Helping Out

Hearing footsteps approaching, she couldn't help but look up and see Zhang Xiaohua's face. Her face turned red, her shame was difficult to hide.

She had previously told Zhang Xiaohua that her profession was a lawyer, but now here she was.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and apologize to Boss Zhang!" The lobby manager, thinking that Zhang Xiaohua was here to reprimand Zhao Zilin's because of the incident just now, hurriedly urged Zhao Zilin to apologize.

Zhao Zilin was aggrieved and kept silent with her head bowed, waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to reprimand her and embarrass her.

But Instead of speaking to her, Zhang Xiaohua unexpectedly turned to the lobby manager. He called for the hotel owner in a cold voice and said: "Fire him or we will leave."

The hotel owner was stunned, the lobby manager had been working here for years.

So she rushed to change the topic and said with a smile: "Boss, if you've been offended because of the girl, then I can replace her."