
Under the urging of the staff, Yang Kun had no choice but to get ready to perform, at this point he just hoped to get this concert over and done with as soon as possible.

Since the stage was completely based on the design of Ling Ming's concert stage, there was a lifting platform in the middle. According to the original arrangements, Yang Kun would also sing while rising up on the lifting platform.

However, because of the bleak relationship between ticket sales and the fact that New Century had exceeded the budget, the lift platform had been revoked. Even the stage lights had been replaced with ten-watt colored light bulbs and there was a feeling of dimness.

After a short period of time, under the dim light, Yang Kun went onto the stage. His whole being was like a zombie, without a trace of vitality, there was no trace of a superstar.

Standing in the center of the stage and looking around the desolate scene, Yang Kun sighed with a sigh of frustration and defeat.