Our Journey Together (Philippines - Sagada MT. Province 02)

Sagada is a very beautiful province in the Northern part of the Philippines. Shin and Jungye enjoyed wandering around the town. It seems easy to wander with just walking unlike the other places they have been, that you need to either hire a motorcycle or ride a jeepney to wander around.

They decided to stay in the town for few more days to explore. Both of them love the provincial ambiance and the chill moment that they don't need to rush and just enjoy the place and the people around.

They decided to walk and find their own way to Kiltepan Peak. As usual, they relied on their navigation. After few minutes, it lead them to a split path of left and right...again. They decided to go to the left path as what usually Shin do whenever she face a split path. It lead them to a hotel near a cliff. Before they can enter the reception's area, they heard dogs barking, approaching them.

Their barks are deep and loud, Shin have no choice but to clung onto Jungye while suppressing her scream. 'OMG! please don't bite me I don't have any insurance' she thought.

Jungye: " baby, calm down! you'll agitate the dogs more because of your actions." then he looked at the dogs who are now behind them. "and also it's small dogs...no need to be afraid."

Shin looked puzzled at Jungye and looked down at their feet. It's two small dogs but because of their breeds, that's why their barks are deep and loud. "Oh what a cute dogs!" she said and left Jungye's arm and petted the two dogs.

"Hi, how can I help you?" a teenage girl appeared at the front desk.

Jungye: " we are looking for the way to Kiltepan Peak and we somehow ended here."

"You have to follow the way up right...just keep following the right path or the path where there are trails." the girl replied with a friendly voice.

Shin: " thank you! you have cute dogs too!" they walked out of the receptions area and she waved at the receptionist and to the dogs.

As to Shin's and Jungye's surprise, the dogs followed them to their trail.


They walked for almost an hour now and the dogs are still following them.

Shin: " i hope the dogs can return to their home. I will be sad if they get lost here in the forest"

Jungye: " dogs are smart. They will sniff their way home. Don't worry."


They followed the trail and lead them to a very remote place deep in the forest.

"Are you sure this is the right way? Can you please check the way from the navigation?" Shin asked

"I am sure! maps.me said here." Jungye showed her the phone screen and the navigation is pointing them to follow the right trail.

Shin:" but the trail to the right are just bushes and nothing else. I am afraid there might be snakes. While the left side, there are path and trails going up. I think we should try left this time"

Jungye: " Ok...if you said so.."

Then they decided to follow the trail to the left and they reached the peak of the hill...they are still followed by the dogs...but when the other dog saw that they are at the top peak, it gave them a last glance and went down alone leaving the other dog to them.

Shin: " oh the other dog left. Hey you dog, follow your bro and leave us. I don't want you to be lost" The dog just barked.

Jungye: "This is not Kiltepan Peak. It's a logging area. They are cutting the woods for carpentry purposes."

They ended up at a different peak and the place has no one, just the two of them. Shin felt a shiver down her spine. These scene are the usual once she is seeing at those thriller horror movies where there is a psycho who went on cutting spree with a machete. She suddenly held on to Jungye's arm and pulling him to go back immediately.

Shin: " It looks creepy and the cabin looks like a haunted house that I usually see on those horror movies. Let's go back now... I don't want to be a victim of a psycho killer! "

Jungye: " Don't panic! It's just a log cabin and no one here. There's no psycho killer!" he pacified her while letting her pull him going down back to the path they passed through.


They went around the forest trying to find the right path, they are lost. After another hour of walking, they heard people talking.

Shin: " oh they are locals! Thank goodness! We can ask which is the right way to Kiltepan Peak!"

The people told them to keep right and don't mind about the left trail because it's the trail of the people who are cutting trees for carpentry purposes.

{Author: That's what you get for always getting the left trail Shin...when it's right..it's RIGHT!}

When the dog saw that they are now in the right path. it went down and left them to return to it's home - the hotel.


They reached the peak past 2:00pm and there are a group of local tourist taking pictures. Shin and Jungye waited for them to finish taking pictures. After few minutes they left leaving the two of them at the peak.

Jungye: " baby, how much do you love me? " he suddenly asked her while taking photos of the cliff in front of them.

Shin: " why are you asking? No words can explain what I feel for you." she said smiling widely while looking at him.

Jungye: " then shout it hear, please! I want to hear you screaming to the world that you love me."

Shin: "you are corny!" she laughed at the corny but loving situation they are in. " Kiel Jungyeeeeee, I loooove youuuuuu!!!" she still scream the words that he is waiting to hear.

Jungye: " I love you toooooo!"


They decided to go down and wander to another scenery around the peak. On the way, they saw a Caucasian woman walking alone and looking from her left and right path. Shin decided to approach the woman as she looked like she's lost.

"Hi! I am Shin, you seem lost. Do you want to wander with us? in a few we will be back at the town center." She smiled while approaching the woman.

"Oh thank you! my navigation is messing up with the direction. I can't go out of this forestry path but I am going to a nearby falls here. If you want to join me? By the way, I am Ursula from Poland."

Jungye: " that will be great. Shin and I want to see the falls too."


The three of them wandered around the town and when they felt hunger and tiredness, they decided to go to GAIA Cafe and Crafts. There are few people who are about to leave the cafe carrying some cameras and lights.

Shin: " oh we are in time, seems there were shooting and they are done."

Then she saw a banner of the name of the movie "That Thing Called Tadhana"


The three of them went inside the cafe and decided to order vegetarian food. After having their meal, they just sent Ursula to her hostel and they went directly to their own hotel room.
