WebNovelThe Rise82.89%

The Escape

This is the second chapter I released today so make sure you read the previously chapter (Apathy) in case you missed it, since I know this happens sometimes with double uploads. Enjoy :)


After the end of the debate, Leon immediately left school. Gideon had a car pick him up and take him to an unknown destination where he would stay. One of Gideon's men took Leon's car keys and took Leon's borrowed Tundra car away from the school as a distraction. After a few minutes of driving, Leon received a call from Gideon.

"How was the debate?" asked Gideon immediately

"I'll have to wait for the polls to find out." said Leon

"Elizabeth is apparently not happy at all." said Gideon

Leon remained silent.

"Don't worry about it. The shadow council will take care of you now Leon. When you reach the penthouse, there will always be someone waiting outside your door. If you ever need something - you ask him for it. You can't leave the penthouse until you let me know. And never call anyone from your own phone. This is for your protection, your disappearance will have people, including myself, looking for you. Also, be prepared tomorrow, I may pick you up for a trip." said Gideon

"A trip?" asked Leon

"How do you feel about helicopters?" asked Gideon

"Where will I be going?" said Leon

"Nowhere in particular, I just want someone I can rely on to be in that helicopter tomorrow. I'll explain the details later." said Gideon

"I need those seven boys to be sent over to the penthouse." said Leon suddenly

Gideon's smile could be heard through the phone.

"How long did you know?" asked Gideon

"It took me sometime, but when I realized they came directly to my mother's house - I knew you sent them. You also wanted to me to know that, given how blatant it was. How did you convince a bunch of kids to help me?" said Leon

"Their parents are loyal to me. Any other requests?" asked Gideon.

"Yes. After I'm done with the boys, could you bring me Veronica - if you can find her. She told me she'll be in her family penthouse in the outskirts." said Leon

"I'll see what I can do. But, are you sure Leon?" said Gideon

"Yes." replied Leon determined.

After ending the call, Leon received another call - this time it was Taylor. Leon didn't respond.

After a while, Leon finally reached his destination. He was taken into a luxury apartment building and to a penthouse at the highest floor. It was a marvel of modernity, windows for walls, everything made of marble and glass and all commodities, from a large TV to a filled fridge, were already there.

"There should be some clothes for you to change into as well. Should you need anything let me know sir." said the man who drove Leon to the penthouse.

The man promptly left and presumably waited outside.

Leon explored the penthouse, going into all its rooms and seeing the view from the highest heights of the city. There was a rich aroma of roses and peaches. He felt like he was in a five star hotel. He took off his jacket and tucked his bag into a nearby closet. He undid his tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, then sat in a white oval chair looking outside.

"It's too cold." he said out loud to himself

"Raising Air Conditioner Temperature." said a robotic voice suddenly in the penthouse causing Leon to suddenly look around trying to find the sound.

He gets up from the chair and wanders around with his eyes.

"Its... too hot?" he said again

"Lowering Air Conditioner Temperature" said the voice as the air conditioner sound became louder.

"No, it is actually too cold, increase the temperature" said Leon as the burst of air from all directions caused him to shiver

"Raising Air Conditioner Temperature." it said

Leon went back into his seat with a ponderous smile on his face.

"Do you play music?" he said out loud.

"Playlists available: Gideon Faraday's Classical." said the robotic voice showcasing its only playlist.

"Play." demanded Leon

The music immediately started playing. Leon was in luck, the only kind of music he liked, rather the music he needed at this moment was the same music that Gideon listened to.


Meanwhile at Jessica Cottonwood's party headquarters, she was talking to her mother, Hilda.

"He called me and I did nothing for him." complained Jessica

"How many times did you call me for help? Look at you now. We can't raise our children like petals of a flower, otherwise they'll be weak and wilt just like one." said Hilda

"There has to be a limit mother. If this Veronica Tundra rumor is true, then we have a much bigger problem on our hands." said Jessica

"It was your husband's idea to shun the shadow council. It was his idea to keep this from Leon and now you must face the consequences. Everything has a price." said said coldly

"Alexander and I decided this together. I just wish we were more careful." said Jessica

Hilda remained silent

"If everything goes according to plan tomorrow, was any of this worth it? The elections, the politics and parties - everything you worked for your whole life-"

"You're wrong. This is what I always dreamt for the Cottonwoods - a true lineage of royalty will finally come to pass. For now, be sure to comfort Leon - right now all he needs is some reassurance." said Hilda ending the conversation.

Jessica looks on from her desk, then rubs her eyelids sighing. She picks up the phone again and makes a call - Alexander Lapuzi.


Meanwhile in the royal palace, Sinclair has not come home yet and Thomas was out. Thomas' eldest sister, Joan Vinzent, was packing a small suitcase and preparing to leave before Thomas arrived. To go to a rendezvous point in order to be under the protection of Hilda as tomorrow's events transpire. She was quickly ushered by her trusted royal guard who worked directly for the emperor - one of the few who were still loyal to her grandfather in the palace. She was snuck out from a hidden side entrance and taken to the palace's garage that was decorated by all kinds of luxurious cars from different decades. Wearing her disguise, she quickly places her bag into the trunk and gets in the back of the car that stood out the least.

The royal guard driver makes his way out of the colossal garage towards the exit. As the doors of the garage open slowly and meticulously, Joan's heart sinks as a flash of fear attacks all her limbs. Standing there, along with several royal guards blocking the exit, with a dark smile was Thomas Vinzent and his little brother, Sinclair.