New Team

The next day, after having breakfast, Zhang Xiaohua drove his mother and Liu Yan to the airport.

After helping them with their luggage and settling them both down inside the airport, Zhang Xiaohua drove away.

Just a moment later, Zhang Shaofang and Liu Yan came out of the airport again.

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua as he departed, Zhang Shaofang lost her heart, her expression filled with reluctance. Her eyes gradually began to redden, soon, a stream of tears came out and slowly rolled down her face. On her cheek, a deep tear was etched in her thick foundation.

Liu Yan quickly brought out a handkerchief and helped Zhang Shaofang wipe away the tears on her face. At the same time, she wiped off the heavy makeup, leaving behind only her true face.

Looking closely, she saw that Zhang Shaofang's face was as pale as snow without the slightest hint of blood. She looked fragile and weak. Liu Yan could not help but feel distraught.

"Madam, the young master has already grown up, so you don't need to worry about him. Right now, you should think about yourself more." Liu Yan smiled on the surface, but it could not conceal her sorrow.

"Yeah!" Zhang Shaofang deeply sighed, finding it difficult to hide her grief. "This child has just lost his father, and I fear that soon I may leave him too. I'm really afraid he won't be able to recover!"

Liu Yan hurriedly took out a few Yuan. "How can you say that, Madam? The old master's spirit in heaven will surely bless you and keep young master safe. No matter what happens, good people are always blessed in kind. I just ask ma'am to stop worrying so much, it is not good for your health."

Afterward, Liu Yan reached out and called a taxi over. As they went inside the car, it started driving back to the city, heading for the Municipal Hospital…


After half an hour later, Zhang Xiaohua arrived at the company.

As soon as he passed through the door, he saw Xu Fengnian and Zhou Yi, and could not help but feel satisfied. For him, whether it was Xu Fengnian or Zhou Yi, both were his lucky stars, and they would surely become pivotal members of the team in the future.

When Xu Fengnian turned up, Yuan Datong and Emma were lying around, and they were very confused.

If Zhou Yi came to this place, everyone could still understand. But why had this Manager Xu also come? Wasn't he a person of New Century Entertainment?

"Uncle Xu, you are here, welcome!" Zhang Xiaohua first politely greeted Xu Fengnian and then looked at Zhou Yi with a smile as he asked, "Are the documents ready for the investment?"

Seeing that they had something to talk about, Xu Fengnian consciously retreated to one side. It was not the employee's job to bother the boss when he was talking about business.

"Also Xu Fengnian, please wait for a moment. I have to discuss something with Zhou Yi first," said Zhang Xiaohua after greeting Xu Fengnian.

In the meeting room, Zhang Xiaohua sat in the executive's chair behind the desk, waiting for Zhou Yi to report.

Zhou Yi took out the documents and handed them over to Zhang Xiaohua:

"This is proof of the transference of company holdings. At present, your holdings account for 30% of the shares held by the company. We unanimously decided to authorize Zhang Xiaohua as our company's business director and chief financial officer to supervise the entire business and finance of our company."

Zhang Xiaohua laughed.

"Does Brother Zhang not like these two positions? If so, I can arrange other ones." Zhou Yi replied. Right now, Zhang Xiaohua was not only his biggest customer but also his only investor. It could be said that both their companies were basically inseparable from each other. Therefore, Zhou Yi could not afford to disrespect him in the slightest.

Zhang Xiaohua carefully collected the documents, and then said to Zhou Yi: "Your side needs to step up construction and upgrade all your equipment at once. This time, we have made thirteen songs for Wang Jingwen in succession which will be divided into two album releases, each with 500,000 records. That is to say, you have to produce one million records a month. This should be no problem, right?"

Zhou Yi could see that the company would gain business again and a massive one at that, so he answered with sparkling eyes: "Please be assured that there is no problem at all!"

"Well, wait until we finish everything over here, and I will let you know. I will also need to shoot a music video, so I will need your people again. Oh yeah, I also plan to hold Wang Jingwen a concert in a few months. This will need a lot of equipment and personnel to help in setting the stage, lighting layout, printing tickets, these things... Can your company spare some staff?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.

Zhou Yi did not really need to think, he just frankly said: "No problem, we can be responsible for providing lighting and stage construction, printing tickets is no problem too.We have ready-made printing presses in the factory, so as long as you provide ticket design maps, we can get it done."

"Okay, then let's get on it!" Zhang Xiaohua was very happy that he had actually found such a cheap and comprehensive company to cooperate with.

He truly was quite visionary, collecting talented people all around him.

After boasting to himself in his mind, Zhang Xiaohua went to find Xu Fengnian and said politely: "Uncle Xu, you actually came to help us. We are so honored."

"You are too kind. It should be me saying thank you for letting me have the privilege of working with such talented people. Today, when I see you guys, I feel like I have been taken back to my youth with the enthusiasm and motivation around here." Xu Fengnian expressly implied that he was willing to work for the company.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and called over the rest of the group and solemnly announced with full of confidence:

"From today onward, Xu Fengnian will be our company's business manager. You guys should remember that Uncle Xu has extensive experience in the market. In addition, the older generation is worthy of our respect and is qualified to guide us. You are not allowed to act arrogant in front of him.

"With Uncle Xu's guidance, coupled with his personal connections in the industry, our company will surely thrive on a daily basis, getting better and better!"

When Zhang Xiaohua said this, everyone could not help but cast a contemptuous look at him. Their look spoke volumes; after all, wasn't this kid the one who acted disrespectful to Manager Xu last time?

"Uncle Xu, ah... no, I think I should call you Manager Xu now." Zhang Xiaohua suddenly started to act like a real boss would. Although Xu Fengnian was from an older generation, one's yard was still one's yard; the boss was still the boss, and the manager was still the manager. Zhang Xiaohua felt that he mustn't be ambiguous in such matters: rankings had to be established from the beginning, so there would be no issues later on.

With this in mind, Zhang Xiaohua put on a tone that resembles a CEO and said: "Manager Xu, Sparrow Records recently started to update part of their equipment, so I will trouble you to spend a period of time at Sparrow and help them select new hardware. Their improved manufacturing equipment will greatly increase product quality. I believe that under your guidance, Sparrow will also thrive."

As he talked, Zhang Xiaohua looked at Zhou Yi again and said: "General Manager Zhou, Manager Xu is a well-known expert in the industry, please take his advice on board."

"Of course, that is not a problem! If Manager Xu can help us improve the quality of our work, we naturally welcome him. How can there be any issues?" Zhou Yi hurriedly responded.

Someone who was quite valued by Zhang Xiaohua would certainly not lack skill, and Zhou Yi had also seen Xu Fengnian before. Zhou Yi knew that he was formerly a person of New Century Entertainment. As such, he would definitely have ample experience. If he was coming to their company to guide them, Zhou Yi would, of course, welcomed it.

"So, Manager Xu, this isn't an issue, right?" Zhang Xiaohua asked casually.

"No problem, as long as it helps the company develop, I can do anything," Xu answered without hesitation with a pair of grateful eyes, Zhang Xiaohua also showed praise and admiration.

Just listening to the conversation between Zhang Xiaohua and Zhou Yi, Manager Xu clearly felt the aura of a leader radiating from Zhang Xiaohua's body. He felt admiration towards Zhang Xiaohua's wisdom and attitude regarding others.

Without saying anything else, Zhang Xiaohua refused the four major record companies. Yet in the end, he actually chose this humble company to cooperate with, and they had done well so far, proving he had great vision or at least a great amount of luck.

Of course, Manager Xu also saw through Zhang Xiaohua and his schemes.

Now that Zhang Xiaohua already had a stake in Sparrow, he would surely continue to inject funds into the company and gradually gain more control in the company. As it continued to develop, Sparrow Records would soon belong to Zhang Xiaohua. This was the so-called disguised acquisition.

To put it simply, Zhang Xiaohua wanted to acquire the property rights of Sparrow and annex it. This way, he could save a lot of development time for HuaXiang Entertainment and lay a solid foundation for a future industry chain.

At such a young age, having such courage and insight was truly rare!

In time, he would certainly surpass his father and set up a new entertainment kingdom on the fertile soil of the entertainment industry.

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua, Manager Xu could not help but secretly sigh. At the same time, he determined that starting today, he would spare no efforts in assisting Zhang Xiaohua until he succeeded.

At the same time, a brand new company team was also being produced. Under the arrangement of Zhang Xiaohua, everyone in the company began performing their duties.