Wrath of a God

A few minutes earlier, inside Little Yin's bedroom...

"Bro Hua, Bro Hua!"


"We are not yet done. Don't go."

"You want me to tell you a bedtime story?"

"Who wants to listen to your bland narration?" Little Yin wrinkled her dainty brows. "Don't leave yet. You did not answer my earlier question."

She was already put to bed. Her tiny dumpling of a body was rolled under the soft silken sheets. Only half of her small face was visible; the tip of her nose downwards was covered with a white blanket.

The room was dark, the lamps just put out. Ye Hua was already by the door frame, and he was about to slide the door close when he heard her mumble those words.

A tired smile tugged at his lips, his tone sincere as he asked, "What are you talking about?"

In the darkness, Ye Hua could not see the stubborn diva expression on the little girl's face. On the other hand, as the lights outside the room shone against his face, his serene expression could be clearly seen... and this annoyed her to the ninth firmament.

"I am talking about exactly what you think I am talking about."

As she righteously said this, Yin gazed deeply into Ye Hua's calm eyes, seemingly trying to decipher his thoughts and peer into the soul of this young swordsman.

Among everyone she had met since she reincarnated, it was this young man with a steady and quiet disposition that gave her the oddest feeling. Although he was a very good husband and a perfectly filial nephew, Yin felt that there was something off about the Ye Clan's Fourth Young Master.

What could it be?

Was it his lack of attitude?

His overly nice personality?

His squeaky clean reputation?

Is it possible that under that kind smile, he's actually having an affair with another bi—

"I guess you must be thinking that today had been an awfully long day. Rest well, Little Yin. Tomorrow, I will bring you out to play."

Yin was not able to read minds; however, she could at least determine the purity of one's Dao heart. Although she felt that Ye Hua was not as simple as he seems, at the very least his secret did not involve any corruption of his Dao heart. He was clean of guilt and malice, and for Yin, that was enough to acknowledge him as someone she could trust.

"Bring me out to eat!"

"All right, all right..."

Although this was Yin's first time reincarnating in the mortal realm, she was not someone unfamiliar with human nature. She would be damned not to pry Ye Hua's matters, but right now, she had to deal with things systematically. She had noted some pests outside. Two pests to be exact.

If she weren't careful, her precious and fragile playmates might be broken. Of course, she wouldn't want that.

After all, she came out to play. If she were to successfully direct Ye Mo and his branch family's future, then all relevant and irrelevant factors had to be controlled. Like Zhi Ruo, this perfect wifey material. Like the Qing Imperial Family, this very fat sheep.

Yin would rather not spoil the experience of being human. She would only get to experience this once.

She no longer forced the issue about the situation inside Leaf City. Ye Hua was tight-lipped, and Wu Xuan'er never brought up things that she deemed not child-friendly enough in front of her. Yin had to find other means to collect information.

Being reincarnated into this midget body, she might be shielded by her 'little girl' armor; however, it also prevented people from taking her seriously.

Yin sighed under her breathe, "Tonight is bound to be a sleepless night."

She spoke this just as Ye Hua was about to leave. "Did you say something?"

Yin let out a deliberate yawn. "I said, good night, Bro Hua."

"Good night, Little Yin. Pleasant dreams."

Mere seconds after Ye Hua closed the doors, a strong gust of wind forced the windows to open. A fuzzy silhouette stepped inside the room without noise, clad entirely in large black robes. The moment this figure appeared, purple poison gas spread out from his sleeves.

This fuzzy figure then pulled out several long needles and threw them at the sleeping body covered under the sheets.

Without looking back, the intruder was about to leave just as fast as he came, but suddenly, he could not breathe. He could not move. He could not even blink.

His eyes widened in shock when he saw his target sitting up on the bed. The poisoned needles struck the heart in between her brows, her dantian region, her heart and her throat, and yet she fluidly moved as if those fatal injuries did not exist.

Let alone black blood, there was not even blood flowing down from those wounds!

"How ruthless," Yin said coldly, a sneer forming on her small face. "One needle is strong enough to turn a mortal into a puddle of blood. And I get to experience four? How extravagant that I am treated with such flair."

At first, she was in the mood to simply leave the pests alone. She could not refuse that her existence had thrown the order of things upside down. Her presence would have made many plans invalid, and her meddling could easily turn around tables. It was to be expected that different invested parties would send guards and spies to monitor her.

Yin did not mind. It wasn't like she particularly cared about anyone.

She was an easygoing person, but to be attacked like this, well, she was going to be super extra polite to the other party.

"Y-You're not human."

An aged voice came out from the intruder the moment Yin slightly loosened her divine sense on him.

"How did you know? Hee hee, do you want to be awarded, hmm?"

Truth be told, Yin's cultivation was inferior that this man's. Contrary to everyone's expectations, Yin wasn't a Divine Stage Cultivator. In fact, she wasn't even in the Nascent Divinity Realm.

Her fleshly body and qi were only at the Foundation Spirit Realm! That was the second realm of cultivation, the realm just after the Body Washing Realm and before the Nascent Divinity Realm!

If it came to a one-on-one fight using their fleshly bodies and cultivation techniques, Yin would be inferior to many of the people she had been in contact with.

But of course, nobody knew this fact because the divine consciousness she's emitting was that at the peak of Nascent Divinity Realm!

It was to be understood that in Qing Blessed Lands, one's spiritual consciousness was always more or less equivalent to a cultivator's qi level.

No one would have imagined that a freak like Yin would appear, whose consciousness was basically invincible in this mortal realm. The only issue was that her fleshly body limits the amount of spiritual power she could manifest. When she exceeded her limit, her body would explode.

As she was unable to cultivate the Primordial Yin Body, she used all the accumulated yin qi in the pocket dimension to refine her mortal body into the simplest and first perfection of the Absolute Yin Physique, the Undying Ice.

Her body, unless it was shattered with a force that had reached a certain level multiple times her own, was virtually a block of immortal ice. She would never bleed. Any injury would be like a hole drilled into ice. With enough yin qi, the hole would disappear and her body would be as good as new.

It was the layer of the Absolute Yin Physique that symbolized durability and was simply perfect for her strong divine consciousness. It allowed her to jump ranks in fighting.

Back when she had just possessed her new body, despite having a mortal body, she was already able to control her consciousness to attack a person's spirit. What more now that she had actually started cultivating. Her ability to grow was not as simple as one plus one.

Yin still had no concrete idea about this world's cultivation system, but she knew that she was already strong enough to smack the faces of those who offend her.

The aged voice spoke with disdain. "You think I am afraid? Try and kill me. See if this Ye Sect is not razed to the ground."

A beautiful smile blossomed on her childish face.

"Aiya, do you know that for thousands of years, nobody had ever threatened this deity in such a cute way? Is this the jianghu (1) nowadays?"

Whatever the enmity between cultivators, family members or friends should never be dragged into the matter. That was the unwritten rule of martial artists. A taboo. Unless it was some kind of life or death enmity that could not be dissolved—only then would one actually make the move to eliminate the whole clan of his foe, or even include anyone else that had the slightest bit of relation to him.

"How about I give you a full body massage?"

Without further ado, Yin hauled the man up in the air and made yin qi infiltrate his body bit by bit. She hit his acupoints so that he would remain muted as her pure yin qi evolved to one of its many variations.

Death qi.

Thinking about destructive and corrosive properties, death qi was crowned king, even above the agony caused by poison qi.

Yin emotionlessly controlled the death qi in order to make the man suffer in a way that not only his body, even his soul would not survive.

With every breath of time, the intruder's body gradually dissolves to ash...

Yin had curved her desire for blood ever since she woke up, but deep in her bones, deep in her soul, she was a battle goddess from primordial times. To her, death was just a phase. She didn't particularly care if she killed anyone right now. It was wrong to say she's cruel; indifferent would be more precise.

However, people seemed to be mistaken about her. Not because she wasn't killing anyone, it didn't mean she wasn't capable of it.

Weren't these idiots purposely asking for death?

Was the strength she showed not enough?

Should she try killing the chickens to scare off the monkeys (2)?

Her eyes twitched when she realized that the pests outside had increased. Another joined the fray.

Ah, what was the best and most efficient way to handle them and awe them with her impressive and majestic self?

"Bummer, and I was excited to sleep too."


(1) jianghu, 江湖, literally "rivers and lakes"; the pugilist world

(2) 杀鸡吓猴, literally "killing the chicken to scare the monkey"; to punish an individual as an example to others