Starting My Adventure (2)

Rush hour and the streets in Ho Chi Minh City is crowded. A lot of people are rushing at the streets. Endless motorcycles and noisy honking.

The lines for food stalls are also long. So Lee Shin and Huynh Thu decided to go farther and find a place that is not crowded.


"It's Ho Chi Minh! Everywhere here is crowded. But I know a place that sells delicious banhmi, we will just have to walk few minutes away from here"

"Ok, I don't mind" Lee Shin replied


It's a street stall and there are just more or less 15 people on the line which is not long compared to other places they've been too.

Lee Shin noticed a tall Caucasian man in the last line and they went behind him. Because Lee Shin and Minh Thu are petite Asians, other Caucasian men who arrived for lines are cutting their queue.

"Hey Shin, tell the guy that its your line and he should be behind us"

The tall Caucasian man noticed that they were talking about the queue and talked to the other guy who just arrived.

"Excuse me, the two ladies behind you are with me and they are also on the queue."

The other guy didn't speak and he just let the two ladies to be in front.

"Er....Mr...thank you for that. I don't know exactly what to say to him but I really appreciate that. I am Lee Shin by the way and this is my friend Huynh Thu"

"Hi I thought you are both Vietnamese but you are talking in English. My name is Kiel Jungye. I am from Germany."

Thu: "Are you also a backpacker?"

Jungye: "Yes I am! I've been traveling for half a year now."

Shin: "that's great! I am also a backpacker but I just started today. I am from Thailand, Chiang Mai but I've been staying in Bangkok..."

Jungye: "Amazing! It's rare for me to meet an Asian backpacker on the road. How long do you plan to travel?"

Shin: "About a year I guess. Not sure, depends about my capabilities and financial stuff."

Jungye: " Do you have plans tomorrow? If not, we can wander together.. I just arrived here the other day and I haven't checked the city yet."

Shin looked at Jungye first thinking whether to say yes to his invitation or not. She stared at Thu which is currently busy checking her phone. Jungye looks handsome and young, with a carefree vibe. His light brown eyes and light brown hair looks good and complementing his manly jaw.

She thought, he doesn't look like a bad guy and we will wander tomorrow anyways, so I guess it's fine.

Shin: "Yes ok! I will be fine wandering tomorrow"


Jungye stared at the woman in front of him. She has the most amazing eyes he ever seen. There's something in Asian eyes that looks adorable but hers is the most beautiful one. She has a small nose and rosy cheeks and her height is just few inches above his elbow. He is 6"3 in height while Lee Shin is just around 5"1. She looks so cute and nice so he invited her for wandering tomorrow. J

Jungye: " that's good! So i will get your whatsapp and I will pick you up in your hostel tomorrow before lunch."