Celebration Banquet

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Ling Ming and all the staff members gave a deep bow to the audience at the scene. While expressing their gratitude, they also announced that the concert was officially over.

Faced with the empty stage, the fans did not want to leave the scene and began shouting Ling Ming's name. Their voices resounded around the stadium.

Listening to the fans' calls, Ling Ming was moved to tears, she wanted to return to the scene and continue to sing for her fans. Unfortunately, she had already sang all her songs and could only say goodbye to the stage.

Outside the stadium, tens of thousands of fans blocked the exit hoping to catch a glimpse of Ling Ming when she came out, even if it was brief.

But at the same time, Ling Ming had already exited the stadium using the special passage. There were bodyguards accompanying her car in front and behind, forming a long fleet. Even if they were discovered by fans or reporters, they wouldn't know which car Ling Ming was in.