Press Conference

A staff member knocked on the door of the conference room and urged: "Chairman, general manager, the reporters are all in a hurry. Is Miss Wang Jingwen ready?"

Cao Dequan glanced at the time and then looked at Cao Feifei as he said, "You are already the general manager. It's time for you to show yourself more. This time, you will go to meet those reporters with Miss Wang Jingwen. Try to improve yourself and do not lose face for the company. Okay?"

"I know Daddy." Cao Feifei responded with excitement and rushed to the venue with Wang Jingwen.


At the same time, No. 1 Hospitality Hall.

Nearly a thousand reporters were looking forward with great expectation to the arrival of Wang Jingwen.

A moment later, under the escort of more than a dozen security guards, Wang Jingwen slowly walked into the venue with the most arrogant attitude of her life. Then, she sat down in the VIP seat. More than a dozen security guards were divided around and were ready to protect her at any time, her personal safety and her treatment were like that of a President.


Suddenly, numerous flashes lit up the place. The paparazzi continued to take pictures while the reporters frantically rushed towards the VIP seats, the scene soon was out of control.

Reporters and paparazzi were all squeezing together, but they still weren't discouraged and desperately rushed forward. They wanted to occupy a position in the front row so they could be in close contact with Wang Jingwen in order to take a close-up photo of value. The reporters all hoped to be picked to ask questions by being closer.

Seeing such a hot scene, Cao Feifei was proud of it.

Although New Century was widely recognized as the industry leader, this was the first time the company had attracted so many reporters to attend a press conference.

Of course, in Cao Feifei's heart, today's achievements were inseparable from her meritorious feats. After all, she had dug up Wang Jingwen.

"Everyone, take it easy. Today, Miss Wang Jingwen will give everyone enough time to ensure that all journalist friends will get first-hand information." The hostess picked up the microphone and shouted to the reporters under the stage, which made the reporters calm down. The stressful atmosphere slowly relaxed.

"Miss Wang Jingwen, can you take off the sunglasses and let us take a few photos?" A photographer asked politely.

The rare opportunity to have close contact with the hottest star at the moment, the paparazzi naturally wanted to get a proper photo of Wang Jingwen, but Wang Jingwen's sunglasses almost covered half her face, for the photographers, it was a bit unsightly.

Wang Jingwen kept the sunglasses on her face and ignored his comment, not even the most basic smile was shown. She just kept her cold and arrogant look. Being able to meet with her, she felt that was already good enough for these reporters.

Although Wang Jingwen's arrogant attitude had caused many reporters to be dissatisfied, it didn't affect the conduct of the reception.

Then a reporter asked, "I would like to ask Miss Wang Jingwen, aren't you a singer for HuaXiang Entertainment? Why are you holding a press conference at New Century Entertainment today?"

When talking about HuaXiang Entertainment, Wang Jingwen could not but feel frustrated for a while. She was thinking of how Zhang Xiaohua often yelled at her for the smallest things while she couldn't even fight back.

Not only that, often even her freedom was restricted by Zhang Xiaohua. She hated it.

Wang Jingwen unable to control her emotions replied to the journalist who just asked in a offended tone: "Which station are you from? You seem very concerned about HuaXiang, so why don't you just go visit HuaXiang Entertainment? What are you doing here?"

When this remark came out, it attracted many reporters' dissatisfaction.

Speaking of reporters, it wasn't easy for them. They came all the way here and waited for so long. But now that they asked her a very common question, she actually reacted so violently, not showing even the minimum respect.

Speaking of HuaXiang Entertainment, Cao Feifei first associated it with Zhang Xiaohua and felt equally upset in her heart. Besides, now it was press conference for New Century, yet the reporter mentioned HuaXiang Entertainment instead. From Cao Feifei's point of view, the reporter was the one at fault.

"Security, please send this reporter out." Cao Feifei not only didn't comfort the journalists present, but instead called the security guard and sent the reporter out.

Seeing this, all the reporters put down the camera in their hands. No one spoke anymore, in that moment, the whole place was quiet and the atmosphere became dignified and extremely tense.

"There is nothing remarkable about her. Since she doesn't want to answer our questions, let's go to HuaXiang Entertainment."

"Yes, let leave!"

"I'm up for it."

A few reporters turned to leave, making the atmosphere awkward.

The rest of the reporters also kept silent for a long time, they seemed strongly protest against the situation with their silence.

If Wang Jingwen and Cao Feifei continued to face the reporters with such an attitude, then the reporters on the scene might actually continue leave, causing the grand press conference to be disbanded.

Seeing the situation was not good, the host hurried on stage and said: "I'm very sorry today's news conference is for New Century and to introduce as Ms. Wang Jingwen a new singer to join our family of entertainers, so I ask the reporter's on the scene to ask related questions. We are all old friends and have been in contact for years, so please help us out and keep it on topic."

The host's remarks played a somewhat more soothing effect.

But then, a female reporter spoke up:

"I would like to ask Miss Wang Jingwen, why did you leave HuaXiang Entertainment? Is it because of HuaXiang is a small company, so you don't put them in your eyes. Just like you don't put us little reporters in your eyes?"

Obviously, reporter's remarks were specifically trying to incite a reaction from Wang Jingwen.

Wang Jingwen could not help but become enraged. She was about to make a big fuss, but the he presenter hurriedly rushed forward and reminded her: "Reporters sent by the major media and television stations are all present. We can't afford to offend them or they will discredit you every day. If so, both you and the company will suffer. They are now angry, even if you try to answer their questions, they'll just twist your answers."

The host's shirt was soaked with sweat, he was getting more frightened for his job as the situation unfolded.

Then there was also this general manager. She obviously had no experience in dealing with the media. He really didn't know why she was sent to attend this press conference. She was just stirring more chaos.

Wang Jingwen had no choice but to let go of her tough attitude. She managed to hold a smile and endured her temper: "So to speak, one side was a bowl of fragrant rice, and the other was a bowl of mould. Wouldn't you choose to eat the bowl of fragrant rice instead of the mould?"

Wang Jingwen replied very cleverly, but in her mind, these two metaphors were simply seamless.

However, the reporter did not let it go, asking another question: "You were made famous at HuaXiang Entertainment though. But now you compare it to mould, it reminds me of an idiom called 'Drunk Wife'. I understand that formerly HuaXiang Entertainment crafted songs personally for you, which resulted in your current fame, but after you grew your wings, you actually left them."

The reporter's words came out and countless flashes lit up again. All the cameras' shots were accurately targeted at Wang Jingwen and reporters stretched out further looking forward to her answer.

Wang Jingwen was very incensed. She thought that these reporters would ask some questions about the next album, but did not think that these reporters would all be rushing to speak about HuaXiang Entertainment.

Since they wanted to get to the bottom of it, then she would simply tell them the truth and save them from the endless exhaustion.

"How is it wrong for me to leave? HuaXiang Entertainment is too poor. Staying there would stunt my growth as an artist. I want everyone to know that without me, Wang Jingwen, HuaXiang Entertainment is nothing. Zhang Xiaohua is absolutely nothing without me!!"

When Wang Jingwen made her remark, the reporters all froze. Immediately afterwards, they quickly picked up the pen and paper and devoted themselves to record her words down.

Some reporters got up and raced out, they had to get Wang Jingwen's passage into the press release for tomorrow.

The headlines were already decided...