
It took me a moment to collect myself, "What are you doing here Valerian? When did you get back?"

Valerian slowly replied, "After receiving the message you left at Black Claw Inn, I arrived in the garden and discovered this tied up human."

That's right. Originally, I left a note telling Valerian I would meet him at the Inn, but Matilda had the garden built so quickly that I sent someone to change it. The new note told Valerian where the Captain's Manor is and how to access it through a hidden entrance designed just for him. I was so consumed with the task at hand that I didn't pay attention to my surroundings. That, combined with a G'eth's ability to blend in with nature made him practically invisible to me. That explains how I missed him, but that doesn't explain why he stayed hidden.

"Is something wrong Valerian? Why didn't you say anything when you saw me?"

"I wanted to understand."

The way he said those words sounded eerily similar to how a young child might sound after his dog died. I began to feel concerned. Just what had happened with Valerian over the past day and a half?

"Understand what?"

"At first I wanted to know why that human girl was tied up. Then, when I saw you, I wanted to know what you would do."

I couldn't help noticing a weird atmosphere around Valerian, "And?"

Valerian slowly exhaled, his rigid body relaxed a bit, "I... I'm just glad I wasn't wrong about you."

"Wrong about what?"

Valerian seemed to decide something as he locked eyes with me, the doubt and anguish that engulfed them scattered as they sharpened into focus.

"It's nothing to worry about, what's done is done."

Valerian sounded cryptic, and I wasn't sure what he was thinking. I could tell that something had happened, but it seemed like he didn't want to talk about it.

Valerian suddenly reached out and grabbed my arm, "More importantly, your life is in danger. We need to leave this place right now!"

Valerian began to pull me, but I stood firm, "Hold on Valerian! You can't just show up and drag me away saying my life is in danger. I need an explanation."

Valerian continued to try to pull my arm, "We don't have time, that shifty looking human Ward knows about your relationship with the G'eth."


In my shock, Valerian dragged me a couple meters forward. I quickly got my feet underneath me and braced myself stopping us both.

"Hold on!"

I pulled Valerian's arm off me, "How long has he known?"

Valerian looked back at me frustrated, "At the latest early this morning, but he's probably known since yesterday. That's why we need to leave now!"

I shook my head, "No. If he's known that long we don't need to do anything right now. If he wanted to do something he would have already done it. A lot of things have happened here that you don't know about."

I sat Valerian down and explained everything that occured while he was gone.

"Wow! No wonder you didn't want to leave. Everything worked out better than you had planned. Although, that doesn't explain why Ward didn't tell Morrow about you"

I began to analyze every interaction I had over the last two days. After thinking about it for a long while I narrowed it down to three possibilities.

"He could have told Morrow, and Morrow decided he didn't care. However, I doubt this since I know what he thinks about non-humans."

"Right," Valerian responded.

"He could have told Morrow, and Morrow is pretending he doesn't know so he can observe and test me. Although, I doubt it. I don't think he could hide something like that without me picking up on it."

"Ok, then what do you think happened?"

"Most likely, Ward has kept this to himself. Maybe he is unsure how Morrow will react to it due to Morrow believing I'm his brother. Also, he is most likely looking for an opportunity to use this to his advantage. Ward may work for Morrow, but he will always do what is best for himself."

Valerian responded, "So what should we do?"

"For now, nothing. Disposing of Ward was always one of my priorities. Now I just have an extra incentive to make it happen sooner."

Valerian nodded.

"Is this why you are back so early?" I asked.

"For the most part, but there is more to it."

Valerian proceeded to explain how humans blew up the sun stones, Grand Elder Corytheius was injured, and how they discovered a journal on the body of a dead human scout with details on the plot. He explained how the G'eth didn't know what happened until he got there to read the human writing.

"After I finished passing the details over to the G'eth, I rushed back to warn you about Ward."

"Thank you, but I wasn't in any danger. Ward, Cratagus, and all the Yellow Wolf Bandits will pay for what happened. You have my word."

"Thank you," Valerian said with gratitude.

I thought about everything he told me for a moment before saying, "It is strange that a scout kept a journal with so many details, we got lucky."

Valerian silently nodded.

"For now, we must continue to get stronger and establish my power within the village. Meanwhile, you need to gain the support of any natives living here or nearby."

I looked over at Sylvia's dead body, "I still need to bury her."

"Allow me."

Valerian moved his hands and vines appeared, ready to drag Sylvia below the ground.

"That's ok. I have to do this myself. Her death is my responsibility."

Valerian nodded, and the vines around Sylvia slowly retreated.

Valerian sat silently on the bench as I spent the next few hours digging Sylvia's grave. After I gently laid Sylvia in and filled the grave, I moved the dirt around to make it look undisturbed. It was as if nothing had happened. For some reason, the idea that not even the garden was affected by her death seemed painful. I had Valerian take a few Adarna flowers and plant them in a circle where her grave was. At least this way I would be reminded of her every time I saw them. Even if nature forgot her, I would not. A ring of Adarnas guarding the slumber of the one that rests below.