Ye Zhihao?

"Don't disappoint me, weirdo!"

After those cheeky words were uttered, with a pressure so sudden, so heavy and so terrifying in its bizarreness, the temperature in the forest plummeted.

All living beings that happened to be within several li from where Yin was standing were startled.



It was as if they were enclosed in a block of ice!

The thin spiritual qi mist in the air even seemed to form snowflakes and ice crystals because of the temperature.

Even using only the naked eye, frost could be seen forming on the top layer of the nearby leaves and rocks. As for the bark of the giant tree that Zhang Wei was leaning against, it was gradually being coated with a blue-white film of ice. It was even spreading through its roots, then the soil, then the blades of grass...

Stunned silence enveloped the forest.

Not even the rustling of leaves or the sounds of beasts or birds of prey could be heard. It was as if the entire forest once full of vitality became a desolate wasteland.

In the middle of this wasteland was a half-alive boy sitting in lotus position with a little girl touching the crown of his head.

This odd and somewhat funny picture might have befuddled most humans, but to those beasts and birds of prey who relied mostly on their instincts to survive... these two children were a symbol of death!


Paralyzing fear!

Those who could flee had fled, while those smaller, weaker animals had holed up in their shelters refusing to come out. Not that Yin would bother to spare even a glance at them.

It was just that her presence had an innate suppression on every living being sensitive enough to know the profoundness of her aura.

While Yin might not possess any noble bloodline with her current body, her spiritual force was a frightening ancient power to reckon with. The tiny speck of aura that had seeped out of her control already whipped all beasts in the forest in a frenzy.

Even the emperor-level beasts that had a bit of cultivation, the overlords of the central region of the mountains behind Ye Sect, were hiding in their caves, quivering in terror.

This anomaly was even felt by a number of core and inner disciples of Ye Sect that were currently training and hunting in the forest. They did not understand the cause, but they knew that something big had happened. A few even left in rapid speed to report to the hall officials and protectors.

Though they might not be as scared as the beasts, but they had subconsciously stayed far from where Yin and Zhang Wei were staying.

As Yin continued to pour more yin qi on Zhang Wei's head, circular puffs of white mist pulsed out rhythmically from her lily-white palm, slowly spreading out in a lazy fashion of a steady heartbeat.




The unnatural stillness of the forest was broken by thrumming sounds that grew louder as seconds ticked by.

After the time of half an incense's stick, the bruised and pale face of the ten-year-old boy grew rosy. Wounds closed and scabs fell down at an astounding speed.

It appeared miraculous, but no one could comprehend the type of torture this young boy just went through.

This kind of excruciating pain... was enough to make an adult with shallow cultivation to scream his lungs out!

"Amazing," Yin applauded when despite the overbearing power of hers coursing through his frail body, her new playmate did not utter a cry. Seems like he's a good, obedient listener. "You are a weirdo, indeed."

The strange boy did not pass out, meaning he had fully experienced the pain of ice sharp needles and searing qi knives sawing through his meridians, stitching his broken body back.

But still, not a cry or a sound was heard from him.

He was clenching his teeth so hard, it could be seen that blood had dribbled past his chin. He was suffering, but he made sure to keep himself as silent as Yin ordered him to be.

"You do not disappoint." Yin nodded to herself as she finalized the pouring of her spiritual qi on the crown of the weirdo's head. "I do not know what happened to you, nor will I care. Once you get strong enough to stand on your own feet, you will take revenge for yourself."

Yin stepped away just in time to avoid the black blood cots that the boy vomited. As soon as he heaved all of those dirty blood out, it seemed as if an unknown strength permeated his muscles and bones.

"Ah, I-I'm sorry," the boy stammered. Now that Yin was no longer touching him, he was panting like he had just run a thousand lis. As soon as he had the strength to move, he knelt in front of her. "I did not mean to..."

She waved her arm to stop him from apologizing. But the boy continued kowtowing.

"My mother told me once that if someone were to receive a drop of favor, they should repay with a brimming spring worth of requite. What's more, it was a life-saving grace. From now on, I will be your servant."

"I don't need a servant. If I'm looking for one, it would be someone much stronger than you." Even though she said that, Yin's face was full of smiles. Then, with a dignified voice of an elder, she asked, "Your name?"

"This one, this lowly one is Z-Zhang Wei, with the character for 'great'. I'm a janitor disci—"

"From now on, you'll be surnamed Ye, first name Zhihao (1)!"

The boy could only gape. "B-But, my mother gave me—"

"Hao'er, you must always listen to your Church Leader."

"Leader? Little sister, you..."

"Not little sister!" Yin's lips twitched. "Remember, I am your Church Leader. You are now part of the Church of Love. Aiya, you're too young... hmm, think of it like I am your boss."


"Yes, I'm your boss." Yin nodded. "Say it!"

"Say what?"

"Call me boss!"


After hearing this, she sighed inwardly. Seemed like the fracture in his soul had caused this boy to be a little slow in the head. It would probably be hard for him to understand her words.

Even though she helped with combing through his meridians, he would have some problems learning and understanding the dao. How slow would he cultivate then?

Would this not be like playing the zither to a cow? (2)

"After the old fogey and the Phoenix girl exchange vows, I, your Boss, will bring you away from here in search of your missing soul fragment." Upon seeing him perk up at the thought of adventure, Yin clapped her hands. "Do you want to see the world beyond this place? Don't you want to meet more people, make more friends, and have fun tasting food from every single place we'll pass by?"

Aiya, she couldn't wait. Just imagining all those snacks she was yet to taste...

Without warning, Yin turned around and faced a certain direction behind her.

"But you lurker are not invited!"

In about three breaths time, an embarrassed cough could be heard from the darkness.

"Young Miss Yin, I have not offended you. Why don't you let me join in?"


(1) Zhihao 志豪, from Chinese 志 (zhì) meaning "will, purpose, ambition" combined with 豪 (háo) meaning "brave, heroic, chivalrous".

(2) "To play a zither to a cow" has a similar meaning to preaching to deaf ears.