Publicity Stunt

After July, under the supervision of Gao Xiaosong, the songs:

Red Star;


Empty City;





I Am Willing;


Wings of Light;



and Moon Time had all been recorded.

Gao Xiaosong's amazing music production speed unanimously won praise from all the members of New Century. All of them praised: 13 songs produced in such a short period of time, truly the godfather of music!

Even, Cao Dequan rewarded Gao Xiaosong with a bonus of one million yuan for his efforts.

In fact, the reason why these 13 songs were released so quickly was because Gao Xiaosong made an absolute mess out of them. They parted ways with the original songs for thousands of miles. They were beyond recognition.

The 13 songs had been completely wasted, it seemed that these classics would never get the chance to appear in this new world! From classic to mediocre.

However, Cao Dequan didn't seem to think so. In his impression, all works from Gao Xiaosong's hand were contemporary classics. Together with a powerful singer like Wang Jingwen, the effect would naturally be more powerful and the results couldn't be bad.

Perhaps this was what people often refer to as "hearing only what you want to hear".

Once the album was available, whether they were good or bad, the public would naturally give a fair evaluation.

In order to achieve absolute success for Wang Jingwen, this time Cao Dequan was bold, and convinced the shareholders to invest 50 million in creating a music video for Wang Jingwen. New Century invited the most professional audio-visual production team from the United States and an internationally renowned movie director.

Of course, Cao Dequan would not be willing to make a loss, he was determined to make a big play this time, he decided to produce only 3 million records, he wanted to inspire competition among fans to get hold of the records so he could increase the price at a later date when they made more copies. The price of the record was already high and scary, the unit price was 1,000 yuan per piece!

That is to say, if 3 million records were sold, sales could reach 3 billion yuan. Accounting for various expenses and taxes, New Century Entertainment could earn at least 2 billion yuan!

This number left Cao Dequan excited for three days and three nights, this would a milestone in the entertainment industry, he would go down as a legend!

As the saying goes: It is good to have money. Money was the source of all human motivation.

Wang Jingwen had millions of fans, and she was currently the main star of Huaxia, seen as the saviour of music by her fans. All they had to do was to get 3 million of them to buy the album, in fact, even 2 million of them would do. With this as a basis, Cao Dequan managed to convince the shareholders to invest.

The music video for the 13 songs was quickly completed, it was entirely starred by Wang Jingwen, and each one of the songs reached an international level of production. During the filming period, they travelled to many countries and regions, a serie of beautiful colours, pictures and sound effects. The video could easily claim the number one spot as the most expensive and luxurious music video ever.

After a quick discussion with the shareholders, it was decided. The album would be released on August 8th, there were still 8 days till the release date.


At the same time, HuaXiang Entertainment was also eager to act.

Today, with the unremitting efforts of all the staff of Sparrow Records, Ling Ming's two million copies were all ready and stored in the warehouse of the Sparrow Records. As long as Zhang Xiaohua ordered it, they could be released at any time.

However, Zhang Xiaohua was not anxious, even at this time he still hadn't helped Ling Ming advertise her album, he was waiting for the right opportunity.

HuaXiang Entertainment, conference room.

"Xiao-Hua, it is about time we help Ming'er advertise. I think we should put "Can I Hold You?" on the Internet as soon as possible, it can play a good publicity effect." Yuan Datong proposed.

"No hurry, let Wang Jingwen and New Century have the stage for a few days. If we advertise for Ming'er now, it will drowned out."

Everyone looked at each other and they were all confused. They really couldn't understand, what did this kid want to do?

"Do you have a better plan to drum up attention?" Yuan Datong asked again. At present, there were still 2 million records just sitting there in the warehouse of Sparrow Records. They couldn't help but be anxious!

"If you wanna get revenge against someone, first torture them till they go crazy before killing them off. We will get our revenge soon," Zhang Xiaohua smirked, but if you looked closely underneath, it was pure coldness.

Manager Xu looked and couldn't help but shudder!

The others didn't understand the meaning of Zhang Xiaohua's words, but he understood his meaning very well.

"When do we start to promote Ling Ming?" Yuan Datong could not wait. Although he believed Ling Ming was destined to become the hottest new singer, she was still just an unknown singer.

To grow a seed, water was needed. So if he wanted Ling Ming's album to sell, the premise was that they must first give her some propaganda, otherwise, if no one knew who she was, who would buy her record?

However, it seemed Zhang Xiaohua had no plans in this regard.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said with ease: "Remember, New Century was still built by my dad's hands plus I am still a shareholder of the company. I want to gain it back, hopefully not completely destroyed, so I have to leave them some face. Let them release the album first, I want to see, what sort of song Wang Jingwen will sing without us?"

Emma suddenly raised her voice and retorted: "I don't agree. I think we should strike preemptively. Before Wang Jingwen releases her new album, let's help Ming'er first. After she has built up popularity, we take advantage of it as soon as possible and release the album. Even if Wang Jingwen can still stand up, I believe that Ming'er can still grab some fans from her."

Zhang Xiaohua laughed and said nothing.

These people were still too young, they lacked business savvy!

However, Manager Xu was much more savvy. At first glance, he saw through Zhang Xiaohua's thoughts. He smiled and said:

"We are waiting for Wang Jingwen's popularity to be exhausted, so that Miss Ling can take over Wang Jingwen's position in one go. If we release the album the same time as them, it will only create a situation of competition against Wang Jingwen. But after all, Wang Jingwen's popularity is still there and truthfully it's unlikely we would win and even if we won, it wouldn't be a complete victory. New Century Entertainment would be helping Wang Jingwen create hype, in this case, Wang Jingwen's popularity would end up rebounding, maybe reaching even higher than before, whether it is Miss Ling, or for the company, there is no benefit in playing a game of who can pay more for advertisements. But currently, Wang Jingwen is sweeping the country appearing everywhere, for many people the sense of freshness she brought to the scene at the beginning is fading and as it goes on, her current popularity will be consumed sooner or later. It is then we will strike."

Zhang Xiaohua, having found a companion who understood him, started clapping: "Manager Xu, you are even better than in the rumours, truly worthy of being a predecessor. Just like they say, in every family there is an old treasure, I didn't believe this before, now I'm completely convinced hahah!"

"Oh, you are praising me too much. I should be praising you instead, at such a young age, you can think of things so thoughtfully, and you can put your eyes on such a long-term perspective. That is true talent." The manager showed a gratifying smile, but said with a slight sadness: "If your father could see your achievements today, I know he would be over the moon. Unfortunately, things have developed to this point but I believe even in heaven he is watching over you with pride!"

"Uncle Xu is loyal and righteous, I really didn't misread you. You can rest assured that the humiliation you received from the Cao's father and daughter, and the things that Cao family owe to us, I will soon recover them." Zhang Xiaohua said emotionally.

Manager Xu nodded with relief and said nothing.

At this time, Yuan Datong and co were all still dazed, they turned their heads to Manager Xu, and then to Zhang Xiaohua. They all scratched their heads and looked confused. They couldn't understand what the two men were saying. Unpredictable. But it sounded quite reasonable, although they didn't completely understand...

Seeing Yuan Datong's same puzzled look, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but laugh, deliberately teasing him: "Use your big head for once in a while, do you understand the plan now?"

Yuan Datong swept his hand through his hair, rubbed his eyes, wanting to speak, but Zhang Xiaohua added: "Manager Xu has already explained the plan very clearly. Unless you're a fool with unsound IQ. Everyone should understand so I won't go through it again."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Datong almost burst into tears, he nodded and smiled. "I understand, such a simple thing, how could I not understand? You really think of me as a fool?"

"What do you even know?" Zhang Xiaohua leaned comfortably onto the sofa: "Speak then, what is the plan you understand?"

"..." Yuan Datong's face slowly became flushed red, and he was speechless on the spot. He realised that this kid was deliberately teasing him: "F*** don't bother this granddaddy with your constant questions, do you want a beating?"

"I didn't force you to lie plus who the hell wants a grandfather like you, with such a low IQ I would rather a dog as an ancestor!"

Yuan Datong was embarrassed and frustrated, he rushed over to Zhang Xiaohua but Zhang Xiaohua leaped off the sofa and pegged it away. They chased each other around like children playing, running around upstairs and downstairs.

Manager Xu watched them smiling. At this moment, what he saw was not a group of children playing about but professional team that had an unbreakable bond who could weather storms together. Perhaps,in the near future, this team would grow from an insignificant sapling into a big tree, and eventually—into an entire forest!