Planning My Adventure (1)

"I want to go backpacking." A playful smile can be seen on Lee Shin's face while talking to her mom.

"What backpacking?! I just mentioned for you to take things slower but not to the extent of letting you wander around and you're alone also a woman! What will happen to you wandering in foreign places?"

As I thought, she will be against it - "Mom it's just few months. Ever since I was younger, you know how I love adventure, I want to discover new places, I want to test if I can do it alone in a place where no one knows me, where it's just me." Lee Shin is now lively talking to her mom. The thought of finally having your freedom without thinking about the responsibilities is giving her an adrenaline.

"Mom, I am old enough. I can take care of my self and I want to try it once. I will be 30 soon. Things will be different after these years. If I don't do it now then I will never have a chance to do it again. Please?"

"Even if I say no, I know you will still do it."

"Yeah, mom. You know me, once I set up my mind on it, I will do it"

"Where will you go?"

" I don't know. I will probably start in Vietnam. Then who knows where it will lead me to."

"How long will you travel? "

" I am thinking like about a year?"

" What?! Where will you get your finances? A year is too long! What if something happens to you?"

"Mom, That's life" Lee Shin suddenly burst out laughing. Thinking that she will never say these words during her younger days...but now its different. All she has is time and no more responsibilities. May not be rich but still managed to save enough to sustain a year of backpacking.

"Also mom, there's a lot of freelancer job now. I can get one and do things on my free time. Don't worry. I will survive this. We managed to get out of that situation more than 7 years ago. I know I can do it again even if I am alone somewhere."

Lee Eung thought it's hopeless to talk and reason with her eldest daughter now. So she have no choice but to nod and agree to her daughter's plans.