The Company

The next morning, everyone got up early and enjoyed a hearty breakfast in the presidential suite.

In the meantime, after everyone's deliberation, they had decided to name the company "HuaXiang Entertainment Co. Ltd." and the logo was going to be just the word "HuaXiang". 

The company's current scope would include music production, training artists, and working as brokerage agents. They would expand into other projects later on, but for now, they would focus on this until they earned enough to expand into making their own films and TV shows as well. "HuaXiang" meant "to glide" which would hopefully show the smooth sailing future ahead of them.

Emma, ​​Xiaohai, Haozi, Jack, and Jimmy were responsible for raising the registered capital.

Zhang Xiaohua was responsible for writing the company's charter and opening a bank account as well as printing all the necessary documents.

Yuan Datong was responsible for queuing at the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. It had almost become a trend among young people to start new companies these days, so occupying a good place in the queue would save a lot of time.


It wasn't until the end of the day that everyone was finally able to make a sigh of relief. Fortunately, everything was ready in time, so the day had gone well.

Now that the studio had been changed into a company, they were inevitably excited. Yuan Datong had already ordered for a signboard to be made and couldn't wait to see it. Everyone was eager to see what the future would hold. 

Zhang Xiaohua had arranged himself as the CEO and declared Yuan Datong as a general manager of the company and also as the music director. In addition to being the arranger, Emma would also work as a broker and receptionist. Xiaohai, Haozi, Jack, and Jimmy were all music producers. They were mainly responsible for the arrangement and creation of the instrumentals. It could be said that the division of labor was clear and orderly.

Nobody had any objection to it.

Just two days later, the brand new business license was in the hands of Zhang Xiaohua. Although the company's scale was small, Zhang Xiaohua was confident that it was only a matter of time before they blew up. The name "HuaXiang" would become a household name, and they would become a truly powerful, large-scale company.

As long as you took the first step, you would be able to travel thousands of miles in the future.


Monday at 10 o'clock, the company's first meeting had officially begun.

No firecrackers, no baskets, no guests; the company was cold and clean.

Everyone was rather awkward at the moment, making the current atmosphere particularly dignified, and they could hear each other's breathing.

In particular, Zhang Xiaohua was holding a tablet computer in his hands like a big boss. He was meticulously reading the information and he looked old and wizened which made others sense a maturity that was odd for his age. 

"Are these all the female singers who are eligible to sing 'Broken Hearted Woman'?" Zhang Xiaohua whispered while he looked at the data of various female singers on the computer.

Currently, the scale of the company was still too small to attract any famous singers. Without any status, they couldn't expect singers to take the initiative to come to the door. They could only take the initiative to find a singer.

"According to the requirements you provided before and my understanding of the female singers in the industry, there are only a few candidates who are currently eligible." Yuan Datong responded.

He was influenced by Zhang Xiaohua and his attitude at the moment was extremely serious. 

"No, these singers won't do!" Zhang Xiaohua shook his head helplessly, and then glanced at everyone in front of him, his face was full of disappointment: "Either age or vocals, these people do not meet my requirements. It's not in line with the image of the song."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the song has been completed and we still have some time to look." Trying to ease the atmosphere, Yuan Datong said with a smile.

"We have time, but time is not just for us, but for all those who are prepared. Since we are ready to go, then we must be active. We can't guarantee whether or not someone will create a better song than ours tomorrow, so we need to be quick, grasping timing is also very important. Do you understand?" Zhang Xiaohua said with a solemn expression.

He had too many classic things to create; there were too many factors in life. What would he do if someone thought of a similar a song? He had to race against the clock and publish as soon as possible, it wasn't worth the risk.

Of course, his main purpose was to get ahead. He didn't want to be as innocent and silent as he used to be. He wanted to live a vigorous and valiant life this time around.

"Okay, what do you want the singer to be like?" Yuan Datong smiled and became serious again.He understood that what Zhang Xiaohua said was reasonable.

Emma took out some paper and a pen and was ready to take notes. As long as Zhang Xiaohua could make accurate requests, they would try their best to fulfill them. After all, they all knew the strength of the song. It was no exaggeration to say that this song could create a star at any time. Therefore, when it came to looking for a singer, it really couldn't be sloppy, and they had to be devoted.

In fact, Zhang Xiaohua was also having a headache because, in his mind, no one would be more suitable for singing this song than Faye Wong, but if you wanted to find a female singer like Faye Wong, how could it be so easy?

There were over tens of thousands of female singers on the planet, but finding one like Faye Wong who wasn't already famous was gonna be hard.

However, if they couldn't find a female singer who was similar to Faye Wong to sing this song, Zhang Xiaohua would feel disappointed.

Classical songs must have strong singers to back them. Only in this way can they highlight the value of songs and the strength of singers. Of course, no matter who sang the song, it would still become popular across the country, but if they could find the right singer, then it would explode across Asia and make it into the annals of music history.

Zhang Xiaohua could only describe his ideal female singer to Yuan Datong based on his previous memories.

He said, "The singer I want must sing with an ethereal voice. It needs to be full of emotions and must give people the feeling that they are floating on clouds with laziness and casualness. As for the singer's image, the best age would be around 20 years old and needs to be a unique beauty that gives off an aura of gracefulness. Yes, this is what I want!"

Zhang Xiaohua's remarks were light but after listening to the speech, Yuan Datong felt lightheaded.

Was he even looking for female singers? It was basically a description of a goddess!

While Yuan Datong's and the rest collectively shook their heads and sighed, saying that they were powerless, they suddenly heard Emma open her mouth: "Actually, I think I know someone who fits the image."


"Wang Jingwen!"

When Emma said this, Yuan Datong fell into a moment of silence. 

"You're right. Why didn't I think of her?"

He asked himself as he immediately looked at Zhang Xiaohua and said with enthusiasm, "Emma is right. If you insist on me choosing, then the only singer who meets your requirements would be Wang Jingwen. In my opinion, she should meet all your requirements!"

"Wang Jingwen...?" Zhang Xiaohua kept chanting the name, and the more he heard it, the more familiar it sounded.

With some memories, Zhang Xiaohua could not help but smile: Wasn't this the name used by Faye Wong when she made her debut?


Having said that, if he could live again, then what else could happen?