CHAPTER: .........NO TITLE...........!!

The girl looked bewitchingly beautiful with her innocent face and her big bazookas, she gave feeling to protect her.

Xiao Hei and Cao CongXue both became alert with the sudden appearance of a guest and soon relaxed when they saw it was a girl from one of academies but still they are vigilant against her.

The girl approached Hua Chang's group of three and said shyly " hello! My name is Su Mei and I'm from White Swan Academy . When I came to D-Grade zone I got lost and I don't know the way to executives ( instructors) camp...". When she said the last sentence her voice became very low from embarrassment.

Cao CongXue understood that Su Mei is strong from the way she survived alone after getting lost in the middle of D-Grade zone but she didn't like to team with others. So just when she was about to reject her by providing her one of their maps and some directions for a considerably safe way to instructors camp, Hua Chang said with a smile " We will help you to the instructors camp . you can come with us. We are all students of sector 71. That makes us friends of same sector and helping each other is basic for friends". When he finished that he didn't forget to glance at her front bulges.

When Cao congxue saw how Hua Chang transformed into a good Samaritan and his impolite looks to Su Mei she cursed internally that all men are same and subconsciously checked her chest.... She had to admit that even though she is more beautiful than su Mei ,she still lacks In that department.

Su Mei became happy after hearing Hua Chang and expressed her thanks shyly. Hua Chang then introduced his group to her and arranged an extra tent .

Even though Cao CongXue didn't like the new team member she couldn't say no after Hua Chang made a decision whom she obediently followed for almost a month.

After that they roamed in the middle region and hunted many beasts throughout the whole day. When it was around 8:00 pm they went to their respective tents to rest after having their dinner cooked by Hua Chang.

Night in the D-Grade zone is peaceful. It appeared much calmer than usual.

When it was around 8:30 PM someone entered Cao CongXue's tent. Cao CongXue just asked as if she already expected that person's arrival " why?".

Su Mei rather surprised at her direct question and said solemnly unlike a shy girl " Because someone assigned me to kill you.."

Cao CongXue just nodded her head as if it's something common and said " ok, let's fight..." Then she started using her ability 'Ice agglomeration' ( moisture present in the atmosphere can be converted to ice) to form thousands of Ice shards to attack. Even though the attack was a large scale one su Mei was surrounded by a barrier and no ice shards can break it. The tent ripped apart due to the after effect of the attack.

Su Mei just wanted to assassinate Cao congxue in silence and give her painless death because she sympathized with the sad life of a girl who is not even loved by her father and just a tool for their family but she didn't expect Cao congxue was wary of her even after acting goody-goody innocent all day. That made her curious to know her mistake in acting skills.

Su Mei asked curiously with a smile " when did you find that I'm acting?". Cao CongXue also stopped attacking when she found it is useless and said " no, I didn't find anything suspicious of your acting instead Hua Chang is acting strange from the moment of your arrival. He is not someone who follows you just because you have more fat on your chest".

Su Mei's mood worsened just from listening that her looks are not enough to deceive a male, all of whom she considered as horny dogs. Just from thinking the possibility of someone playing with her from the beginning of her act made her angry.

Suddenly her strength started increasing and soon it reached b-grade. She is one of the best assassins because of her special ability to conceal her strength from those of same grade strength and even higher grade strength. That is also the reason how she infiltrated White Swan Academy to join the camp.

When she is finally going to fight seriously with her full strength, Hua Chang came out of his tent and stood beside Cao congxue with an expressionless face which is completely different from the flattering face she has seen whole day...