

It was so shocking!

Zhang Xiaohua's achievements in music had far exceeded Yuan Datong's imagination!

From the "Broken Hearted Woman" to the rest of the legendary songs such as 'See You Again', 'The World', 'Pieces', and the not-so-famous new songs, Zhang Xiaohua seemingly created these songs without the slightest effort. All of them seemed to be coming to him as if he was born to create them. Music was created in various forms and styles; each song was different. As long as it was sung from out of his mouth, it gave people a refreshing feeling. The lyrics and rhymes were so smooth and unique, penetrating and appealing to your deepest emotions. Especially the catchy melodies, always easily capturing people's minds and leaving them unable to extricate themselves!

With such terrifying talents, he... was simply the human incarnation of "God"!

No, he was the God of Music.

Ling Ming was completely fascinated at the moment, whether it was the lyrics of that song or the beautiful tunes, including the artistic conception outlined between them, they made her sway with emotion. She listened to Zhang Xiaohua's phrase "Can I hold you, baby; let me love you one last time.'' It was simply beautiful. She actually helplessly nodded; she was willing to invest herself in Zhang Xiaohua's arms.

"Do you like this song?" Zhang Xiaohua asked softly. His moving singing, gentle smile, and hot eyes completely made Ling Ming lose herself in his eyes. It seemed that her mind was captured by Zhang Xiaohua. Therefore, no matter what Zhang Xiaohua said, she involuntarily nodded her head.

"So, do you want to be the singer for this song?" Zhang Xiaohua smiled, and the gentle voice rang again.

Upon hearing this, Ling Ming could not help but nod, filled with eagerness as if she was afraid that Zhang Xiaohua would retract his statement.

He immediately turned to Emma and said, "Go get a contract, and give it to Miss Ling."

Emma recovered from her shock and went to bring the contract which was specially made for signed singers, and she handed it to Ling Ming.

"This is our company's contract. You can take your time to look and think about it,

if there are no issues, then feel free to sign it. Oh yeah, that song was called 'Can I Hold You?', it was one of our company's original songs. I will indicate in the contract that you will get the right to sing the song. But the premise is that you have to sign the contract." Zhang Xiaohua explained to Ling Ming.

"Zhang... Big Brother, is this true? Can I really be the singer of that song?" asked Ling Ming, unable to believe what was happening. This was too sudden. She was not ready yet, and her voice and body trembled violently.

"As long as you sign the contract, the song is yours. But I hope you can call me Boss. In addition, you should know that I am very strict. I hope you consider everything clearly before signing." After saying everything that needed to be said, Zhang Xiaohua settled himself back in the boss' chair without worrying that Ling Ming would refuse to sign the contract. Unless she was an idiot that wanted to run around for a lifetime and wanted to perform on mobile stages in town for a few yuan a day.

"Please sign it. As long as our boss is willing, you will become the next Wang Jingwen!" Emma could not help but urge the girl. She hoped to hear the song just now from Ling Ming's mouth. It would certainly sound good. She also hoped that the company would grow as soon as possible, which meant signing many singers, like a real music company.

Ling Ming seriously thought about it, but after thinking it over, she could not think of any major negatives of signing to the company. The most important thing was that the song "Can I Hold You?" was just too good.

Although she wanted the song, Ling Ming did not hurry to sign the contract. She looked straight at Zhang Xiaohua and asked in a weak voice: "Brother, oh no! Boss! After I sign the contract, can I still go and do street performances?"

"Why do you want to perform on the street?"

"Uh..." Ling Ming slowly lowered her head, her face filled with bitterness.

If there was no choice, not many would choose to perform on the street like a beggar. Every day, feeling unsure of whether they would earn enough to eat, having no fixed place to live and reliant on others' generosity. If the performance was not good enough to attract customers, it was up to the bosses of those shopping malls how much they will get paid. Sometimes being degraded and treated like animals, left with no self-esteem at all.

He experienced this occasionally in his past life; driven by his desire to become an artist, he moved to the capital city with no family or friends. In the end, after running out of money, he had jumped on board with one of these street performance groups, somewhat hoping that maybe a scout would pass by and notice him, mostly because he could earn enough to survive.

This kind of life, he believed nobody would like to experience.

However, due to the pressures of life, some were forced to do so, using their talents to survive day by day.

"Do you have something you need to do? I can help you if you need it."

Ling Ming looked up at Zhang Xiaohua and immediately lowered her head and whispered: "I was the lead singer in our troupe and was responsible for many performances. If I cannot perform in the future, then they will not be able to work..."

"What about it? Anyway, there is no future in street performances. If you cannot do it, then that is just how it is. What is your relationship with them? They aren't your family, are they? You need to remember, as long as you are part of our company, we can support you. So why would you need to rely on street performances to survive?"

Zhang Xiaohua asked in a preaching tone. At the same time, he was starting to feel a little angry in his heart, was it that difficult to make her sign it? She seemed to look down on both the company and herself.

"I didn't mean that..." Ling Ming slowly raised her head and showed a firm expression on her little face. She seriously said to Zhang Xiaohua:

"I came to the city from the countryside. But I couldn't find work and I didn't even have a place to live, so I had to sleep under bridges. When I was hungry, I went to restaurants to find leftovers. Later, the brothers and sisters of 'The Thunder Song and Dance Troupe' took me in. They taught me to sing, taught me to dance, and let me perform with them, so I at least would have a chance at earning money. Although I do not like the job, I cannot leave them just cause I found my own way out; because without them, I would probably be dead. My mother often told me that if someone wanted to succeed in life, then he cannot hurt others for their own benefit. If you want me to leave them, then… I cannot sign… with you..."

"So, you want me to sign your entire song and dance troupe together?"

The originally foul mood in Zhang Xiaohua's heart was gone, replaced by gratification; he felt that the girl in front of him was way too cute.

Ling Ming nodded her head and murmured in a pleading tone: "Everyone in 'The Thunder Song and Dance Troupe' is very good at what they do. Although we have not received professional training, we are hardworking and… and we know loads of dance styles. There are also many sisters who are studying vocals, and they can sing really well. It's also good to listen to." She lowered her head after finishing.

Yuan Datong and co almost ran up to give her a hug and tell her it was going to be alright. right then and there. She just seemed so fragile and cute.

As for Zhang Xiaohua's temper, they were all very clear about it. Wang Jingwen was often ridiculed and torn down by this kid, so they knew exactly how hot his temper could get.

Even if Wang Jingwen was a famous star, Zhang Xiaohua still did not pull his punches, let alone Ling Ming who was just starting.

When it came to cooperation, Zhang Xiaohua had always set the conditions for others; he never had anyone mention conditions to him.

But now, this Ling Ming actually asked Zhang Xiaohua to help her entire song and dance troupe; otherwise, she would not sign her contract. Where did she find the confidence to threaten Zhang Xiaohua?

They all felt that if Zhang Xiaohua could still hold back his temper, it would be a miracle, so they were all ready to step up in her defence.

Unexpectedly, when everyone thought that Zhang Xiaohua was going to explode, he just smiled and said: "Fine. We will just sign them as well. After all, the company lacks a song and dance troupe anyway." 

Yuan Datong and the rest looked at each other for a few moments and then turned to look at Zhang Xiaohua again.

"What happened to the boss? This was not his usual style!"

"Did… the boss just give in to her demand?"

"The sun is coming out from the west!?"

"The boss hasn't fallen for this Ling Ming, right? But that does not make sense, cause hate her or not, that Wang Jingwen can be considered slightly more beautiful than this Ling Ming. So the boss has no reason not to like Wang Jingwen, but like this Ling Ming!"

After some discussion, Yuan Datong looked at Zhang Xiaohua's eyes for a moment. His eyes were full of doubts and whispered, "Are you sure you want to sign this song and dance troupe?"

Zhang Xiaohua gave them a look and said: "What? If I do not sign them, do you plan to be the dancers for the concert?"

In an instant, everyone suddenly realised!

Ahh... without dancers, the concert would inevitably be boring to watch.

In this case, why not sign a Song and Dance Troupe?

Killing two birds with one stone!

The boss was truly worthy of being the boss, such vision!

"Boss, did you mean what you just said? You really want to sign our entire song and dance troupe?" Ling Ming asked both excitedly and tensely, the contract in her hand was pinched by her. She looked at Zhang Xiaohua, her eyes were slightly faint with tears.