
After the incident with Yang Kun just now, Zhang Xiaohua was longer in the mood to write songs for him.

Temporarily putting aside his work, Zhang Xiaohua began to habitually browse the web, trying to find some potential artists online.

After browsing the Internet for a long time, as usual, Zhang Xiaohua still found nothing worthwhile.

Gradually being filled with boredom, Zhang Xiaohua opened up movie site casually. After a short while of browsing, he randomly selected a movie to kill time.

The film's name was "The Waves Of Fire" it was a domestic film, but many of the actor were unknown to Zhang Xiaohua what drew him to the film was the epic name.

Sliding the mouse, he skipped the title sequence and went straight into the film.

After an hour and a half, Zhang Xiaohua stared at the computer screen with a look of disdain.