Last Wishes

Zhang Shaofang explained: "You have changed now, but remember that you weren't always this responsible. Your father did what he thought was best for us at the time. He had no idea things would turn out like this. New Century was the lifeblood of your father, he was afraid it would be destroyed in your hands, after all you were young and stuck in your rebellious stage. Cao Dequan was a friend at the time, or so it seemed to your father. He had no need to question his character, he had known him since childhood plus neither me or you had experience in business. With Cao Daquan in charge, there was a greater chance of things turning around for the better. Plus, with the 4% shares, even if you decided to never work, you could still lead a stable life without too many worries."

Zhang Xiaohua nodded.

They continued to chat for a while till Zhang Shaofeng became tired and drifted off to sleep.

Seeing his mother asleep, Zhang Xiaohua began frowning.