
After a bustling discussion, someone finally said: "I think the reason why our ticket sales are so bleak is because our prices are relatively higher than Adu's. If we want to increase our sales, we should consider lowering our ticket prices."

When this person spoke up, he garnered approval from everybody.

Although she wasn't convinced, Cao Feifei asked: "So then speak, by how much should we reduce the price?"

After a lapse of silence, someone suggested: "Since HuaXiang Entertainment intends to compete with us, we should make our price the same as theirs or even lower. The price of the front row can be reduced to 3,500 yuan. The middle row can be reduced to 2,000 yuan and the bottom row should be 1,000 yuan."

Hearing this, Cao Feifei burst into flames. Her recently calmed temper suddenly exploded like a volcano. She yelled at everyone: