WebNovelThe Rise36.84%


Thomas Vinzent, the crown prince, was in the emperor's palace sitting with a scar-faced man who worked for him. The dark pink scar crossed his left eye. The scar-faced man, named Eight, gave Thomas an envelope with candid photos of Leon and Jessica at her front door taken from a distance.

"I don't care about Lapuzi's son - I expected Hilda's puppet to work with her grandson. Anything on George?" said Thomas

Eight shook his head solemnly.

"Keep looking, spend more time on George. We may have to be more forceful if nothing shows up." said Thomas dismissing Eight who took the envelope and left Thomas' chambers.

After Eight left there was a knock at Thomas' door followed by an immediate entrance of a purple haired woman.

It was Joan Vinzent, the eldest sister of Thomas. She had green eyes and a sharp nose just like her brother and was hailed as the beauty of the nation. Due to inbreeding within the royal family there were several unfavourable mutations and therefore diseases, however it resulted in a neutral mutation of purple hair in the females of the family. Yet not all royal females were born with the royal purple hair - therefore their hair is dyed permanently at a young age to maintain a royal superiority - as there was discrimination against non-natural purple haired princesses. Even though the general population didn't know who was truly purple haired and who wasn't, the royal family did. Joan was one of those born as a non-natural purple haired princess.

"What is it Joan?" said Thomas dismissively

Joan was cupping her hands in front of her standing near the door.

"When will you grow up Thomas?" she said in a commanding voice "Grandfather always advised to let you have your fun, that you'll eventually grow out of this childish dream"

Thomas rubs his eye.

"Is that it Joan?" he said

"You'll ruin this family" she insisted

"His days are numbered, and sooner or later I'll be on that throne. Everyday I think about the ceremony, about that crown, about how I'll be paraded around like a fool and it burns me. Don't you understand, living sixty, seven years doing nothing- I'll go mad!" he said as his face turned red

"Poor you, living a long prosperous life in a mansion with servants and money that you didn't work a single day for - of course I understand."

"Is wealth all I need to be happy Joan?" he said

"It's enough for most and it's better than the inevitable outcome of your little ploy." she said

"And what is that outcome exactly?" said Thomas squinting eyes

Joan takes a few steps forward

"The death of this family" she said emphasising every word

Thomas locks eyes with Joan

"This family is already dead. I'm merely reviving it." he said

Joan slowly walks towards a nearby painting of the entire immediate royal family; the direct decedents of the emperor. She looks up at it, staring directly at her late father who sat by the emperor on purple throne-like chairs.

"Your entire life you were given everything you wanted, and maybe that's the problem. You think you can have anything you want and that's why you cannot see your foolishness."

Joan turns around and stares directly at Thomas.

"No more. I will not let you play your little games any longer. It ends here." she said as she turned away and walked out towards the chamber doors.

"Oh really?! And what will a fake do to stop me!?" shouted Thomas at Joan's back.

She stopped for a moment, but continued immediately without turning back.


Justin, Veronica and Taylor were all at Leon's home having dinner with his mother. Taylor sat stiff in his seat eating as politely as possible in the presence of Jessica Cottonwood. Whereas Justin and Veronica, who were both more familiar with Leon's mother were relaxed and conversational.

"Leon must be so lucky to have someone as experienced as you in the school elections as his mother to help him out" said Taylor nervously

Jessica simply smiled back making Taylor feel even more stiff and awkward.

"I heard that the Threads are making huge gains in the polls recently, have you not considered running?" said Veronica to Jessica . The Threads refers to the Thread party which Jessica leads.

"Everything has it time, we cannot afford to be rash." she replied

Veronica nods in acceptance

"It's the same thing with girls!" said Justin excitedly

The whole table looks at him with their eyebrows raised

"What? If you move in too soon you seem desperate and if you make your move too late, she loses interest - it's all about timing. I get you Ms. Cottonwood." said Justin proudly

Jessica smiles as Leon plants his head into his hand embarassed

"Well I suppose, politics and life are inseparable." she said

"Then why hasn't Leon be able to get a girlfriend yet if he's so great at politics" said Taylor suddenly comfortable with the direction of the conversation

Justin bursts into the laughter as Veronica giggles. Leon shows his palms confused about the sudden attack on his relationship life. Jessica was looking at Leon blankly - as she had known about his relationship with Jessica Twint. She elected to ignore the entire situation.

"What about you Veronica? I remember when you were just a little girl picking her nose and now you have suitors from all over the country" said Jessica causing Leon to hold his breath as he froze. Veronica quickly glances at Leon as her eyes make their way towards Jessica

"Yeah, but they're all losers Ms. Cottonwood - I couldn't possibly spend the rest of my life with them" replied Veronica with a nervous smile

"Don't tell your father I told you this, but you need to get out of that family tradition and be an independent lady. Trust me, it's a sensationally good feeling." said Jessica

"But tradition is what keeps the family strong" intervened Justin

Jessica decides to not pry any further leaving the conversation as it is. She and Veronica came from polar opposite backgrounds with different values. She was raised to be a ruler, whereas Veronica was raised to be a bride.

"But what about her own life?" said Leon suddenly calling the stares of everyone at the table, the most intense from his mother.

There was a timely knock at the door saving Leon from his own unexpected outburst. He quickly got up to open the door.

As he opens the door he sees around seven young boys on the front yard with three parked cars behind them.

"Leon! I told you he'd be here!" said one of the boys as he playfully punched the boy next to him

Leon was still unsure who these people were so he kept quite waiting for them to introduce themselves.

"Haha! Sorry, you must be so creeped out right now. My parents are huge fans of your father - I knew there were a few other kids around school who would love to help Alexander Lapuzi's son, so I gathered everyone I could and here we are." said the boy who knocked on the door with a big smile

Leon still shocked, took another look around to see the faces of everyone present.

"So what do ya say? You gonna let us help you win this thing or what?"