Pure Viciousness

In the face of Wang Jingwen's anger, Cao Feifei snorted not rushing to answer Wang Jingwen's question. She sat down on the chairman's seat and casually said: "You caused the company a loss of 150 million yuan and you want to just escape"

Wang Jingwen was infuriated and retorted: "Why is the loss of the company counted on my head? In addition, the contract was stated. If you unilaterally decided to fire me, you have to compensate me 50 million yuan. I still haven't been paid for my advertising endorsements and commercial performance. You do know, I can sue you for contract infringement!"

After eating a loss against Zhang Xiaohua, Wang Jingwen was smarter when signing with New Century Entertainment. At that time, she had a complete copy of the contract, which was completely legal, she wasn't not afraid of a lawsuit.

However, if it was avoidable Wang Jingwen really did not want to go to court with New Century Entertainment. Recently, her career had become sluggish and she just didn't have the energy to go to court.

"What you want to go to court?" Cao Feifei smiled coldly and looked at Lawyer Wu in a blink of an eye. "Lawyer Wu, if this matter went to court, what are your chance of winning?"

Lawyer Wu proudly smiled and said without hesitation: "The odds are 100%!"

Cao Feifei once again turned her attention to Wang Jingwen, and said with disdain: "Did you hear that? Lawyer Wu is a senior lawyer in the industry, if we fight this out in court, do you really think you have chance? You have to know, this is a world of money, money can make even ghosts disappear let alone people. When it goes to court, do you think the judge will lean towards you, or towards us?"

Wang Jingwen's heart sank and felt uneasy.

For her to fight with New Century, she really didn't have much of a chance to win.

As Cao Feifei said, this was indeed the world of money.

As long as you have money, you could buy people's hearts and arbitrarily reverse black and white.

New Century Entertainment wasn't just rich but also powerful connected. If she really go to court with them, then Wang Jingwen's chance of winning was basically zero.

After all, Wang Jingwen had no connection to use as counter and even if she went to media, she was just waiting to get mocked by them.

Cao Feifei seized this point and dared to oppress Wang Jingwen.

"You can think about it. Do you really want to go to court with us? By the way let me remind you, if you decide to cause trouble with us, we will sue you." Cao Feifei threatened.

"Sue me?" Wang Jingwen's tightened her hands into fists the grievances in her heart turned into crystal tears, constantly turning around in her eyelids, but she kept it in.

Cao Feifei laughed and said nothing, but then Lawyer Wu spoke up: "Don't you remember, when you joined the company, you said you had all the rights to sing all the songs produced by HuaXiang Entertainment. But except for the song "Broken-Hearted Woman", you don't have the rights to sing any of the other songs at all. With this, I can sue you on behalf of the company for fraud. If you are convicted, you will face at least three years in prison. "

Lawyer Wu took out a document from his bag and said with pride: "This is the indictment I personally prepared, and my team of lawyers can file a lawsuit on behalf of the company at any time, and we have 100% confidence in winning, because HuaXiang Entertainment has publicly stated that they have taken back the right to sing all the your other songs. So do you still want to play this game"

"You..." Wang Jingwen suddenly felt her chest get hot, she almost vomited blood.

What is even more exasperating is that Cao Feifei also asked herself to steal a sample of the 13 songs written by Zhang Xiaohua. Compared with her own sin, her guilt should be even greater.

But unfortunately, there was no evidence at all, unless HuaXiang Entertainment came forward to help her out, but this is simply impossible!

Thinking of this, Wang Jingwen felt helpless and disappointed!

Seeing that Wang Jingwen had given up, Lawyer Wo continued to strike: "Now I am officially filing a claim against you as the legal consultant of New Century Entertainment Co., Ltd., the total amount is for 20 million yuan. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, New Century Entertainment Company has the right to freeze all the funds in your name earned during the time you earned during your time here. At present, all your commercial and advertising endorsement fees add up to 17 million yuan, so New Century Entertainment has the right to add the minus the 20 million yuan fee. The company requires you to repay the remaining 3 million indemnity within two days. Otherwise, we will see you in court!"

After listening to this, Wang Jingwen really collapsed completely!

Since coming to this company and after working so hard, not only did she not earn a penny, but was asked to compensate them 3 million yuan. And they obviously did their research this 3 million was the money she earned from her first album, the first bucket of gold earned at HuaXiang Entertainment!

In the past, Wang Jingwen did not put the 3 million in her eyes. Now think about it, this money was a huge sum for her. If she save properly, she could have enough to spend for a lifetime!

"If you don't pay, we have the right to apply to the court to seize funds and property in your name. So we can be re-payed the debt owed" Seeing Wang Jingwen is disheartened, Mr. Wu's heart still dark, was not finished. He stuck out his hand and said: "In addition, please hand over the car keys. The car you are driving is New Century Entertainment's private property, now you have no right to continue to use it."

At this time, Wang Jingwen full on in tears. Her lively hood and way out was being destroyed.

The Ferrari was valued at 10 million yuan.

Unfortunately, at that time,when she received the car never thought that there would be such a day, so she had never bothered to get a transfer of ownership. At present, the car was still a legal property under the name of New Century Entertainment, and now it was too late to transfer it.

Wang Jingwen had no choice but to take out the car key unwillingly, and immediately threw it to the feet of Cao Feifei. She stared at Cao Feifei with a death stare.

Under the strict protection of the security guards, Cao Feifei wasn't afraid of Wang Jingwen's. She bent down gently and slowly picked up the car keys at her feet. Then she stood up and didn't even look at Wang Jingwen again. Under the escort of the security guards she left straight out of conference room door.

Closing the door behind her, Cao Feifei suddenly stopped and turned to Lawyer Wu: "Get her to sign the agreement and leave." Then she went to the four security guards behind her.

"You stay and watch over her. If she dares to go crazy here, teach her a good lesson. What ever happens, I can take responsiblity!"

"Yes, general manager!"

The four security guards followed the order and returned to Wang Jingwen's side watching over her staring at her every move. It seems that as long as Wang Jingwen dares to shout here, they would instantly throw her out .

Lawyer Wu took out a pen and placed it on the agreement. Then he motioned to Wang Jingwen indicating that she should sign .

In the face of overwhelming power, Wang Jingwen had to bow.

However, she clearly understood that this was the end of the game. At least for her it was.

Her hand trembled and picked up the pen. Wang Jingwen clenched her teeth tightly and signed her name on the agreement.

Once again, New Century had relieved her of her job.

Just compared to the first time, this time she knew there would be no comeback.

After taking the agreement back, Lawyer Wu smiled smugly and warned: "In two days, I ask Miss Wang to pay the remaining 3 million yuan owed. Otherwise, we will file a lawsuit against you at that time for fraud and you will be responsible for all the consequences at that time!"

Speaking of this, Lawyer Wu also told the four security guards: "You send Miss Wang out. Before she leaves the company, don't let any staff contact her. Also don't allow her to step into this company in the future not even half a step."

The four security guards nodded in unison. Then they stared at Wang Jingwen like a prisoner, just waiting to expel her.