Arriving At The New Zone The Continent

Dro looked at Erylis and announced, "The first zone I will go to is, ."

Erylis nodded her head and gave out the mission, "Alright, listen well. My brother's man was noticed in that zone, but he may have already left and not be in anymore. If that is the case you will have to search further down the dwarven territories. You can begin by searching for clues in , the second progenitor reported that he was last in the , go to this ."

<500,000 XP>

<+1 Talent Point>

She snapped her fingers and Dro disappeared from the castle of the Vampire Queen.

After he disappeared the Queen's gaze went to NightShade she looked at her and spoke, "Come to me," NightShade didn't dare to disobey she took steps closer, she didn't move a single step after coming in closer and she spoke no words.

"From not on, you will help the Vampires, I will send you to Vampire village now."

Erylis frowned and spoke, "Your answer?"


"Care to repeat that?" She became irritated, by the girl's address.


Erylis took a deep breath and spoke, "Who do you think you are?" She spoke with a strong voice.

NightShade sensing anger of the Vampire Queen, she shuddered in place.

"Have I displeased you somehow?"

Queen got angrier again, "Do you want to die that badly?"


NightShade's mind raced as she tough what she did wrong, she finally remembered Erylis status, she remembered that she was the Queen. NightShade gulped and spoke, "My apologies your highness."

Erylis glared at NightShade and spoke, "Just get out of my sight," She snapped her fingers and NightShade was teleported out.

When the girl was gone from the palace, Erylis once again sat in her throne and picked up the goblet and drank from it, after doing it, she mumbled, "I will not lose to you brother, you will fall."


Dro's surroundings have changed, the moment he appeared in the new area, everywhere he looked he saw the hard dark ground. It was even raining ash from the sky while he stood in place. Dro looked left, he looked right, he looked backwards, in this three direction he saw only saw the black ground, but looking ahead. He saw a great view, the reason he could see this view, was because he was gazing down from a cliff. He was currently standing on a plateau.

Dro was a little shocked that Erylis teleported him to the plateau, he wondered why did she do so. He shrugged his shoulders and approached the edge of the plateau and gazed down at the view before him.

Down below he saw multiple lines of dwarfs were walking in and out of the caves, they went in while pushing empty carts inside, and they left with carts filled in. Dro could see, these dwarves were mining, even down in the distance he saw player coloured names, he raised his brow as he now realised that there were dwarf players. He mumbled to himself, "So players could become more races then just human when creating a character."

Dro decided not to think about the subject any more, he still had his task, he needed to find the location called Nig Furuhm>.

Dro walked the edge of this plateau, he searched for a safe way to descend this plateau. He frowned after making a big circle, after circling it he found no safe way down. Dro seeing this frowned, he didn't know what to do, he didn't want to try his luck by sliding down the cliff it would have been a bad joke if he died from falling to the ground.

Dro cast a skill, , he returned back to the Queen, when she saw him, she was surprised she looked at him and inquired, "Why are you back already?"

Dro coughed as he explained the situation, "You teleported me on a plateau, I had no way down, so I came back to ask you, please teleport me on the ground."

She slowly nodded her head, at this moment she was slightly embarrassed, without saying anything she teleported him out one more time. When he had disappeared, she sighed and mumbled, "How did I make such a mistake?" Her words were heard by no one, and her expression was seen by no one, at this moment she was not wearing her arrogant expression of the mighty Vampire Queen, no one saw her expression.


The message once appeared to Dro, but this time he wasn't located on any mountain, he was standing firmly on the ground and at the normal level. He looked around the area, unlike last time he saw when he opened the map, that he was just on the passage to from Dwarf starting zone, , this zone was the same type of zone as , a follow up zone.

Dro didn't go back to he had no reason to go there, he instead looked at the front and took the first steps deeper into

The Zone was too thick with ash and it was smothering how in the zone, Dro walked forward, he began searching for his real goal . Dro soon found a city in the distance, it was a real dwarf city, the city already had dwarf players in it, but Dro didn't play them any mind. He just came to a Quest giver, as from his experience in he knew that following Quests would be much faster than going around the zone blindly. He approached a stout dwarven man who was half his height but twice his length.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

The dwarf looked at Dro and spoke, "It is rare to see humans, in our lands. But since you are here, I could use the help, you see ...."


1/2 Regular chapters of the day

Thank you for reading

Power Stones needed for an extra chapter - 28/100

Bonus Chapter Count - 0