Plans and Problems


The sun shone through the window waking me from the hazy world of dreams. I stretched out my arms and rose from my bed.

"Humans waste so much time sleeping," Valerian said as he stood next to my bed looking at me.

"Aghh," I couldn't help shouting.

That dang weirdo is standing too close to me.

"Well next time you can go outside and not WASTE time in here," I responded sarcastically as I stepped by him and began to get dressed.

"Nah, no thanks."

So annoying.

After gathering all my things I thought about the events of last night and how to work them to my advantage. Barry will play an important role in solving one of my problems.

There are four problems I'm currently facing when it comes to developing a power that can affect real change in Agartha. The first is that I don't have any kind of powerful backing. For now there is nothing I can do about that however, in the near future an opportunity will present itself, I just have to be prepared. The second problem is that I don't have any kind of reputation. How can I influence the masses and build up my own force without any kind of reputation? Without reputation what reason would they have to join? Even if I offered great benefits what people really desire in this chaotic world is someone to lead them who they can believe in. The third problem is that I don't have enough money. I have almost 16 gold between what I earned in the G'eth Village and took off the bandits. Unfortunately it's still not enough to develop my own force. The fourth problem is Alexander Morrow, even if I had the background, reputation, and money he would never let someone build up a force within Black Lion Village.

I have a plan to help with the 2nd and 3rd problem since the same place can help with both, the Black Wolf Arena. Even though Alexander Morrow is a completely evil human being, he does have a good nose for business. Shortly after establishing the village he built up the Black Wolf Arena. Not only does it provide a source of income through it's viewing fees and gambling house, it also provides entertainment for the village, a place to scout for new mercenary members, and it allows his mercenary troops reputation to grow since most of the fighters are his mercenaries. Overall, it was a stroke of genius on his part.

The Black Wolf Arena is Alexander Morrow's pride and joy and it has very tight security. It's one of only three structures in the entire village comprised of stone. The others are the Lord's mansion, where Morrow lives, and the Adventurers Association which administers the explorations and missions for people to complete. Other than these the other buildings are mostly comprise of wood including the inn we are staying at.

I once asked a G'eth in my past life if staying in places made of wood or eating plants bothered them at all. He explained it like this, G'eth are descendants of Geodenisis Arboreth and possess sentience. The plants of the world are a by-product of the vitality given to the world by Geodenisis Arboreth as are all things on the planet. Therefore, while G'eth are from the same source and they have similar characteristics, they are as different from plants as they are from the wild beast. This was one of the reasons I knew Valerian wouldn't mind staying in the Inn.

Valerian and I finished gathering our things and left the inn. Before I head to the Arena I first need to go to the origin stone in the village to level up. I should be able to easily handle any opponents within the arena however, you can never be too safe so I want to make sure I'm in top shape when I go. The origin stone was located almost two kilometers to the east of the Black Crow Inn, we took our time strolling through the streets on the way there. Valerian took in the sites of the human village but most humans either ran away or gawked at Valerian as he walked through. Finally, we reached the origin stone.

Once again we must deal with the money grubbing system set up by Alexander Morrow.

"15 copper coins to enter, 5 for you and 10 for the G'eth."

A guard blocked the entrance to the origin stone. At least this one wasn't unreasonable and looked at Valerian with the same gaze he looked at me. Few people in this place remained clear headed with all the hate that was being spread.

"No problem, here you go." I couldn't change the system in a day so I just paid the extra.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Malik Zakaria."

I nodded, "I'll remember it."

I seemed to have a vague recollection of that name. I think in the last timeline, he was the guard who tried to force the Mercenary Captain Sauer to pay a fee to use the origin stone. Sauer in his rage beat him so bad that he ended up crippled. Such an upright guard who was just trying to strictly perform his duties shouldn't have ended up like that. I'd have to do something about that. I think it's about a week before that incident occurs, I'll find a solution before then.

Valerian and I stepped into the building that housed the origin stone. I let him go first. He placed his vine-like hand on the blue crystal. A soft glow flowed around him. He took his hand off and grinned his vines pulsing with new power. He stepped down. Natives had an easier process to upgrade, the essence naturally knew how to enhance them and unlock knew abilities without an interface.

"You learn anything new?" The essence could also impart them abilities with inherent memories on how to use them. Like the instructions that came with ours.

"You'll know eventually."

"Fine don't tell me."

Valerian chuckled. Sometimes I think he annoys me for the fun of it. I got up to the origin stone and placed my hand on the blue crystal.

Name: Troy Williams

Level: 7 (0/1900)

Essence: 4483

Stat Points: 0


Strength: 9

Constitution: 9

Willpower: 14

Dexterity : 11


Snake King Aura: (Active)

Part of me was really disappointed. I know that I can't unlock new abilities through killing humans, that was hardwired into ALIC as a means of trying to keep us from killing each other just to gain abilities. However, I thought maybe I would get an ability from the Brown Steel Bear, unfortunately reality proved otherwise. I am able to level up twice, so its not too disappointing

Level: 7 (1900/1900)

Level: 8 (2400/2400)

Level: 9 (0/3000)

I distributed my stats a little more conservative this time considering Snake King Aura would only be a last resort in the Arena. Not to mention most humans don't put a lot of points in Willpower, with 14 I was already far above the vast majority of humans.

Name: Troy Williams

Level: 9 (0/3000)

Essence: 183

Stat Points: 0


Strength: 9 +2

Constitution: 9 +1

Willpower: 14

Dexterity : 11 +1


Snake King Aura: (Active)

I took a moment to enjoy the newfound power welling up in me. Now even with the weak body I started with I was already more powerful than the average soldier from earth. Between these stats, my instincts from my past life, and all my techniques I should be nearly invincible within the Black Wolf Arena. I cracked my knuckles.

"Time to go to the Arena."