come up with something you need help with, let me know," she said going back to her work.

After a short silence, Leon takes out his phone and starts going through his contacts. He stops at a name and is about to call them, but holds his finger back, then locks his phone. He looks up at his mother.

"I do have a question actually," he said.

She puts down the paper she was holding and takes off her glasses giving Leon her full attention.

"The election is a popularity contest, which means I'm playing with a disadvantage - one that I may not be able to overcome in just a week," he said adjusting his seat.

"People don't care about the student council or its policies, it doesn't affect them. But if I can make them care, I can shift the entire frame of this election putting everyone else at a disadvantage." he continued

"So you need a way to make them care about the election non-superficially?" she said

"I'm sure I can come up with something, but I'm running out of time, I need a way to change the narrative right from the first day," he said

His mother stood up and places her right hand on the desk.

"A good salesman is like a good politician, he's able to sell you something you never knew you wanted. If you're happy with your phone a salesman will create a problem you never knew existed, such as telling you that your battery only lasts eighty percent of its maximum length, buy this and it will last a hundred percent. It doesn't have to be a full truth, but truthful enough to make the customer buy it." she said picking up her phone that was on the desk and showing it to Leon

"If you want to change the narrative, you need to show the school that they have more problems than they imagined. And if you want to make it truly effective, you must convince them that you are the only one capable of solving their problems," she said placing her phone down and getting back into her seat.

Leon silently thinks about what his mother says and murmurs to himself "A good salesman, huh?"

"Good question, and a good strategy, but a hell of a hard task to pull off," she said.


After spending some time with his mother, Leon asked permission to leave the house to meet a friend. Leon's mother and father lived in the rich part of the city, on its outskirts. However, Leon drove into the inner city finding himself in the poorer areas. Every time he drove the Tundra car he was always afraid of being pulled over, even if Justin had promised him it would never happen, he was especially afraid in this part of town.

He parked in front of a small modest home with two stories that have been worn down over the years by its many residents that have come and gone. He knew this part of town well and he remembered exactly how to get this house. The sky was starting to darken with heavy clouds. He knocked on the door and was promptly met by a gorgeous young woman with the most endearing smile. She was wiping her hands onto her apron and fiddling with her teeth using her tongue trying to remove a piece of food.

"Oh! Leon! How are you, we haven't seen you in so long" she pinches his cheeks "You've grown so much I can't believe it, you're such a handsome young man now." she said in a tender motherly voice

"How's your father, all with what's happening in the news, I really hope he's holding up fine. Don't you worry, my husband and I are still voting for him - he's going to change the country!" she said not allowing Leon to interject

He finally sees an opening to talk back, he smiles gently and politely and says

"He's holding up just fine, I truly appreciate your concern and your support, Mrs. Twint."