Voldemort's Resurrection

Kai and Voldemort left the diary's world after the personality was destroyed. Kai woke up and saw that like the previous time with the ring he was in the exact same position as he had been when he had touched the diary.

He looked at Voldemort and saw that he was in the middle of absorbing the soul fragment from the diary. Kai left the study and saw Lucius waiting nervously outside the door.

When Lucius saw Kai, he looked up and asked him how he should Kai. Kai told him that he is to be called "Blood Lord." Kai asked how long they had stayed inside the study for and Lucius replied that they had stayed in the study for around 5 minutes.

Kai headed to the end of the well-decorated corridor to the staircase where he started to descend down the white marble stairs. After walking down a certain amount of stairs, Kai saw a group of people inside the lavish living room.

Kai saw a large round room that could easily house over 50 people, on the wall in front of the staircase there was a large painting of a wizard in classical robes. Kai guessed that he was the ancestor of the Malfoy family.

On the right side, there was a large glass stained window with many unique patterns delicately engraved. In addition to the window, there was also a white wooden table with a plant laid on top.

The wallpaper was a plain black coloured with white flowers patterns flowing freely around the entire room. The floor was made of jade white marble tiles.

On the left side of the living room was a fireplace with the flames gently flickering brightly. On top of the mantle, there was all kinds of achievements as well as the Malfoy family tree positioned proudly in the centre of the mantle.

While Kai was examining the living room, he saw that in the centre of the room there was a large black marble table with many seats surrounding it and sitting on some of the chairs were a group of 5 people who were talking to each other.

Kai was noticed by the people sitting at the table. As Kai walked over they all took out their wands and were in defensive stances, ready to attack should they need too.

Kai walked in a relaxed manner with two of his hands up in the air. "Who are you," one of the men said. He had a goatee, shoulder-length greasy black hair and small eyes, a tall and thin build with wrinkled dust ridden clothes.

Kai said to them "I was summoned here just like you otherwise how would I have entered here, the place under the Dark Lord's protection." The man didn't know what to say. On one hand, if he said he was an intruder it would mean that Kai had managed to get past Voldemort's defences, meaning that Kai was stronger than the dark lord. On the other hand, if he agreed with Kai, it meant that Kai really was summoned but he hadn't seen Kai at all.

The man looked at Kai begrudgingly and said nothing. Bellatrix who was identifiable due to her long black spider silk-like dress and her wild black hair asked Kai "Who are you I've never seen you before and I would remember if I ever saw someone like you." "Why thank you, my name is Kai Natasa and I was on a long mission for the Dark Lord until I received the summons and came here straight away. Now, don't you think that you all should introduce yourselves after I have."

"My name is Bellatrix Lestrange, the Dark Lord's most faithful follower.'' "Rodolphus Lestrange" the man who had previously questioned Kai said. "Rabastan Lestrange," the man next to Rodolphus said. "Barty Crouch Junior," said the man with the dirty blond hair. "And my names Narcissa Malfoy, the sister of Bellatrix and the wife of Lucius who you've probably seen upstairs."

During the next 10 minutes Kai got to know the members of the future Dark Lords' Court properly, so he could understand how loyal they were to Voldemort. The information Kai gained was attributed to his looks and appearance because the women opened to him much more easily than the men.

Kai sensed something happening upstairs and excused himself. He got to the study and saw Lucius standing nervously outside the door. Kai ignored him and entered the study, inside he saw Tom floating next to the table he was like a true ghost except for the fact that his spectral body from shins down was missing and was still mist.

This time when Kai looked at Tom's features he looked like he had inside the diary, a dashing young man in his late 20s. However, Kai knew that in reality, Voldemort was in his 60s. "Tom, how do you feel now?" Kai asked. " I feel much better, much more powerful," he said to Kai.

"Let's begin your resurrection, get the materials and we will begin," Kai said to Tom. "But I need many rare resources to get resurrected" Tom interrupted. "I'm sure the Malfoys have all of the materials."

"What do you need?" "my fathers bone, the flesh of a servant, blood of an enemy, a dragon's heart, a phoenix's beak…"

Kai was listening to the long list of materials and in the end just interjected " So you just need lots of materials that have lots of vitality inside of them, or just strength?" "I need materials with lots of strength."

"So, use one of my arms it will make your body stronger and more efficient, I'll get your father's bone while you begin the rudimentary body potion." He then realised that the bone was in Little Hangleton, then he cursed under his breath, when he realised that he would have to run back to the town he was in merely an hour ago.

Kai left to Little Hangleton and Voldemort left the room and told Malfoy in his spectral form to get the materials to create the rudimentary body potion. He called Bellatrix and told her to create the potion because she was the strongest and most powerful out of the wizards downstairs.

When Kai returned to the Manor he found that Voldemort was in rudimentary form, but his features were different from what was seen or told in the original series. He had a normal human face with none of the feature missing, his body didn't have any scale or any abnormal colours. He looked like a baby with an adult's face.

Kai told them that he had the materials, so they could start inserting the Voldemort into the cauldron. After Voldemort was put into the cauldron the cauldron changed to a black murky colour and started to bubble. Kai gave the bone to Bellatrix who inserted the bone into the cauldron. The cauldron turned into a dark blue poisonous colour and sparks started to fly out.

Kai gritted his teeth and ripped his hand off his body with a loud painful crack and told Bellatrix to say flesh of the progenitor instead of flesh of the servant. After the hand was put into the cauldron all the previous characteristics stopped and the liquid in the cauldron turned into a blood red colour that stayed still like a calm lake.

Kai could feel a faint link start between him and Tom who was still inside the cauldron. Then the potion started to disappear as it was absorbed by the growing figure that was rising rapidly from the cauldron.

After a few seconds, Kai could see the newly formed physical body of Voldemort stepping out of the cauldron. Everyone there(Kai, Bellatrix, Lucius and Voldemort himself) examined Voldemort's new body and saw that his current body was extremely pale- to the limits of a human's paleness. An albino. He grasped his wand that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and instantly summoned a black robe to cover his body. He still looked the same as he had when he was in his spectral body, with the same physical features.

The group of people with Kai and Voldemort leading walked towards the staircase and stopped, due to Kai asking an extremely important question. " Will the rest of the death eaters sense your resurrection?"