Werewolf Kingdom

Dro turned his head from Reiya looking at the huge gate that stood before him. Dro frowned and walked up to the gate. When Dro looked at this gate he smirked,

<10,000,000/10,000,000 HP>

"Help me break the gate, Reiya," The girl looked at Dro and nodded her head. Dro with his weapon slashed, <-764,131> Reiya followed up with her attack. The two started to chip away at the gate until only one hit remained. Dro smirked and swang his sword one last time,

"Let's go," With the words of the youth the two walked past the destroyed gate and stepped into the werewolf kingdom and when they did that Dro was met with a system notification,

Looking around Dro saw building no matter where he looked. The buildings were similar to the buildings in the Vampire Kingdom. Realising this Dro frowned. Dro with a frown walked further into the city.


Erylis once again was once again sipping from the goblet while sitting on her throne. She glanced up from her goblet, "What is it, fourth?"

"My Queen, why did you send Dro on such a mission. Isn't that missions suicide." Erylis glared at Riku, "You are stepping out of line, Riku." The Vampire immediately kneeled, "I am sorry, my Queen."

"Get out of my sight," Riku bowed his head and he disappeared. Erylis once again drank another mouthful and thought, "I wonder will my rebellious fifth succeed in taking back the city that we lost over ten thousand years ago." Erylis closed her eyes, "I hope you succeed, fifth"


Dro and Reiya didn't get far before encountering a werewolf. The werewolf seeing the two opened his eye's wide and howled. Dro looked around and saw them getting surrounded by the werewolves. Dro looked at these werewolves and smirked,

<1.000,000/1,000,000 HP>

De took a deep breath and using his sword activated a skill,


<250,000 XP>

Reiya as well attacked,


<250,000 XP>

Having killed two werewolves the others growled and them and attacked. Dro smirked and jumped into the crowd of then werewolves. He used his defensive ability and used his AOE ability.


After weakening the 6 werewolves around him he facing one of them slashed,


With five remaining Dro swiftly attacked the other werewolf that was just by the side of his killed werewolf,


<250,000 XP>

At this time out of four remaining werewolves, only three were in range to attack Dro. Three of them slashed and all the attacks were blocked by Dro's blood shield. Reiya at this time was fighting her own enemies and she didn't have time to help Dro. Dro smirked and used a skill that just went off cooldown,


The four were once again weakened and Dro at the closest one used another skill that went off cooldown,


<250,000 XP>

With his blood spear down and other skills on cooldown, he slashed with his sword,



<250,000 XP>

Now only two werewolves remained by Dro's side. The two remaining were further enraged by the death of their comrades. They rushed at Dro. The werewolves wanted to tear Dro apart. One of the two lunged at Dro. The youth smirked and used his . The two having intelligence immediately turned away from Dro and charge at Reiya. Dro seeing this frowned he moved in a puddle state slowing the werewolves from moving to her.

The werewolves got angered by Dro that slowed them. One of the werewolves howled and with this howl, Dro heard more howls coming from further down the city. At this exact moment, Dro returned back to normal. He once again attacked the werewolves.



<250,000 XP>

<250,000 XP>

Dro turned his head and saw that five more werewolves had arrived and these werewolves were running towards him and Reiya. He then turned his head to Reiya he saw her fighting two werewolves while three more laid by her feet dead.

Dro looked away from her and at the werewolves that dashed at them. He narrowed his eyes and proclaimed facing them arrogantly, "No matter how many of you come. Each and everyone one will die."

Th leading werewolf got angered by the words of the Vampire he accelerated even more and pounced at Dro. When Dro looked at this werewolf his eyes turned serious,

<10,000,000/10,000,000 HP>

Not only that Dro saw that the werewolves by this one side were as well the same as the one that led them,

<10,000,000/10,000,000 HP>

<10,000,000/10,000,000 HP>

<10,000,000/10,000,000 HP>

<10,000,000/10,000,000 HP>

Dro gulped down his saliva as he took a deep breath before shouting, "Reiya use mana transformation and target these alphas. I will take care of the ones you have your hands full with." Reiya smirked, "Alright."

As per the commands of the fifth progenitor, Reiya used her skill immediately and launched the attack towards one of the alphas


<+3,000,000 XP>

Dro facing the two normal werewolves killed them with one attack each,



<250,000 XP>

<250,000 XP>

Dro turned his head and he saw how three werewolves lunged at Reiya and her transformed state. Dro got in front of them and roared, "Do it kill them all." Reiya with a slight nod cast another one of her spells.

Dro was now faced with three bosses he knew that he couldn't get hit by any one of them. He also knew he had to block them for interrupting Reiya.

Dro narrowed his eyes at one of the three bosses and smirked he smirked because he knew had spent a lot of blood and he didn't use his strongest ability in quite some time, Up at this point he now had 325% Blood Spent. And with all the amplification a huge number floated up on one of the bosses heads.


<+3,000,000 XP>

By this time Reiya also finished her spell,


<+3,000,000 XP>

Dro and Reiya both looked at the last remaining werewolf. Reiya smiled and closed her eyes she decided to let Dro take the last kill, Dro having read her intention attacked,



<+3,000,000 XP>
