WebNovelThe Rise61.84%

New Orders

That same night, Trevor - who works directly under Hilda Cottonwood, arrived at the Twint's home. Jessica Twint came out of her house after being notified that Trevor was outside. She entered the car wearing whatever clothes she could put on quickly. Trevor was in his usual plain white shirt with a thin black tie and the driver was the same muscular stern man that picked up Leon when he met his grandmother.

"How have things been Jessica?" asked Trevor beginning with the formalities.

"The newest polls haven't been released ye-"

"No, I mean, how are you?" asked Trevor smiling kindly

"Things are good, I guess." said Jessica

"That's great, Hilda is most concerned about your health first. The election always comes second" said Trevor with the same smile

"Thanks." said Jessica politely

"Speaking of Hilda, you have new orders. You have most likely not surpassed Sinclair or George at this stage and your partnership with Leon has not been fruitful for you. Of course, this was a miscalculation on Hilda's part for allowing you to accept his offer. Do you understand why that's the case?" said Trevor

Jessica's eyes widen as she shakes her head cluelessly.

"It's because he manipulated you and Hilda had miscalculated your submissiveness to him. Leon must see you as his equal, not as a chess piece on his board." said Trevor

Jessica looks down in disbelief.

"That's why your new orders are to destroy Leon's chances in the election under any circumstances. This of course includes the need for you to win. And as with all instructions from Hilda, it is your final decision whether you choose to follow them or not. Clear?" said Trevor

Jessica nods nervously then replies with "clear."

That was the cue for Jessica to leave the car, but she stayed for a while. Trevor waited. She then turned towards him.

"I know I agreed to this with no questions asked, but why is this election so important to Hilda Cottonwood? All I heard from Leon was that she needs Sinclair to lose." said Jessica

"It's a long story, Jessica, and one day I'm sure everything will make sense. You should see this as an opportunity. This is your chance to change your life forever, you only need to prove yourself." said Trevor trying to comfort Jessica.

Jessica runs her fingers through her hair pulling it back. She nods at Trevor then leaves the car.

She then goes back into the house and runs to her room. She puts on her dojo clothes and makes her way back downstairs.

"I'm going to the dojo!" she shouted making sure her parents in the living room could hear her.

"The dojo is closed!" shouted back her mother

Jessica ignored and left as soon as she put her shoes on. She ran to a dojo nearby where she practiced martial arts regularly. She was the highest ranked student in the dojo and would often give lessons if her master was not available. Her master was not only her trainer, but also a kind of spiritual beacon. Whereas many go to priests for spiritual guidance, Jessica would go to her master.

Upon arriving, she found the dojo closed, but could see a single light illuminating out of the dojo into the dark streets. She cupped her hands around her head and looked through the window trying to make out if her master was there. As soon as she spotted him, she knocked on the window immediately. He turns around and places his cup of ginseng tea down. He walks up to the door scratching his hair, half awake.

"Jess? The dojo is closed..." he said looking around the empty streets confused.

"I need this." she said determined

Her master, named Yoni, looked at her in her dojo clothes, gave out a deep sigh and moved aside allowing her to enter the dojo.

"But only twenty minutes, you hear me." he commanded

"Yes. Thank you, master." she said bowing.

He turned on the lights and walked on the straw mat in the middle of the large dojo. He kept on his pajamas instead of wearing his dojo clothes. He stood upright and faced Jessica. They bowed to the each other then immediately went into their stance. Yoni had his left hand out and upright in front of him with his right hand directly behind it perpendicularly. His fists were loose. Jessica had a similar stance, except her right hand was stretched outwards towards Yoni.

"What is it this time?" asked Yoni as he took two quick steps towards Jessica maintaining his stance.

"A boy." she said as she tried to grab Yoni's arm who dodges swiftly

"A boy? Is it that boy?" he asked launching his right leg at Jessica's body. She blocks and hops back.

The two continued to talk and attack simultaneously.

"I've taken down everyone who I found to be a nuisance, but I can't shake this one off." she said

"Maybe he's just someone who shouldn't be shaken off." replied Yoni

"That's what I used to believe. But now he's standing in my way, and I can't afford to let my emotions be toyed with like this." she said

"Perhaps this is difficult on you because you feel as if you owe him something." said Yoni

Jessica kept silent and launched another attack that was blocked immediately.

"He's been there for me in the past, in more ways than I can count..." she said

"That's understandable, but will you spend the rest of your days indebted to him? Let the past be, and know that people change. You should no longer look at him as you once did, but clear your vision and see what he truly is" said Yoni

"I don't know if I can do that." she said

"You must, if you want to move forward. The problem with fighting those we care about, is we often hold back. Next time you get the chance, make sure you strike with no reservations - one final blow." said Yoni finally getting a hold of Jessica's hand, pulling her back then tossing her onto the floor with his elbow on her neck. She looked up at him, contemplating. Then quickly broke free, grabbed Yoni's body and wrestled him to the ground. She struck with a sharp punch that stopped just centimeters before Yoni's head.

The two got up, moved back and bowed.

"Thank you, master." She said

"Now get out, my tea is getting cold" he whined.

Jessica left the dojo and walked back home in the dimly lit concrete streets. She looked up at the moon's crescent as she stood under the warm light of a lamppost. She made a fist and clenched her teeth.

"Leon..." she whispered through her clenched teeth.