
After the cheers of the mercenaries died down Morrow took a step to the side allowing me to take the podium. I knew I would be expected to speak to the crowd so I had prepared a few things I wanted to say in advance.

"Thank you all for your enthusiasm in my taking command as Captain of this mercenary group."

The new outfit made by Connor gave me a domineering presence and I maintained that image in how I spoke to the mercenaries. Even if the words were pleasant I made sure to say them in a way that made them feel unquestionable.

"What happened with the former Captain Sauer cannot and will not be allowed to happen again. In an effort to ensure that, I will be implementing a few changes, effective immediately."

The only weakness in Morrow's previous speech was that while it solidified his power, in many ways, it put me on a similar level of authority as him. While he never explicitly stated that, the picture he painted would naturally make people think we were in agreement and working together at the same level. I would not miss this opportunity to stack the deck just a little more in my favor.

"First, you will no longer view yourselves as mercenaries. You are not sell-swords that can be bought by the highest bidder. Your loyalty is to this village and this village alone. You are now the Black Lion Village Army. You are duty bound to protect it and the people inside. If you cannot accept this new role and erase your tendencies as a mercenary, it is best you leave now because I will show no mercy in eliminating those who can be bought."

A shiver ran through the crowd. My direct and ruthless approach instilled fear in them. After all most men hadn't fully adapted to their new life on Agartha. After a few tense moments I began to worry I had overdone it and that some may be staying due to fear of reprisal. I was still getting used to having such a dominating presence and couldn't create a perfect effect like Morrow.

So I decided to add, "While I will treat those who betray us without mercy, if you are still here you haven't done so yet. Any of you who think you will not be capable of transforming from mercenaries into a proper soldier may leave now and face no consequences. Just leave your token where you stand."

The two men I noticed before were the first to place their token down and leave. After they left a wave of mercenaries followed suit. In the end about 300 of the 900 or so mercenaries present, exited through the gate. Instantly, a third of the people present were gone. Even then, I didn't think the force was weaker than before. Also, my motives for doing this was not to weaken Morrow's force. I need them in the future and useless people would have only dragged it down.

After those people left a small, almost non-existent, amount of spirit began to show from the remaining 600 or so people. I had given them a unifying purpose, protect the village, and even though it was weak it was a place to start.

I stayed steadfast at the podium, however, I could see a somewhat nervous look develop on Morrow's face. Due to the things he said before he couldn't step in and say anything or it would weaken both of our authority. I will need to explain a few things after this is over or I risk making him suspicious.

"For those who remain, I welcome you and ensure that I will do my best to lead us to a brighter future."

I may not hold the same level of reverence as Morrow in these men's heart, but judging from the looks on their faces I have gained their respect. They have heard about my strength in combat and now they are witnessing my strength of character. Winning the loyalty of these men will be a long and arduous process and a necessary step on my path to taking this city from Morrow.

I have not given up on developing a force of my own, but Morrow's guard is up now and the men are aware of the previous corruption so they will be more vigilant. I will have a much harder time trying to secretly convert people to my side. Instead I will do it in the open. I will replace Morrow's position in their hearts and when the day comes to chose between us they will choose me instead of him. It will be more difficult, but it is the better plan given the circumstances.

"Also, as your new Captain it is my job to appoint the replacements for the two vacant Lieutenant positions. Before doing this I want to say, I know in the past positions like Lieutenant rarely changed. This will not be the case moving forward. If someone more deserving or better suited for Lieutenant appears, I will not hesitate to have the better man fill the position. You must always prove you deserve whatever position you hold. This goes for all current and future Lieutenants and how they will select Sergeants as well."

The men in front began to clap. Anyone could tell that some of these Lieutenants had become lazy and no longer deserved their position. I could feel the icy glares of the Lieutenants behind me, no doubt some of them hated me for saying that. Unfortunately, Morrow would probably never let me replace Ward. His position as Lieutenant was more of a cover than an actual position.

"There will also be a few structural changes. The Requests Division that was in charge of taking on mercenary requests from citizens will now become an enforcement team. They will have the right to capture and punish members of the army caught breaking laws. They will report directly to myself and my brother and will be known as the Punishment Division."

Each Lieutenant commanded one division and they all had a specific purpose. For instance, town guards and patrols fell under the Defense Division. Ward's division was called External Division which allowed them to operate as bandits since they appeared to always be on a mission far away.

I continued, "My reasons are two-fold. Since we are an army and not mercenaries, mercenary work is beneath us. I will send out a notice letting those who left here today know that they can take over the mercenary work for the village, on the condition they agree to our terms. Second, as an army we must be able to hold ourselves accountable or corruption will continue."

Of course, not included in the people they could punish would be myself and Morrow.

"The new Lieutenant for the Punishment Division will be Malik Zakaria. If any of you have been to the origin stone I am sure you have witnessed the strength of his moral character. It is because of his character that I have chosen him for this position."

Since I had already informed him, he was at the ceremony and someone else was performing his duties at the origin stone. Malik confidently walked out from the crowd and came up to the platform. I gave him the Lieutenant token and after a brief exchange of pleasantries he went back to stand proudly next to the other Lieutenants.

"Another division that will be repurposed is the Collection Division. Their previous job was to provide small loans of money to assist business owners and push the economy forward. However, they turned into a division known for harassing the citizens of Black Lion Village. With the village economy stable and the amount of loans reduced this division's responsibilities will be absorbed into the Financial Division. The Financial Division will have the authority to give out loans and collect the payments. However, they can only set up a collection location for citizens to make payments and are not allowed to interfere with the citizens personal life. They will come up with a proposal for how to collect missed payments and present it to myself and my brother."

The crowd nodded agreeing with my logic and even Morrow seemed pleased with this command. He understood the previous method was crude and ineffective. Even though he isn't beyond using cruel methods he understood my method would be better in the long run.

"With it's former duties handled by the Financial Division, The Collection Division will now become a division focused on gathering information. They will work both in and outside of the village. In order to grow we must better understand Agartha and our current circumstances. This division will be responsible for procuring useful information from all available sources. They will be known as the Intel Division."

Morrow's eyes really lit up after this announcement, clearly he appreciated this idea a lot. In truth he would set up something similar himself in just a few months time if I hadn't already done it. After all, what village in Agartha didn't set up some form of spy network.

"The new Lieutenant for the Intel Division will be Barry Kurtz. He was an asset that helped me many times during my investigation of Sauer and has proven his abilities to gather information."

I didn't have a chance to inform Barry I would make him a Lieutenant, but I saw him among the crowd so I knew he was there. Almost the opposite of Malik, Barry was a bundle of nerves as he came up and accepted the Lieutenant token then nervously stood next to the other Lieutenants. Barry wasn't really the best choice to run the Intel Division and I will undoubtedly have to make most of his decisions for him. The real reason I picked him was because I knew I could control him. Being able to pick and choose what information Morrow receives will make it significantly easier to create favorable situations for me in the future.

"Those are the only changes in structure, for now. As the village grows we will make more changes as they become necessary. Also, due to many members leaving, some shifting of personal among the divisions is necessary. Continue with your normal duties, but be prepared since you may be in a different division tomorrow. My brother and I will be meeting with the Lieutenants today and they will have their new Sergeants and personal chosen by tomorrow. Thank you."