An Eye for An Eye

At present, Yuan Datong was away at the studio recording songs for Yang Kun. Ling Ming's advertisement for the drink company was also undergoing post-production. Currently, all of the company's internal staff was busy. As for the day to day running of the business, Zhang Xiaohua left most of it for Xu Fengnian to deal with, so Zhang Xiaohua was currently just an idler.

At this point, Zhu Yuncai had been waiting outside for more than five hours. Filled with anxiety, he paced up and down the waiting room till his legs were numb.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that Zhang Xiaohua, becoming triggered at his team, skillfully ragequit and stood up. After stretching, he walked to his office's balcony and began to appreciate the scenery outside.

Looking at the time on his phone, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but smile.

Going up to his desk, Zhang Xiaohua picked up the phone and called up to the front desk and asked: "Is Zhu Yuncai gone?"