Last Option

Yuan Datong did not say anything. He once again chose to believe in Zhang Xiaohua, so he nodded to Emma and motioned for her to act according to Zhang Xiaohua's instructions.

Emma wiped her wet eyes. Since Yuan Datong chose to believe in Zhang Xiaohua, she would also follow Zhang Xiaohua's instruction. Not to mention Xiaohai, everyone had the same thought:

'Since big brother was on board, what else can we say?'

At present, the only one who still felt unwilling in her heart was Wang Jingwen.

There was no need to wonder.

The conditions offered by the three major companies were great, and each one is better than the previous one. Any of these companies could easily make Wang Jingwen an international star. However, Zhang Xiaohua once again denied her this great opportunity. For this reason, she started to develop a deep hatred for Zhang Xiaohua.

Today, Wang Jingwen realized that she was nothing but a vase: a decoration of this small company and someone who was only utilized to be the face of their songs and had no other use besides that. She had close to no power within the company. While others had rejected, insulted, and attacked Zhang Xiaohua, they got away scot-free, but she was told to 'shut up' for voicing her opinions. 

Wang Jingwen scowled at Zhang Xiaohua with eyes full of hatred. She couldn't help but grip her hands into a pair of fists as she secretly decided that she would immediately leave this company once she had the opportunity!

At this time, Emma was already in front of Manager Li. She politely requested, "Manager Li, if you would, please follow me. I'll send you out."

Manager Li was completely silent. These people were infuriated a minute ago, but how could they be so calm now?

Surely, they couldn't really believe that this boss had the ability to earn 7 million yuan for them within just two months?!

It seemed that these people were still too young and naive!

A business wouldn't be successful just because you had trust and loyalty. If there was no large groups backing them, even if they could write good quality songs, they wouldn't be able to do much with them. 

Disappointed, Manager Li left after being led to the exit by Emma.

When the representative of Universal Corporation exited the building, they suddenly felt that the previously crowded room felt eerily spacious.

The only company left was Sparrow Records company's representative; however, no one was optimistic about this.

Large companies like Rock Records, Huasheng, and Universal couldn't even enter the eye of Zhang Xiaohua. How could a small company with no fame and little to no status be able to enter his eyes?

Emma, instead of awaiting Zhang Xiaohua's instructions, spoke directly to the Sparrow's representative, "Sir, please follow me if you would, I'll lead you out."

The representative of Sparrow Records was completely red in the face, but he just nodded amiably and didn't speak. He actually turned to leave, showing no desire to discuss terms with them.

Perhaps this person already had self-knowledge. After all, even the three leading companies were ignored by this small company. What's the face of the small company behind him? Negotiations?

Instead of disgracing himself, it was better to withdraw early.

When the representative of Sparrow Records was about to exit the studio, the voice of Zhang Xiaohua suddenly sounded: "Brother, since you came all the way here, why are you in such a hurry to leave? Come, let us talk about cooperation."

For a moment, everyone turned their eyes to Zhang Xiaohua and couldn't help but swear in their minds!

Looking back at Zhang Xiaohua, they were puzzled. When those three major record labels took the initiative to give him such a good offer, he had refused. Now, he had taken the initiative to request cooperation with this Sparrow Records.

"What kind of game is this kid playing?" Yuan Datong was full of doubts, and he wasn't sure whether he should just laugh or cry. However, since Zhang Xiaohua had made a promise and said that he would bring a lot of profit to the company within two months, Yuan Datong decided to stay silent and continued to watch.

After he had heard Zhang Xiaohua's words, the representative suddenly paused. Thinking for a moment, he slowly turned around and asked in a weak voice, "Are you... talking to me?"

Zhang Xiaohua licked his lips. "I'm quite eager to work with you, but you are rushing to leave. Are you looking down on our company? Or is it that you don't want to cooperate with our company?"

Although it was merely a joke, the representative of Sparrow Records was panic-stricken. He completely regarded Zhang Xiaohua as a powerful boss and hastily explained: "Please don't misunderstand, Boss Zhang. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that your company's requirements are too high, and your lowest requirement already exceeds the bottom line of our company. I just don't want to waste Boss Zhang's precious time, lest your company loses money!"

"Ah, haha... ahahaha..." Zhang Xiaohua gave a chuckle, he smiled then said, "If you really wanted to go, would you have waited until now? You see, at the moment, the people in the three big companies are gone, but you stayed. Which means you're the right partner for us. I'm very confident and well, we're all peers here, so you don't have to be so polite. Oh yes, I still don't know your name..."

"Right... Boss Zhang, you can call me Zhou Yi."

Zhou Yi took a business card from his bag and handed it to him with both hands.

"The Chairman and Business Director of Sparrow Records; the company's business scope includes record production, record distribution, outlet sales, and video recording..." Looking at the row of small characters on the business card, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised in his heart although his face was as cool as a cucumber.

He asked, "I wonder if Chairman Zhou can describe what your company's size is like? How many records can be produced per month? Do you have distribution rights? Where are the sales outlets you distribute to? As for the staff, is there a clear division of labor?"

When speaking about the company's issues, Zhou Yi was not ambiguous and reported with ease: "Without boasting, our company's registered capital has reached 500,000 yuan, and we have all the rights to distribute both audio and video. However, because of the equipment, our company can produce only 300,000 pieces of records per month.The sales outlets are distributed in some small-scale shopping malls and a few audio and video stores. Our company has a clear division of labor and has dedicated staff responsible for different areas. For example - video recording and post-production, production of records and sales outlets; all of which have special management."

Perhaps it was because of the relationship between the two similar creatures; looking at Zhou Yi, Zhang Xiaohua seemed to have seen the previous him in this kid. For a time, it brought back a lot of bittersweet memories for him.

"If I'm not mistaken, are your company's colleagues your university classmates? Since you couldn't find jobs after graduation, you came together and set up a new company in partnership, not aiming to seek wealth but to seek warmth?" Zhang Xiaohua suddenly spoke up and asked a question that had nothing to do with business.

Zhou Yi seemed to have lost his voice. It seemed what Zhang Xiaohua said was right.

Indeed, Zhou Yi was a college student who could not find a job after graduation. He contacted a few of his university friends with the same fate, and they had decided to invest in a record company to try their luck. Although it wasn't anything spectacular, they had done well for themselves.

Zhou Yi didn't understand how this Zhang Xiaohua, who was obviously around the same age as himself, was so different. He seemed to have experienced many things in his life. He was not only mature and calm in the face of everything, but also had such a unique temperament. This attitude to life was seemingly out of tune with his age. Therefore, he felt that if he could start a partnership with him, the future would not be too bad!

"I dare to ask Boss Zhang, how did you know the situation of my company?" Zhou Yi could not help but ask out of curiosity.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and laughed without saying anything. His laughter sounded slightly bitter as all his memories of his previous life came back to him.

I remember back in my last life, I worked my ass off just to get by. I had to do three to four jobs every day just to earn enough to sustain myself while pursuing my dream to become a singer on the side. All that and I died on the day of my audition, right before my chance at fame, life really was cruel.

Without strength, you could only rely on others to succeed and be forced to watch as others enjoyed their life while you could only struggle to survive.

Zhang Xiaohua naturally understood Zhou Yi very well. If he were to go out and run a business in his previous life, wouldn't he be just as timid?

Regardless of the world, wealth always flowed in the hands of the powerful—This was the natural law of society.

Now that he had the ability to help those who were like him in his previous life, why not help them?

Plus, the company had a lot of things that would require the help of others. According to their plans, in order to develop the company and truly become a powerful force to be reckoned with, they would need to cooperate with a company like Sparrow Records. Then they could slowly take over and incorporate them into their company. This would allow them to quickly create their own industrial chain before other companies started to suppress them; or else, it would be too late.

Otherwise, in the future, they would have to keep relying on the big record labels to sell their records for them. They could only be able to watch the faces of those big companies forever, never being able to reach the same level. Although those companies might be smiling on the surface, they would naturally have their own agendas and schemes below the surface. How could they allow their money tree to rise up and threaten them? They would gradually suppressed the other party in order to force them to keep reliant on them. Then, what would be the difference between this and his previous life?

Instead of working for others, it would be better to be the main boss and take charge of the situation: control others and the rules both at the same time!

Zhang Xiaohua looked up at Zhou Yi and went straight to the point: "I can sign a contract with you on behalf of HuaXiang Entertainment at any time, but I have a few small conditions."

When Zhang Xiaohua made his remarks, Yuan Datong and co suddenly became paralysed.

This kid refused to cooperate with those big companies who had taken the initiative to come to them, but he decided to cooperate with a small company which barely had any strength. His thinking really was far beyond normal people's understanding.

While everyone was completely at a loss, Zhou Yi was overjoyed and quickly responded: "May I know what conditions Boss Zhang has? Our company will try its best to meet your needs."

"I only have three conditions:

First, I want to be the director of all music videos. You only need to provide the technical staff and necessary equipment, and also be responsible for the post-production.

Second, I ask that you produce 300,000 records within half a month, instead of once a month. The unit price of the records will be determined by us and distributed through your sales outlets. As for the deposit, we can use the copyright of the song as a mortgage.

Third, all the proceeds must be allocated in accordance with a seven to three ratio. We take seven, and you take three. If Mr. Zhou has no objections, I can print the contract right now."

Zhang Xiaohua represented HuaXiang Entertainment, and he had presented all his conditions to the other party.

Now, it was just a matter of 'Yes or No' from the other party.