WebNovelThe Rise96.05%

Simply a Pawn

The Emperor was also unaware why Leon was in the helicopter.

"Your grandmother was always one to do odd things. I'm sure she has her reasons for having you here." said the Emperor.

"My grandmother had nothin-" Leon quickly stopped his sentence.

Leon had forgotten that the Emperor is unaware Leon ran away from home and is at odds with the rest of his family. As far as the Emperor knows, everything is Hilda's idea. Letting it slip that it was Gideon's idea to have Leon on the helicopter does look suspicious.

"I didn't quite catch that, my dear boy." inquired the Emperor turning his ear towards Leon.

"It was nothing, I was just wondering, are you not in the slightest troubled by having to end your royal lineage?" said Leon trying to change the subject.

The Emperor remained silent, rubbing the back of his gray wrinkled fingers.

"This is only temporary. To what extent will the population remain silent about an absolute monarchy before they demand the return of democracy? This is simply a transitional phase." said the Emperor coldly.

Leon, almost disappointed, looks away at the helicopter window. Upon hearing his mother was to be named Empress, thoughts ran through his head about succession, how he'd be next in line, how his life would change, where he would live, and a hundred other things that would naturally enter anyone's mind when they find out they're about to become royalty. Though it made sense to him that this was simply transitional. It was naive of him to think that things would run so smoothly and be so simple.

"So my mother is simply a placeholder. The problem is should you fall dead, Thomas will succeed you. That's why you need another family to take the reigns - to make sure Thomas would never have a chance to reach the throne. Once Thomas is neutralized, my mother will return power to the Parliament and sooner or later, return the monarchy back to you." said Leon.

"My love for my family comes first, I'm sure you understand. I had always wanted Joan, my most charming and kind-hearted granddaughter, to be Empress. But if I simply gave her power now, her life would be in danger. Thomas would need to get rid of her and succeed her as next in line. Therefore, Joan must wait until Thomas is taken care of, then your mother will not give power to me, but rather Joan." explained the Emperor

Leon adjusted his large headphones, leaned back into his tight chair and leaned his head on his fist, looking out the window deep in thought, with a dissatisfied look.

He notices a large warehouse in the middle of a large empty field - clearly abandoned, with rusty metal walls barely holding it up.

"Gentlemen, we've arrived." said the pilot

Leon watched as the helicopter slowly landed in the grass field nearby the warehouse, ripping apart the grass. The military guard hopped out of the helicopter and helped Leon out of the helicopter first. Leon raised an eyebrow, wondering why he hadn't help the Emperor, clearly old and weak, first. The military guard then helped the Emperor out of the helicopter and guided the two to the warehouse. The pilot stayed in the helicopter.

There was a single road, barely used, that lead to the warehouse and there was a black SUV parked at the front of the warehouse. This was clearly secret service, Leon could recognize it anywhere after being driven around by Gideon's men several times.

"Pawn and King have been secured safely. Requesting access." said the military guard into an earpiece as they reached the front of the warehouse.

After a short while the gates of the warehouse opened mechanically. At first sight they looked old, broken and rusty but they opened like brand new automatic doors. As light entered the warehouse, there was a single desk decorated with purple clothe, the color of the royals, and a single camera facing the desk in the middle of the warehouse. Leon and Emperor were escorted into the warehouse.

"I'm glad you made it safely." said a voice from the darkness at the back of the warehouse. Leon immediately recognized that deep menacing voice - it was Gideon.

"There's been a change of plans." continued Gideon as he walks forward into the light. The doors behind Leon and the Emperor close.

"Where's Hilda?" asked the Emperor as he looked behind Gideon.

"Me, Hilda and Jessica all had different routes, to make it harder for Bethany and Thomas to locate us. Unfortunately, Jessica's position has been comprised and Hilda was caught right before the Parliament was stormed." said Gideon calmly.

"What! Preposterous! How can you let Hilda and her daughter get caught so easily!?" exclaimed the Emperor uncharacteristically. His outburst caused him to start coughing vigorously as he raised his voice.

Leon, however, was silent. He was unusually calm. Normally, hearing the state his mother was in, would put him in turmoil. But he was seeing things clearly. Everything started to add up as he started to connect the dots.

Gideon walked up towards the Emperor in an attempt to calm him.

"Do not worry your highness. I have set up a contingency plan." said Gideon as he points at Leon.

The Emperor turns his head towards Leon, looking down at him with curious eyes.

"Tell me, who else is more likely to be accepted by the population as an absolute monarch than Leon?" continued Gideon

"A child? You've lost your mind." said the Emperor still looking at Leon.

Leon kept silent, looking at Gideon with sharp eyes.

"No ordinary child. The grandson of the most successful politician in the nation's history, Hilda Cottonwood. The son of the most powerful politicians in the country, Alexander and Jessica. The people have trusted Leon's family for decades and were prepared to trust them for several more decades. Look at the rise of Jessica and how Alexander was on his way to be Prime Minister. Leon will be accepted with open arms, especially given the situation his parents are in, the nation will sympathize with him. And perhaps as a consolation, he is the newly elected president of Unitare High School." Said Gideon finally as he looked down at Leon from his towering height.

Leon had more important things on his mind than finding out he won the High School election. His heart was frozen and his mouth dry. He had to choose whatever words he spoke carefully.

"Here's the speech. We will broadcast to the entire nation live. You have around fifteen minutes to prepare yourself. You understand the importance of making sure Thomas has no succession to the throne. This is what Hilda would've wanted." said Gideon handing the reluctant Emperor a speech.

The Emperor was escorted to the purple decorated desk. He was dressed up in his royal attire and placed in front of the camera. Gideon and Leon stood by each other looking from afar at the Emperor as he prepared to televise the speech that would make Leon the new Emperor.

"This was your intent from the beginning, wasn't it." said Leon to Gideon. It wasn't a question. It was a statement.

"I'll need you to expand on that Leon." said Gideon, almost playing with Leon.

"My mother and grandmother, even my father, weren't caught by 'accident'. You purposefully gave up their positions. There's no other explanation why you're standing here and they're not. With them out of the way, you'll have someone you can control sitting at the throne. Me." said Leon clenching his fist to stop them from shaking

Gideon, for the first time ever, placed his hand over Leon's shoulder and kneeled down to Leon's height with a ever so subtle smirk.

"Intelligent. You've never failed to impress me. I bet everything on that intelligence Leon. I think you understand your situation well enough." said Gideon

Even though Leon would become the new monarch, unlike his mother and grandmother he has no influence over the true power structure of the nation - the Shadow Council. He knew that very well. Leon may wear the crown, but Gideon, with the secret service, the army and the shadow council now directly loyal to him, was the one with the true power. Leon was simply a pawn.