
In his spare time, Zhang Xiaohua turned on the computer and started browsing the web.

Although the company was on track, Zhang Xiaohua wanted to accelerate the process.

He had the songs. but the singers were hard to find.

Although he had quite a lot of classic songs in his head, he didn't want just anyone to sing them.

Plus, there was the issue of what to do after he ran out of songs. By then, he hoped to have gathered teams of quality songwriters and already solidified their place in the industry so he could use the rest of his memories from Earth to move into tv shows, etc.

In Zhang Xiaohua's view, if the songs in his mind were "good saddles", then they had to find "good horses" to match them. Otherwise, Zhang Xiaohua wasn't confident of their success.

Some songs could only be perfected by certain artists, like Yang Kun and 'Indifferent'.

Because of this, Zhang Xiaohua often felt helpless!