First Night Thinking of You

Lee Shin took shower before going to bed. It's one of her routine to keep a healthy skin and then applied cream before going to bed. Unlike the past nights she had, this night feels so light and there's a smile on her face. Her mind is wandering around to Jungye. Thinking about the whole day they spent together.

"hey Lee Shin! stop grinning like a teenager in love! There is no such thing as love at first sight!" Her mind is reasoning out again. then her phone vibrated for message notification.

Jungye: [hey are you sleeping now?]

Shin:[ no, just here lying on the bed. why?]

Jungye: [nothing...can't sleep]

Shin:[you have to sleep we tomorrow..hahah]


Jungye is actually thinking about Shin too, about the whole day. He never felt so excited meeting a girl and then he wants to see her more...spend more time with her.

Seeing Shin's last message..."date tomorrow" he smiled like a middle school boy looking at her crush and he replied [ok then...better sleep now to not be late for our date tomorrow] heart emoji


Shin was happy looking at that heart emoji. She felt like she is back being a teenager and enjoying texting her crush. "oh my young love these days!"

[i will wait for you tomorrow. let's have breakfast together? ok?] flying kiss emoji

That night they both slept with a hint of smile on their faces.