Struggles in Life

After the funeral, her mom Lee Eung talked to them and told them about the company situations. All the savings and properties were already sold because of their father's expensive medication. He's been in and out of the hospital for the past 5 years and they never knew about that. All they know is that their parents were out for business trip. They were never aware that the situation is grave and now that their father is gone, the next one to face is the near bankruptcy of their family business.

Lee Shin being the eldest and intelligent child and more knowledgeable about the business took the initiative to be the head of the family.

"I'm sorry Lee Shin. I know you still have a year before graduation but you know my capabilities. I haven't finish high school and I don't have the business management talent as your dad. I can only rely on you to help me about our family situation." Lee Eung was crying to her eldest daughter and telling her to take charge of the company.

"It's ok mom. I will do my best to fix the company and make sure we will not end up in bankruptcy. We have to help each other from now on. Be more thrifty and wise on spending money." She faced her other younger siblings telling them that the situation will be different now their father is gone.

Lee Shaina is the second eldest daughter and currently on 2nd year college taking up Bachelor of Science in Physics in a prestigious private university. Lee MingFang, the only son is about to graduate high school while Lee Dionne is still on first year high school studying at all girls private school.

"Sis, don't worry about me, I am 19. I can find a job while studying." Lee Shaina told her sister.

"How about me? I will be college next year, don't tell me I will stop?" MingFang worriedly blurted what's on his mind.

Lee MingFang being the only son, he was pampered and spoiled by their parents and spent all his free time going out with his friends and playing video games to his Ps4.

"MingFang, since you will be college next year, you can still continue to school. No one is going to stop. Remember what dad always told us before, love our education because it's the only thing that no one can take away from us. However, I will have to enroll you to a public university. We can't pay high tuition fees anymore." Lee Shin slowly talk while her mind is already thinking about the plans how to make ends meet.

"How about me?" Lee Dionne asked.

"You'll continue your high school but when you're in college, I will have to enroll you to a public university as well."

They spent the days cleaning the house and helping their mom to cope up with the lost of their father while Lee Shin never wasted time and spent her free days at her dad's office checking the situation and managing the financial reports before she go back to City M and finish her remaining year in college