Parting Ways

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"Boss, was I too bold? Miss Wang Jingwen doesn't seem to like me..." Ling Ming said with an apologetic tone.

"It's none of your business. Don't worry about her. She's gone and you're here, aren't you?" said Zhang Xiaohua smiling. He didn't care about Wang Jingwen's betrayal anymore because he could create ten more like her at anytime.

Yuan Datong and co gathered in front of Zhang Xiaohua, and Emma asked: "Boss, why did Wang Jingwen just leave? She seemed like she was in panic, she rushed out so fast!"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled slightly, but didn't speak, going straight to the recording studio as everyone else followed out of curiosity.

Reaching the recording studio, going to Yuan Datong's desk and opening the safe, Zhang Xiaohua took out the samples of the 13 songs, and directly tore them to pieces.

Since Wang Jingwen was gone, it would be useless to keep samples of these songs.

Although Zhang Xiaohua knew that Wang Jingwen had also seen the lyrics for those 13 songs, but it was unlikely that Wang Jingwen could sing and reach the ideal results without his own guidance.

In addition, Zhang Xiaohua believed that even if the, there was no music team that could produce music that corresponded to the lyrics, it would impossible to compose a memorable melody.

Zhang Xiaohua had gathered a lot of information and found that the so-called music producers in the world did not seem to have much talent. Even if they were given the of a classical song from earth, they could not reproduce the music corresponding to the original song. Even if they could produce it, the songs just wouldn't reach their full potential without the correct singer.

Simply put, the level of music production in this world was very limited, otherwise the world's entertainment culture wouldn't have wilted so much.

Yuan Datong and co were exceptions, they were talented but were restricted by their circumstances. Their musical accomplishments far outweighed those so-called professional musicians in the world.

However, although Yuan Datong and the others were talents in this area, if they wanted to complete the production of those classic songs on Earth, Zhang Xiaohua's guidance was still indispensable. The relationship between the two parties was like the fish and the water.

Unfortunately, he was unaware that Wang Jingwen had taken photos of needed to produce the background instrumentals.

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua tearing up the sample, everyone was stunned!

"Xiao Hua, what are you doing?" Yuan Datong was shocked and asked with a puzzled face.

"She has jumped ships, so what use are these samples?" Zhang Xiaohua said helplessly.

Hearing this, everyone was in a daze!

After a few moments of embitterment, Emma responded asking, "Boss, do you mean to say that Wang Jingwen has..."

Zhang Xiaohua nodded. In fact, he knew that Wang Jingwen would eventually rebel, but he didn't think that the day would come so soon.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to include a huge amount for the cancellation fees in the contract.

In order to prevent Wang Jingwen's rebellion, he had put it in as small measure. Thinking Wang Jingwen wouldn't be willing to pay 15 million RMB to leave and most companies wouldn't be willing to pay for her, at least not at this stage, just cause she made one hit...

But maybe he was just asking for it.

"Ahh, so that's where she got the money to buy a luxury sports car!" Yuan Datong suddenly realised, but he had never really favoured Wang Jingwen. Now that Wang Jingwen changed companies, although he felt a bit of regret, he also felt happy.

The same was true for the others, they had kept it in for this period of time, after all, they needed to be professional, but they very much disliked her. Now that she was gone, it was like a breath of fresh air.

"Boss, even if Wang Jingwen quits, do you really have to tear up these songs? We can find someone else to sing them, for example..." said Emma, looking to the side of Ling Ming: "Let her sing them."

"These songs aren't suitable for Ling Ming. Every singer has their own style, so when it comes to songs, they must be tailored to different singers." Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaohua looked comfortably at Ling Ming. Zhang Xiaohua felt warmth and a seed of affection was planted in his heart.

Ling Ming was obviously different from Wang Jingwen.

Zhang Xiaohua believed that no matter how famous Ling Ming was in the future, she would not be profit-seeking.

To this end, Zhang Xiaohua was also determined to support her. He not only wanted to make Ling Ming popular in the country, but also around the entire continent of Asia, so that she could become a real Heavenly Queen!

After her own song was completed, he must let her explode [Tianhe Stadium], shocking fans at home and abroad!

The more he planned it out, the more excited Zhang Xiaohua became, he hurried to the computer and wrote the lyrics and scores for "Can I Hold You?" in a breath. After printing, he handed them to Yuan Datong and said, "Let's put this first, start the recording as soon as possible, I will give her a few more songs in the next two days, and then we will make her an album and a concert!"

"What about Wang Jingwen? Are we just letting it go?" Emma was still frustrated, everyone had worked so hard to get her to where she was today, and she did this.

"Let it go?" Zhang Xiaohua said: "No, we will get payback!"

"So, what should we do? We can post the situation online and let people know what kind of ungrateful person she is." Emma offered.

"She hasn't officially left yet, let's just wait, okay? For now, our job is to get the song out as soon as possible. There are still many things to do, we can't lose focus on what's important now."

With the order of Zhang Xiaohua, everyone picked up a musical instruments they are good at, and became attentive and devoted themselves to their work.

Zhang Xiaohua wasn't idle. He constantly gave his guidance to Ling Ming, helping her adjust to the song.

For a time, everyone did their best and complemented each other, making the atmosphere harmonious and calm. It was not surprising that the speed of song creation was accelerated.


At 8:00 pm

Unconsciously, they forgot the time.

At this point, under the concerted efforts of everyone, the recording of "Can I Hold You?" had achieved initial results, they had recorded a few rough prototypes. After a few changes, it would be finished.

It wasn't as fast as with Ling Ming as it was with Wang Jingwen, but that was expected. After all, Wang Jingwen was a professional with two years of experience under her belt, whereas Ling Ming was a self taught rookie.

"Uhm… it getting late."

At this moment, Ling Ming's voice broke their concentration. Her small face was red with embarrassment, she lowered her head and pressed her hands tightly on her stomach. It seemed like she was hungry but too embarrassed to continue speaking up.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the time, and discovered that it was already 8 o'clock in the evening. At this point, everyone had been busy for 5 hours straight.

At this time, in addition to Ling Ming, everyone turned to Zhang Xiaohua habitually. According to the usual practice, he should say the following: "All right, everyone has worked hard, I'll treat you guys tonight!"

Zhang Xiaohua turned a blind eye to their wilful eyes and said, "Well, everyone has worked hard. Tonight the general manager, Yuan Datong, will treats us, so let's relax, eat and drink our fill, okay?"

Yuan Datong nearly spewed blood.

This kid was too evil!

"Why should I just treat you? You normally handle this, why did you push it to me today?" Yuan Datong issued a serious protest. This kid had already extorted hundreds of thousands of yuan from him. Did he really think he was a bank.

"I spent my money investing in Sparrow Records and I gave the rest of the money to my mum, she is going on a holiday, so now I'm poor. Not only today, but before my mum and Liu Yan return, I'm gonna have to rely on you. I have no money to buy food." Zhang Xiaohua spoke with absolutely thick skin, feeling no shame at all.

Yuan Datong put on a grieving face and couldn't help but feel depressed for a while. He actually worked so hard but in the end, he was actually empty-handed, he just fell from the millionaire to some sort of philanthropist, giving out money like nothing. This efficiency was even worse than renting out the small studio to other artists.

In particular, the guy who claims to be the "boss" in front of him actually needed to rely on his staff to feed him.

Like seriously, what the actual f***?

As Yuan Datong was depressed, Ling Ming suddenly spoke up: "I still have a hundred yuan here, we can simply eat..."

Everyone turned to the little girl who was holding up the wrinkled hundred yuan bill. Truly such a righteous person. Everyone felt their hearts warm up and sighed: They were both people under the same roof, but compared to that Wang Jingwen, Ling Ming was obviously more generous.

"We worked tirelessly, day and night, and produced so many wonderful songs for Wang Jingwen. She also made more than 3 million net profit. But when did she ever say thank you? I actually get so angry when I think about it!" Emma grumbled.

To ease everyone's angry feelings, Datong said, "I'm not as shameless as someone. What do you say, as general manager of the company, I'll treat everyone to a meal, after all, we have worked so hard.

Turning to Zhang Xiaohua, he intentionally ridiculed: "Isn't that right, Boss?"

"That's perfect, General Manager Yuan, always so generous." Zhang Xiaohua said with a malicious smile, he immediately turned and walked away while saying: "Let's go to Star Hotel to enjoy ourselves. After all, General Manager Yuan has offered to pay!"

"Great idea Boss I've been dreaming of going back for a big meal!" The crowd also followed Zhang Xiaohua after giving their thanks to Yuan Datong.

Yuan Datong felt like crying. He felt like his heart was stabbed with a knife and he was dripping with blood, this time he would really end up bankrupt!