Our Journey Together (Philippines - Tagaytay City 02)

Mark and Shin sat down at the bench facing the lake. Both of them are quiet for few minutes.

Mark decided to talk and break their silence "Shin, about what happened years ago..." he started.

"I was about to graduate and then preparing for law school. I know it's my fault for not giving time for you...I'm really sorry."

Shin was sad as she remembered all their times and memories together but she is not hoping to have him in her life again. She already moved on and accepted the fact that they are not going to be together again...they are not fated to each other."it's ok.. you were not the only one who doesn't have time...my father died and I have to make decisions abruptly. I can't...will never prioritize our relationship during those times because of the circumstances I had"

Mark: "after you left, I never saw you again. I tried to look for you in the campus, at your apartment and called you, you changed your number and I can't locate you anymore"

Shin: " I stayed for few weeks in the province. I moved out from my apartment and decided to be at the province most of the times. I just go to the city twice a week whenever I have classes."

Mark: "all those years, I can't, I never forget anything about you...I had series of relationships but I keep on comparing them to you, our times together..." he looked intently into her eyes and tried to held her hand." That man, Jungye, who is he to you?"

Shin let him hold her hand and checking what feelings does she have for this man. She still cares for him but she doesn't love him anymore like the way she used to during their younger days. "I don't know. We are not officially in relationship but he is someone special to me. He makes me feel so happy, like forget all the burdens and problems I had. He made me feel to love my freedom, the adventure and how to be young, wild and carefree."

Mark: "It seems I am talking to a different person...you were never like that. You always think and move for something that prepares you for the future...now, you just live for the moment...you're happy just to be with him? Despite that you don't have any assurance what is going to happen next? After the travel and adventure, what will be your next step?

Shin: " I am not thinking about tomorrow or the future now. I got tired of minding about it. I lost a lot of current things because of the responsibilities I had but I don't regret it. It made me a better person and stronger. With him, with Jungye, I feel like I can just be me...young and reckless.." she smiled and looked at Mark with a slight tear on her eyes.

Looking at the way Shin talks and her facial expressions, Mark knew that it's too late for him to start things with her again. 'Now, finally I know I am just a part of her past. I can move on and face my life..without her' he thought.

They spent few hours talking. After an emotional talk, they started to reminisce their funny memories and laughing at each other.


Jungye was worried about Shin. He was uneasy since he let go of her to talk to her ex. He keeps on staring at the entrance hoping that they are going to be over soon.

Hours passed and still no sign of her arriving. So he decided to walk to the park and look for her.


Jungye arrived at the park and saw them talking and laughing at each other. 'They seem happy' he told himself. He just stood few meters away from Shin and Mark and checking if he will go near and take Shin away. He wants to punch the guy, he acknowledged that of all the emotions he is feeling right there and then, jealousy is one of them. 'I love her... jeez! I love her and I don't want anyone to have her...she should be mine' He then realized that what he feels for Shin is something beyond fascination or just the adventure of having someone to travel with...it's deeper than that.


Mark saw Jungye standing few meters away from them. He thought of something to make him think about their situation. "Shin, we talked already for so long, I guess this is goodbye? Next time we will see each other, I am completely....definitely over you." He leaned closer to her and whispered those words. Shin just gave out a low laugh and looked at him happily. She wished him good and to find someone that will treat him better, he's a good man after all. Before she can respond, Mark suddenly pulled her and gave her a tight embrace. Though Shin was startled of his actions, she raised her arms and returned to hug him as well. It's a good bye hug for her, closing their chapters together.


Jungye's face darkened and his fist clenched tightly that almost turned his knuckles to white. He was so jealous to see Shin being hugged by a man...and that man was her former boyfriend. Without having second thoughts, he walked fast and stood few steps away from them. He cleared his throat to announce his presence to both of them.

Jungye:" Shin....what's taking you so long? I followed you here....was worried that you will....you will be lost" he glared at the man who slowly releasing her from his tight embrace.

Shin froze and slowly move her head to look at Jungye. "ah....ummmm..... Sorry, we just took our time to talk..." then she pushed Mark away from her and look down.

Mark: "sorry dude.. but it's not that late anyway, and I can also send her back if we happened to finish so late at night" then he stared at Shin "I will go now... your guardian is here so worried for you" he teased her. Before he left he looked at Jungye with a playful smirk on his face.


Jungye took her hand and they walk together back to their hotel room. No one dared to talk. Both of them are silent and seems Jungye is having deep thoughts. Shin can't read his facial expression, his eyebrows are crooked which is something that is rare sight for her to see, usually Jungye always wear a bright smile on his face.


They arrived at their hotel room and no one dared to talk to each other.

'what's this agonizing silence?' Shin thought.

Shin:" i will just have a quick shower and get ready for our trekking tomorrow at Mt. Maculot. That's in Batangas. We need to be early"

Jungye just looked at her and nodded.


They slept that night facing the opposite side of the bed. Shin slept peacefully because she felt so light that finally she managed to clear her past and thinking of a good start with Jungye.

Jungye on the other side just pretended to be asleep. He was thinking of the scene he saw at the park. 'He embraced her and she embraced him back...they looked so happy chatting as well...what does that mean?' When he felt that Shin was already on her deep sleep, he faced her and leaned closer. He stared on her beautiful face, he cupped her cheeks and gave her lips a soft passionate kiss and hugged her. He fell asleep hugging Shin...