
Three days later,

Zhang Xiaohua had just arrived at the company when he received two pieces of good news.

The first was from Zhou Yi, Adu's music video had been completed and was ready to be placed on Vimeo Net.

The second was from Brilliant Brokerage, they had already finished arranging the channels for the ticket sales.

At this point, Zhang Xiaohua was only waiting for Sun Qingdong's good news.

Zhang Xiaohua was in a rush to begin setting up the stage.

However, even after three days had passed, Sun Qingdong still hadn't gotten back to him with any news.

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't understand what Sun Qingdong was playing at.

Sun Qingdong should have easily convinced the officials of the Department of Sports to rent the stadium.

But even after three days, Sun Qingdong still hadn't sent any news. Clearly, he was deliberately delaying.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but become angry.

He had paid him millions of yuan in order to get his help.