God Tier-Pettiness

In no less than an hour, under the escort of four guards from the Huashang Bank, 10 million in coins was sent to the exhibition center and presented before everyone.

It was the most ridiculous scene that everyone had ever seen, there were jars full of coins to the brim. Together they almost piled up into a mountain. 

The sales manager and the car sales lady were in shock at this time.

At this time, a bank manager came up to Zhang Xiaohua's face and smiled happily: "Boss Zhang, hello, I am the account manager of the Huashang Bank. You requested 10 million in cash. Here you are."

Zhang Xiaohua was a major customer of the Huashang Bank, Tianjing Branch. HuaXiang Entertainment was a VIP of their branch. Therefore, they provided a full range of services to Zhang Xiaohua.