WebNovelThe Rise86.84%


Veronica was still hiding it out at the Tundra's penthouse in the outskirts of the city. She was sat near the fireplace, wrapped up in a blanket and holding a warm cup of coffee. She glared at the mirage on the tip of the flames lost in her thoughts. There was a sudden ring at the door. She gave the door a quick glance then returned back looking at the flames. There was another ring followed by a couple of knocks. Veronica doesn't budge.

"Madam. I was sent by Leon Lapuzi to pick you up." said a muffled voice through the door desperately

Veronica looks at the door again, considering whether or not she should move. She slowly places her coffee down and gets up, still wrapped in her blanket. She peaks through the peephole and sees a suited up nobody. The man suddenly takes out his phone and makes a call. Veronica watches him closely.

"Madam, I have Leon on the phone right now." said the man

"Put him on speaker" she said all of a sudden, still suspicious

The man follows her orders.

"Veronica?" said Leon through the phone in a very low muffled sound.

Veronica drops her blanket and immediately opens the door and takes the phone from the man.

"Leon? What's going on? What does he mean, 'pick me up'?" said Veronica rushing with her questions.

"I have my own place right now - one where no one can find us. We'll hide it out there for now. I need your help for the final day of the election. I'll explain everything when you get here." said Leon

"Your own place? How?" she said

"Veronica, just trust me. I promise everything will be cleared up when we meet. Okay?" said Leon reassuringly

She paused.



Gideon had just arrived at Hilda's home. Jessica, Leon's mother, was already inside. The two were talking when Gideon made his way towards them with his giant steps. He sat next to Hilda facing Jessica on the couches in the living room.

"Apparently Leon hasn't gone home." said Hilda to Gideon

Gideon looks at them both unfazed and unworried.

"Are you two truly worried? He's a teenager - let him vent it all out." he said

"Gideon, Thomas showed up to Alexander's house. No one was there to protect my son, with what's going on - this is unacceptable." she shrieked with a mother's worry.

"What would you have my men do? Apprehend the current Emperor for knocking on a door? I assure you, Leon was being carefully watched - Thomas wasn't going to do anything. " said Gideon

"Now he's out in the open and we don't know where he is. I find it hard to believe the mighty Gideon Faraday doesn't have eyes on my child." she said

"He only has one place to go. Veronica Tundra's penthouse in the outskirts. After what's transpired, those two must want some time alone." said Gideon

"Even more reason for us to find them immediately. I want you to take me to that penthouse right now." commanded Jessica

"Careful, Jess. I don't take orders from you just yet." said Gideon with a piercing stare.

"So, why haven't we checked the penthouse yet?" asked Hilda calmly.

"We can't make any sudden movements anymore. Our greatest worry has come to pass. There is no doubt about it - Bethany Garner is working for Thomas. Our little crown prince now has a little army of his own." said Gideon

"That can't be..." said Jessica stunned

Hilda was taken aback, but quickly recovered.

"It doesn't change anything. The plan tomorrow stays the same." she said

"That's where we have a problem. If we run away too soon, Thomas will catch wind of what we're trying to do. Too late, and well, we get caught. He'll use Bethany's black ops to arrest all of us." said Gideon

"And what do you propose?" asked Hilda

"The only person that matters for this plan is Jessica. They'll expect her to be at the parliament tomorrow. This will give her time to switch cars on her way there and escape in the last minute. However, as for me and you, Thomas must take us down before he storms the parliament - we're the pillars of the shadow council." said Gideon

"You mean you want us to give ourselves up?" said Hilda

"Yes. We'll get caught purposefully, that way, Thomas will believe he has the upper hand - that's he's caught us when we least excepted it. This will allow us time to freely execute the rest of the plan." explained Gideon

Hilda looked at Jessica with a small smile.

"I will not let that boy lay a finger on me. What a preposterous plan, Gideon. God knows what he'll do with us once he has us." said Hilda reprimanding Gideon.

Gideon stands up and puts his hand out to Hilda to help her up from her seat. Hilda looks up at him like a damsel confused, but obliges and takes his hand. He leads her to the window and slightly opens the curtains just to peak outside. Jessica got up and followed the two. He then pointed at the home that was two houses away from Hilda's.

"In this neighborhood, everything that comes in and comes out - I know about it. But somehow, I just found out yesterday - that home right there - is inhabited by men I have almost no information about. In fact, I don't even know how long they've been there." said Gideon

Hilda squints her eyes trying to see inside the home.

"I've gathered little information about them. They're not our color, they don't have our faces and they most definitely don't speak like us." said Gideon

"Souths..." said Jessica from behind them

"These are Bethany Garner's men. Her little underground ops, gun-for-hire thugs. We're completely out of our league, Hilda. If Thomas takes judicial, parliamentary and legislative power - he will legitimize them as his private army." said Gideon

"Bringing Souths into this. He's really sold his soul. Nevertheless, even more reason to not get caught. Gideon, this is our turf. Figure a way to get us all out safely before the parliamentary meeting tomorrow." said Hilda as a finalized command.

Gideon looks at her, surrendering.

"Very well. It's going to be difficult, but we must move quickly." said Gideon


Meanwhile Veronica had finally arrived at Gideon's penthouse, where Leon was staying. She embraced Leon as soon as he opened the door. Leon embraced her back, but not as tightly as she did. She placed her hand on his chin and went in for a kiss - Leon quickly swerves away non-nonchalantly, pretending that he didn't pick up on her cue.

"Quick, there's no time to waste" he said as he turned around

Veronica's arm fell to her side as Leon slid his chin away. Something was different. She could tell.