It Was The Stick!

"Old fogey, you lousy thick-skulled sorry excuse of a cultivator!" Yin hissed through gritted teeth as she ran up towards what she remembered to be the direction of the old fogey's residence. "Starting from now, I'll officially call you dumb fogey!"

Starting from the lakeside pavilions, the stone paths that snaked and branched outwards towards other courtyards and manors were lined with flower-bearing trees and berry bushes. With the subtle fragrance in the air, together with the soft lights from the hanging lanterns, it made the place look soothing and sophisticated.

But she was not being soothed!

She was still oozing with annoyance!

Nobody was around, but she was in too bad a mood to actually freakin' care why. Better that no one was here, actually. She would not need to control her temper.

She could... curse him and plot his torture along the way!


"If I were planning to leave, I would not even come back here today. I am hungry, but NOT that hungry! I could have just disappeared. Seriously. You dumb, insensitive mouse and failure of a man! Why can you not read clues?! Heck, even I pity that Phoenix girl now. She really could not afford to pull you into the powerplay of her world with you being so dense. You will be schemed to death in half a day! If it weren't for my timely appearance, she might really end up an old spinster waiting for you!"

Yin furiously bit the last of her tanghulu before throwing away her stick with all the force she could muster, irritation clearly written on her small, doll-like face.

"Just you wait. I will make you owe me so much, you will be begging me to have your firstborn with that Phoenix girl named after myself. Then I'll kidnap your eldest child to become my disc—"

"Careful, Young Master!"

From behind the trees and shrubs, a flurry of panicked, angry voices and unsheathing swords could be heard.


"Young Master Qing!"

"Young Master Qing! Are you hurt?"

"Who dares to sneak attack the Young Master?! Show your face and kowtow three times before beheading yourself!"

Hearing them clamor, instead of going over to apologize, Yin was even more annoyed and decided to stay put.

Her face had none of that usual cheerful, naughty smile that spelled of mischief. Right now, it was devoid of warmth, like a doll with no human emotion. Yin was in a truly terrible mood.

'What kind of idiot would shout for an enemy to show himself? If he was willing to be seen, he would not hide in the first place, right?'

Suddenly, several cultivators wearing bright fancy robes and holding fancy swords appeared in front of Yin in a semi-circle. Following them, several Ye Sect disciples who heard the ruckus came running in.

Several yards away behind them, an old man protectively carrying a thin, fragile-looking boy in a golden robe stood to observe them. Aside from Yin, only they had relaxed expressions.

The one in the middle of the semi-circle, obviously the leader of what looked like a flock of colorful parrot guards, pointed at Yin's tiny toddler body.

"Kneel, you who have—huh? A kid?"

Seeing that there was no dangerous enemy and only a little girl was guilty of the crime, someone behind the guard, a man wearing the standard Ye Sect white-robed clothing, stepped forward with a cold, killing intent.

"Girl, are you the one who threw that stick? From which Ye lineage are you? What an evil spawn! How dare you be rude to our most important guests?! Hurry, kowtow and apologize! For offending His Highness Qing, leave behind a leg before you scram!"

Qing? What is that? Not even a Tian(1) would make her bat an eye.

Talking about backgrounds, excuse me you ignorant blob, she is a Hun(2)! Even an immortal would tremble and pee his pants at the thought of offending a Hun! You even dare ask for a leg?

Yin glared back just as fiercely. She was minding her own business here, you know? Was it her fault her stick went flying behind a bush? That is not her. It was the stick! That is karma working its wonders. Maybe her candy stick wanna punish the nearest bunch of annoying people.

Besides, it was their fault for being in an unlucky place at an unlucky time! Yin just happened to be passing by!

"Who are you? Do I even know you?" She calmly crossed her thin arms over her chest, her expression taunting. "Why are you talking to me? Did I even allow you to speak?"

The atmosphere became suddenly awkward. To be talked down like that by a little girl they just randomly met, the man in white-clothing, who was obviously someone pretty high in the ranks, turned purple in anger.

"Which Ye Clan idiot raised such a vile, disrespectful brat like you?! In front of His Highness, the Ye Sect has been disgraced by you! Let me discipline you in the name of the sect!"

He gestured for the fancy-robed man closest to her to grab her.


Ooh, Yin exactly needs some exercise to warm up her body before eating dinner! Who is fuckin' afraid of who?!

"Drop that hand or lose that very hand!" a loud bellow echoed from behind them. This caused everyone to freeze at the onslaught of rich and heavy battle intent that slammed towards their bodies.

"Tenth Elder!"

"Junior pays respect to the Tenth Elder Ye!"

"Junior pays respect to the Tenth Elder Ye!"

Many Ye Clan members from the other lineages and Ye Sect outer disciples could be seen observing nearby. Those who saw Ye Mo all saluted in greeting. As the youngest Sect Elder and the strongest sword cultivator among the younger generation, Ye Mo was pretty popular and well-respected by everyone within the sect, even by those of the older generation.

Those who did not like him were mostly those from the opposing faction. Like that purple-faced man in white clothing.

"Ye Mo!" he growled through gritted teeth. "Do not nose your way into other people's business!"

"Li Xiao Yang, you dog of the Li clan, is my name something you can casually say?" Ye Mo easily carried Yin into his arms. The wind around him kicked up, and sharp sword qi swirled around him in warning to those who dared come close. "Do you really dare not properly greet your senior in front of your guests?"


(1) Tian, means heaven or sky. Play on the surname and saying she's not even afraid of the Heavens.

(2) Hun, means primordial. Her father is Hun Dun, which means Primordial Chaos. She is talking about her family, the first and original deities. I bet, who wouldn't be scared, right?