Our Journey Together (Vietnam - Looping Ends 07 Part 1)

After their looping, they decided to go down to Ninh Binh.

The road to Ninh Binh was relatively better compared to rough, muddy and bumpy road in the mountains doing the loops. They arrived late afternoon and hurriedly checked in at their hotel. They left their bags and went to have dinner.

They were so tired that they slept so early after taking a night shower.


The next morning, they went to different places around Ninh Binh, the underground river, the king's temple, Tam Coc and they simply motorcycle around the town. Lastly, Shin and Jungye went to the Pagoda but they were having a hard time where is the entrance, Jungye decided to gate crashed and carried Shin like a child to jumped off the fence. They were laughing as the janitor saw them and told them it's fine since the main entrance is really far. He even told them where to go next.

They spent the sunset on top of the hill and they met a German lady named Emma. They walked together around the temple and went out to get some dinner.

Emma: "So you guys are traveling together?"

Jungye: "Yeah, we managed to finish the loop together in Northern Vietnam."

The two seems having a nice chat together and Shin is busy munching her dinner. She is just looking to both of them from time to time.

Emma: " Nice for you to find a travel mate! So where to next?"

Jungye: " Not sure yet. But we have to leave in few days since both our visa will be expiring soon."

Emma: " so you'll still be here tomorrow right? I plan to go to this place where there is a dragon statue on top of the mountain."

Jungye: " Yeah I heard about it too. We can go there tomorrow since we will be here in Ninh Binh for few days. You have motorcycle anyways so you can follow us"

Emma: " I hope your lady here don't mind me being with you."

Shin looked at her and smiled when she heard what she said " I don't mind. You can follow us tomorrow since we have the same plans." She is just looking at Emma. She trust her woman instinct and telling her that there is something about this woman, she probably likes Jungye she thought.

Jungye: " Yeah, the more the merrier!"


That night at the hotel room...

Shin started to not feel good. Her temperature is slightly higher to normal. She is feeling dizzy and shivering from cold.

Jungye: " you don't look well. I hope you feel better tomorrow." Then he went to the bathroom and took some face towel and started wiping her body.

Shin: " I just feel dizzy and that's all. I hope I feel good tomorrow."

Jungye: " Ok..I still have few medicines here from the one you bought from Sa Pa. Drink some so you feel better tomorrow. If you need anything else just let me know. " He gave her a kiss on the forehead and her lips before they went to sleep.


Shin's still not feeling well the next morning. She still feels dizzy and seems like her world is spinning. They are having breakfast at the hotel restaurant when Emma arrived.

Emma: " hey guten morgen!"

Shin: " Hi Emma! I think you and Jungye can wander today. I am not feeling well and I will have to rest for today."

Emma looked like she was happy but trying to hide it " Oh that's sad. I brought my motorcycle but if you are not going, then we can share your motorcycle.." she turned her head to Jungye " if you don't mind me being your back ride"

Jungye looked at Shin as if asking if she will allow it or not. Then Shin thought ' I am not your girlfriend, I don't even know who am I to you, why do you need to ask me'

Shin: " if Jungye is fine, why not."

Jungye: " i will be back as soon as I can. Please feel better." He gave Shin a quick kiss on the lips and then he left with Emma.


They were out the whole day but Jungye keeps on updating Shin where they are. Shin was feeling bad that she did not go out with them and at the same time she is also jealous.

At 4pm, the sky started to get darker. 'It's going to have a heavy rainfall. I hope they can get back before that' Shin started to get worried about Jungye and Emma. Last message of Jungye, they are still far and will take 2 or 3 hours of drive before they can get back.

After few minutes, there's heavy rainfall with thunder and lighting around the small town. Shin was staring at the window from their room hoping that Jungye will arrive soon.


At 6pm...7pm...8pm...9pm...10pm... the rain didn't stop and still heavier compared earlier. She can't sleep and thinking about those two. Worries and jealousy is eating her heart out.

"I hope she will not seduce my Jungye" my....the word gave her panic. How can she call him 'my' they don't have label yet..she doesn't even know what he feels for her.

After half past 10, the rain started to pacify and she saw them entered the hotel gate through the room window. She hurriedly went out of the room to greet them at the hotel receiving area.

When she is just few steps away from them, she saw Emma pulled a towel and wipe Jungye's head and face. ' So they are close now..like really close' She froze to where she was standing and just stared to them.


It started to rain heavily, so Jungye decided to have several stops along the way and continue driving every after few minutes. He is getting worried that it's dark and there's almost zero visibility due to fog and rain drops. He is thinking about Shin, she is still sick and hope that she feel better soon.

After few hours, the rain started to pacify and they drove really fast to reach the hotel.


Then he saw Shin waiting at the hotel receiving area, just before he can reach to her, Emma suddenly took a towel and wiped his head and face. He tried to turn away but the towel wrapped on his head forbids him to do so. Then he removed the towel and step back away from Emma to look at Shin.

He saw the pain and jealousy in her eyes..

Jungye: " Shin, sorry we were just caught in the heavy rain so it took us time to be back here"

Shin: "ah.... ok.... it's fine..." she looked at Jungye and then turn to look at the woman beside him. She was smiling at her. Her eyes seems saying ' he spent the whole day with me, so what? you are not his girlfriend'

Emma: " sorry Shin. We enjoyed wandering around and we didn't noticed the time."

Jungye: " Shin, hope you feel better now, do you still feel sick?" He stepped towards her to touch her forehead and neck to check her temperature.

Shin step back dodging his touch. She just looked at Jungye and walked back to their room.


He just gazed at her walking back to their room. Then he turned to face Emma.

Jungye: " Emma, I am sorry I can't send you to you hotel. I have to check her situation and make sure she feels better"

Emma: " Well, if you want, you can travel with me after your looping here in Vietnam."

Jungye: "Sorry about that but....no... I want to travel with her."

Emma: "Oh ok... bye then.." She turned her back to go to the parking lot to take her own motorcycle which she left in the morning.

They waved at each other and Jungye went immediately to their room to talk to Shin. "She probably misunderstood something." he thought.