The moment Jeffery's soul entered the woman's body, and went into the egg it was awakened. He looked around , only to see darkness. A day passed without, anything happening, but just him seeing pure darkness. Thus he decided, to think about why he was here, then he remembered what happened, and how stupidly he died.
He was not enraged, in fact he was embarrassed, dying by falling off a bed, a joke for the century.As someone who read a lot of novels, he could already guess what happened, but he still didn't know why, he was not in the underworld yet.
With nothing to do, he chose to cultivate, like he always did every night, except, this time there was something different. He felt, some type of energy gathering in the center of his stomach. Due to his knowledge, from novels, he immediately knew that this was Qi, but he did not know any cultivation methods. He then though of an idea, that was to use the Qi, to create a galaxy, inside of him, as this is one of the most broken ways of cultivating he read in novels.
The only problem is, he did not know, where to start, thus he gave up on the idea of making a galaxy, and instead, decided to make a solar system, starting with the sun. For a whole month he stayed there gathering qi, and trying to form it into a ball. At first it was extremely, hard, as the moment he stopped concentrating, it would dissipate.
It took him two weeks of trial and error, to compact the spirit energy into a ball, and even then it was only as big as a marble. It was then able to support itself and no longer, needed him to pay attention to it, and just stayed static. He then spent another week, of trail and error, to force the balls of spirit qi, to rotate, by it self at an extremely, fast pace. While it was rotating, the small amount of cosmic wind that was fused into his soul, all gathered and fused with the spinning qi ball in his stomach.
The moment, that happened, the ball started to rotate, at an even faster rate, to the point where a small hole was form in the blank space inside of his stomach. At the same time, the heavens trembled, and got extremely agitated, as if facing a great enemy. It began to search for the source of the fear, but to no avail. Somewhere outside of the galaxy where, Jeffery's soul is located, an extremely small hole, the same size as the one in Jeffery's stomach appeared there.
With no signs and warnings, it started to quietly absorb, the essence of the world there, at an extremely fast, pace, but due to the size of the hole, not a lot of essence could be swallowed, and even at speeds, millions of times faster than light it would take a year to get to Jeffery's stomach.
A week after the hole was formed, Jeffery suddenly got a familiar feeling, it was the feeling of having a body. Still, he could not open his eyes, though he could still feel, his body. Thus he decided to use his new found body to feel the marble Qi ball he created, for the moths before. Something, weird happened though, he could not see it, in his body, though he could feel it, he can still feel that connection, and still visualize it, but he could not see it in his body.
Thus, he continued, his habit of meditating, as he had nothing he could do but , this time, the Qi, started gathering, in his body, instead of his soul like before. This time, no matter how he tried, he could not compress it into a ball, and it would dissipate.
Thus he decided to send the Qi, he gathered into his body instead, of forming a ball with it.He remembered this as one of the ways of body tampering, in a novel novel he read before.
Since, his body was still a fetus, with no hard bones, or impurities, his body was able to quickly merge with the Qi. Just like this, months past, as Qi was slowly merging with his body and strengthening it.
Like this it was the final day of the 9 months, and he was ready to be born. A day later, he suddenly, felt like he was falling, the 2 soft hands grabbed his head and started to pull him.He did not struggle as he already noticed, long ago that he was a baby in someone stomach. He was then pulled out after a minute of the midwife, pulling him out.