
Zhang Xiaohua took a heavy step forward and slowly walked up to his mother, he had no idea what to say.

In order not to worry his mother, Zhang Xiaohua had been doing his best to conceal Liu Yan's situation.

However, at this moment, in the face of Liu Yan, Zhang Xiaohua's previous efforts were all wasted.

Since there was nothing he could say to his mother, Zhang Xiaohua immediately turned his attention to Ms. Xu angered: "Who told you to bring my mother here?"

Nurse Xu was stunned by Zhang Xiaohua's sudden anger. She quickly bowed her head and did not dare to face Zhang Xiaohua. Her heart was filled with grievances.

"Don't blame Nurse Xu, I made her take me here." Zhang Shaofang said wiping her eyes which had become red still looking at Liu Yan in the ward, with trembling in her voice she said: "How long did you think you could hide this from me?"

Zhang Xiaohua's bowed his head and said nothing.

"Mom, Liu Yan, she..."

"I already know the truth, I've spoken to the doctors."