Our Journey Together (Philippines - Cebu City 01)

They arrived at Manila late almost midnight and stayed at the airport. It wasn't season for traveling so the airport is not that crowded. They went to the information area asking to book a ticket right there and then. They were directed to the booth of different airlines and told them there were planes going to Cebu Mactan International Airport in few hours but they will ride 2 different airplanes since both planes has only one available seat.

Shin told Jungye to board the first plane leaving since he has huge backpack compared to her. Jungye don't want to leave first and leave her there but they don't have any other options but to separate for few hours.

{AUTHOR: just boarding different airplane and you will be together once you landed...omg! you lovebirds are hard to separate}


Jungye was waiting at the arrival area of the airport waiting for Shin. When he saw her, he hurriedly walked towards her and gave her a long kiss.

Jungye: " I miss you..." and gave her another kiss on her lips.

Shin: " baby...it's just few hours...and we are here now in Cebu. Still early in the morning. We need to go to our hostel first then get some sleep. I'm so tired."

They walked holding hands going to the taxi bay. They lined up in queue to get a taxi and went straight to their hotel.


They were both tired from traveling and decided to get a quick breakfast and headed to their room.

The room was small but enough for the two of them to move around. Jungye was glad that the bed is slightly larger than the bed they usually had whenever they booked hotels.


They slept all day and when they woke up, it's about time for dinner. Jungye doesn't want to leave bed but Shin is hungry. She decided to go out and wander around to get a food for takeout.

After few minutes of walking, she saw a bakery and bought some red bean bread. She continued walking and saw a restaurant.

She decided to go in and check their menu. The place is nice and there are some people, both locals and foreign tourists eating inside. She told the waiter of her order and waited for them to prepare it.

While waiting, her eyes was roaming around the place and she saw the back of a man... ' he seemed familiar' she thought. She kept on staring at the man's back thinking who it was.

The man probably felt that someone was staring at him, then he looked back and saw the woman intently looking at him. He smiled and stood up to approach her.

Shin recovered first and smiled at the man. When he was standing beside her chair, he extended his hand for a shake.

Pierre: " wow! nice to see you again...and to think we just met over a week ago." he was looking at her with a wide grin.

Shin: " hi Pierre! small world huh.. to see you again here" her smile was a little awkward remembering what he did at the seashore and knowing what will be Jungye's reaction about this incident.

Pierre: " you're alone? where's your boyfriend?"

Shin: " he was tired from traveling. We just landed here this early morning."

Pierre: " I thought you're here alone...that would be nice." and he chuckled at his own thoughts. " may I have your contact details, if possible?"

Shin: " uhmm... my boyfriend was jealous last time... I don't know if that's a good idea"

Pierre: " come on... it's not as if I will steal you away from him." and he looked at her trying to be cute to persuade her.

Shin: " well, I have Facebook and instagram. I think that's better than giving you my direct line number or whatsapp."

Pierre agreed to it and took her contact details. After talking for few minutes, Shin's order arrived and she paid her dues and bid good bye to Pierre, leaving him inside the restaurant.


When Shin arrived at their hotel room, Jungye was sitting at the chair near the window. He was staring at the walled glass facing the streets, then his stares shifted to the person who entered the room.

Jungye: "what took you so long?" he walked near her and gave her a hug.

Shin: " sorry, I wandered around to find something to eat. I dropped by at the bakery and finally found a restaurant with some food that you might like."

Jungye looked at the plastics she had in her hands and took it to place at the small coffee table beside the wall. He started to open the paper containers and smiled at Shin. The food she brought was mix of veggies and noodles. He was also hungry since they haven't eaten anything aside from the quick breakfast early morning. They started to eat...then Shin remembered Pierre. She doesn't want to make him feel insecure nor jealous but she doesn't want to keep secrets from him neither.

'should I tell him? or not? maybe I should... I don't want him to think something that may cause ripples or conflicts to our relationship'

Shin: " baby, I saw someone at the restaurant..." she started

Jungye: "hmmm... who was it? " still focusing on their food and not even looking at her.

Shin: "ahmmmm... remember the guy who approached me from the seashore in Baler? The French guy... I saw him at the restaurant...and he asked for my contact details... I gave him."

Jungye suddenly froze and stared at the woman in front of him. His eyebrows creased as if he wants to strangle someone. "and then? what did he do next?"

Shin: "nothing, he just talked and then left when I got my order...that's all"

Jungye: " baby, I don't want you to feel that I am suffocating you or deciding which direction you will take for your life...just always remember that I trust you and you will not do something that will cause huge problems for our relationship."

Shin smiled lovingly at Jungye. 'ah this man... you are so adorable and loving'

Shin: " thank you for trusting me"


After they finished their food, they cleaned up and took a quick shower ready to sleep...again.

The past days are really exhausting for them. They keep on moving and traveling for longer distances and sleeping in the bus.

This is one of those nights that they can just simply rest on the bed and relax.